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File metadata and controls

235 lines (177 loc) · 8.84 KB

Design notes for the core module


Config file format

We need a system to configure the options used by the VR modules. There are a variety of file formats for config storage.

The basic requirements are:

  • Human readable. This rules out JSON, which is really for data serialisation and is unpleasant to read.
  • Allows comments. Again, JSON falls foul of this. There are commented extensions of JSON but we've already ruled it out on other grounds.
  • Allows deep nested config. Essentially, we want a config file to be able to specify - for example - plant.functional_types.max_height. This rules out INI files - this is kind of a shame because the configparser module handles these elegantly, but INI files only allow a single level of nesting. We could split up config files to ensure only one level is needed but that results in either having to reduce nesting or have odd and rather arbitrary sets of files.

At this point, the contenders are really yaml and toml. The yaml format is more widely used but the complexities of yaml mean that it has some unusual behaviour and security implications - there is a recommended safe_loader for example! So, for these reasons make use of the toml file format for configuration of the Virtual Ecosystem.

Configuration system

The config system should provide a way to:

  • load a config file into a dictionary: (config['plant']['functional_types']['max_height']
  • or possibly something like a dataclass for dotted notation: (config.plant.functional_types.max_height)
  • validate the config against some kind of template
  • It is likely that different configurations may re-use config subsections in different combinations, so the config system should be capable of loading configs from multiple files, so that a complete config can be built up or updated from multiple files, rather than having to compile a single monolithic file for each permutation.


The system should have:

  • A config_loader function to read a particular file, optionally validating it against a matching config template.
  • A central Config class, which can be built up using ConfigLoader.


We need a system for providing forcing data to the simulation. Although some forcing variables are likely to be module specific, it seems better to avoid having arbitrary locations and collect everything using configuration of

For the moment, let's assume a common NetCDF format for data inputs.

Spatial indices

Data is (always?) associated with a grid cell, so the system needs to be able to match data values to the cell id of grid cells. The following spatial indexing options seem useful (and all of these could add a time dimension):

Two dimensial spatial indexing

  • Simple indices (idx_x and idx_y) giving the index of a square grid. The data should match the configured grid size and only really works for square grids (it could just about work for a hex grid with alternate offsets!).
  • Standard x and y coordinates (or easting and northing). This would require matching the coordinates of the NetCDF data to the grid definition (origin and resolution) as well as the grid size. This again only really works for square grids.

One dimensional spatial indexing

  • Simply using a cell_id dimension in the NetCDF file to match data to grid cells. This is entirely agnostic about the grid shape - users just need to provide a dimension that covers all of the configure cell ids.

  • A mapping of particular attributes to sets of cells. The obvious use case here is habitat type style data - for example different soil bulk densities or plant communities. To unpack that a bit:

Defining mappings

A user can optionally configure mappings, which are loaded and validated before any other data. These have to use one of the methods that provides values to every cell, so either of the 2D approaches or using cell_id. So for example, the array below might define an arrangement of a gradient between different levels of forest cover: matrix to logged to forest.

values  = [['M', 'M', 'L'],
          ['L', 'L', 'F'],
          ['L', 'F', 'F']]

Then you could have a separate variable that uses that variable to map values per class onto the spatial grid. The config structure here is in no way fixed - it is the concept that matters!

values = {forest_cover.M=0.1, forest_cover.L=0.5, forest_cover.F=1.0}

These use one of the first three approaches above, which index individual cells, to provide the spatial layout of a categorical variable. For example, it could use x and y coordinates to map habitat with values forest, logged_forest and matrix.

When loading data, a variable could now use that mapping variable to unpack values for each of the three categories into cells.

These are configured as an array of tables to support multiple mappings:

file = '/path/to/'
var = "habitat"

Loading data

Once any mappings have been established, then the configuration defines the source file and variable name for required forcing variables. The dimension names are used to infer how to spatially index the data and we have a restricted set of dimension names that must be used to avoid ambiguity. We also need to have other reserved dimension names (for example, time, depth, height) but spatial indexing expects the following dimension names to define particular indexing approaches:

  • x, y: use coordinates to match data to cells,
  • idx_x, idx_y: just use indices to match data to cells,
  • cell_id: use cell ids,
  • Otherwise, the dimension should be a previously defined mapping.

If a variable only has a time or depth dimension, it is assumed to be spatially constant.

These are configured directly to defined input slots. The config should also accept values directly to avoid having to create NetCDF files with trivial variables.

file = '/path/to/'
var = "prec"

file = '/path/to/'
var = "temp"

values = 400

values = [[1,2,3], [2,3,4], [3,4,5]]

Data Generator

It seems useful to have a DataGenerator class that can be used via the configuration to provide random or constant data.

The basic idea would be something that defines:

  • a spatial structure,
  • a range or central value,
  • optionally some kind of variation,
  • optionally a time axis,
  • optionally some kind of cycle,
  • optionally some kind of probability of different states.

It would be good if these could be set via configuration but also use the same functionality to create a NetCDF output. That should effectively be the same as configuring the data generator with a set random number generator seed.

I think this can basically just use all the options of numpy.random, possibly with the inclusion of interpolation along a time dimension at a given interval if a time axis is present.

class DataGenerator:

    def __init__(
        spatial_axis: str,
        temporal_axis: str,
        temporal_interpolation: np.timedelta64,
        seed: Optional[int],
        method: str, # one of the numpy.random.Generator methods
        ) -> np.ndarray

The model I have in my head is based around the numpy.random methods .

A user could provide a scalar (so a global value) or an array (matching a spatial grid or mapping) that stipulates a method and keyword arguments. So here a DataGenerator might be:

# Global value varying as a normal distribution around 5
ex1 = DataGenerator(loc=5, scale=2, distribution='normal')
# A 2x2 grid with lognormal values with mean varying by cell, but constant variation.
 ex2 = DataGenerator(mean=[[5, 6], [7, 8]], sigma=2, distribution='lognormal')

More advanced would be providing a time series of values with variation. Here, you'd need a time axis giving the temporal location of the sampling points, which could be interpolated if necessary. So for example, a 2 x 2 grid with normally distributed values that increase in location and scale over a year.

loc = [[[1, 2],
        [3, 4]],
       [[2, 3],
        [4, 5]]]

scale = [[[1, 1],
          [1, 1]],
         [[1.2, 1.2],
          [1.2, 1.2]]]

time = ['2020-01-01', '2020-12-31']

ex3 = DataGenerator(loc = loc, scale=scale, method='normal', time=time, time_axis=2)

We could provide ways to provide sequences of generators to provide more complex scenarios or probabilistic switching between generators (El Niño years?). However, this could end up being a deep rabbit hole so at some point we should just say, if you want sufficiently complex scenarios, just roll your own NetCDF files! We could provide examples of that.