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197 lines (160 loc) · 8.18 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (160 loc) · 8.18 KB
cell_metadata_filter formats main_language text_representation
extension format_name format_version jupytext_version

Dynamic content using jupyter notebooks

Jupyter notebooks are a literate-programming format that allows text and runnable code to be combined in a single document. They provide the ability to write documentation pages that show the actual use of the virtual_ecosystem project along with outputs and figures. They are also an invaluable tool for sharing design and troubleshooting investigations. The Jupyter project provides many different tools for working with notebooks, including the main jupyter program and a browser-based notebook editor called jupyter-lab.

Running jupyter-lab

The poetry virtual environment for virtual_ecosystem is already setup to include jupyter and jupyter-lab, which is a browser-based application for editing and running notebooks. As that virtual environment also has the virtual_ecosystem package installed in development mode, a jupyter notebook running using this enviroment will be able to import and use virtual_ecosystem code from the active branch.

You can open jupyter-lab in a couple of ways. The simplest way is to use poetry run jupyter-lab from the terminal, but you can also open the notebook within VS Code use the Jupyter extension within VS Code. For this option, you will need to make sure that VS Code is using the right python environment. The information you will need is produced from poetry:

% poetry env list --full-path
/Users/dorme/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/virtual-ecosystem-Laomc1u4-py3.9 (Activated)

In VS Code, you then have to set the Python interpreter to the full path to the currently active poetry virtual environment:

  • View > Command Palette
  • Type interpreter and find 'Python: Select Interpreter'
  • Enter the full path from the poetry env list output.

Jupyter kernel setup

The jupyter system can be setup to run notebooks in a number of different languages and even different environments of the same language. Each option is setup as a kernel, which is basically a pointer to a particular programming environment or virtual environment. Each notebook should specify which kernel is to be used when executing any code, and we need to ensure two things.

  • The selected kernel needs to point to a virtual environment including the virtual_ecosystem package and dependencies, and
  • the kernel should be available consistently across supported Python versions, developer machines, GitHub runners used for testing and also within the ReadTheDocs build environment.

Fortunately, when poetry run or poetry shell are used, the jupyter kernels are updated to set the python3 kernel to point to the active poetry virtual environment. This ensures that Jupyter is invoked in the correct environment on all platforms. We can check this by running the following, which shows the python3 kernel pointing to the python3 kernel Virtual Ecosystem virtual environment: that path will vary between machines but poetry will ensure that the link is set correctly.

% poetry run jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
  ir                 /Users/dorme/Library/Jupyter/kernels/ir
  python3            /Users/dorme/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/virtual-ecosystem-In6MogPy-py3.11/share/jupyter/kernels/python3

Notebook formats

The default jupyter notebook format is the IPython Notebook (.ipynb suffix). This file uses the JSON format to store the text and code and a whole bunch of other metadata. However, the .ipynb format is not great for use in version control. The basic problem is that - although JSON files are text-based and are technically human-readable:

  • they contain irrelevant metadata - such as the number of times the notebook has been run - that will generate unneccessary commits.
  • they can contain output binary data - such as images - that may also have arbitrary changes.

There is a really neat summary of the problem here, along with a discussion of tools (e.g. nbdime and nbmerge) that help manage those changes in a more coherent way.

However, a simpler solution is to use plain text instead of JSON: we use notebooks written in the plain text MyST Markdown format. The jupytext extension then allows jupyter to load and run those files as notebooks. More broadly, jupytext is a really powerful tool for managing the content of Jupyter notebooks, including using markdown formats for notebooks.

Using jupytext

The jupytext package works as an extension running within Jupyter Lab, adding some commands to the jupyter-lab command palette, but also provides a command line tool with some really useful features.

To be used with jupytext, MyST Markdown files need to include a YAML preamble at the very top of the file. This is used to set document metadata about the Markdown variety and also code execution data like the jupyter kernel. This is where the python3 kernel name is set.

  cell_metadata_filter: -all
  formats: md:myst
  main_language: python
    extension: .md
    format_name: myst
    format_version: 0.13
    jupytext_version: 1.13.8
  display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
  language: python
  name: python3

If you already have a simple Markdown file then the commands below will insert this YAML header:

% jupytext --set-format md:myst
% jupytext --set-kernel python3

There is a downside to using Markdown notebooks. The .ipynb format includes the results of executing the notebook code, including Python code outputs and any graphics created in the code. GitHub knows how to render those outputs, so the page you see on GitHub includes the most recently committed code and graphics outputs. These outputs are not stored in Myst Markdown notebooks, so you only see the text and input code on GitHub.

In summary:

  • We only commit notebooks in MyST Markdown format
  • Notebooks should use the python3 kernel.
  • GitHub will render the markdown and code cells correctly but none of the executed outputs will be shown.
  • However, the notebooks will be executed by the sphinx documentation system, so fully rendered versions will be in the documentation website.
  • You can develop notebook content locally using jupyter-lab and run it to get outputs. You can also run sphinx to see how a notebook is rendered in the documentation.
  • The code in notebooks should not take a long time to run - these pages have to be built every time the documentation is built.

Notebook quality checking

All Myst Markdown content in a notebook will be checked using markdownlint when the file is committed to GitHub (see here). In addition, the following tools may be useful:

Using black with jupytext

Although jupytext does not do Markdown validation, it does allow black to be run on the code cells, so that the format of code in notebooks can be automatically formatted.

jupytext --pipe black

Note that this does not format Python code that is simply included in a Markdown cell - essentially text that is formatted as if it were Python code. It only formats code within a Jupyter notebook {code-cell} or {code-block} section.

The mdformat tool

The following tool is essentially `black` for Markdown files, which is great.
At the moment, although it handles MyST Markdown, it has not been extended to include
some extensions to MyST which we use. As a result, it can introduce errors. In the
future, we may be able to configure it to automatically tidy Markdown content.

This is an autoformatter for Markdown, with specific extensions to handle the Myst Markdown variety and the YAML frontmatter (mdformat-myst and mdformat-frontmatter). It is configured using .mdformat.toml, to set up line wrapping length and default list formatting.
