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File metadata and controls

165 lines (114 loc) · 6.6 KB


Install the bundle via composer

composer require indydevguy/maintenance-bundle

Register the bundle

You must register the bundle in your bundles.php file.

// config/bundles.php
return [
    Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    'IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\MaintenanceBundle' => ['all' => true],


you have several options for each driver.

Here is the complete configuration with a example of each pair of class / options.

The ttl (time to life) option is optional everywhere, it is used to indicate the duration in seconds that the site will be in maintenance mode.

        path: /path                               # Optional. Authorized path, accepts regexs
        host:                     # Optional. Authorized domain, accepts regexs
        ips: ['', '']       # Optional. Authorized ip addresses
        query: { foo: bar }                       # Optional. Authorized request query parameter (GET/POST)
        cookie: { bar: baz }                      # Optional. Authorized cookie
        route:                                    # Optional. Authorized route name
        attributes:                               # Optional. Authorized route attributes
        ttl: 3600                                 # Optional ttl option, can be not set

         # File driver
        class: '\IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\FileDriver'     # class for file driver
        options: {file_path: %kernel.root_dir%/../app/cache/lock}     # file_path is the complete path for create the file (Symfony < 3.0)
        options: {file_path: %kernel.root_dir%/../var/cache/lock}     # file_path is the complete path for create the file (Symfony >= 3.0)

         # Shared memory driver
        class: '\IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\ShmDriver'      # class for shared memory driver

         # MemCache driver
        class: IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\MemCacheDriver        # class for MemCache driver
        options: {key_name: 'maintenance', host:, port: 11211}  # need to define a key_name, the host and port

        # Database driver:
        class: 'IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\DatabaseDriver'      # class for database driver
        # Option 1 : for doctrine
        options: {connection: custom}                                      # Optional. You can choice an other connection. Without option it's the doctrine default connection who will be used
        # Option 2 : for dsn, you must have a column ttl type datetime in your table.
        options: {dsn: "mysql:dbname=maintenance;host:localhost", table: maintenance, user: root, password: root}  # the dsn configuration, name of table, user/password

    #Optional. response code and status of the maintenance page
        code: 503                                                                  # Http response code of Exception page
        status: "Service Temporarily Unavailable"                                  # Exception page title
        exception_message: "Service Temporarily Unavailable"                       # Message when Exception is thrown 

Bundle Commands

There are two commands to enable/disable maintenance mode:

idg_maintenance:lock [--set-ttl]

This command will enable maintenance mode according to your configuration. You can pass the maintenance mode time to life in a parameter, this does not with file driver.


This command will disable maintenance mode.

You can enable/disable maintenance mode without a warning message and interaction with:

idg_maintenance:lock --no-interaction
idg_maintenance:unlock --no-interaction

Or (with the optional ttl overwriting)

idg:maintenance:lock 3600 -n

Creating a custom 503 error page

In the listener, an exception is thrown when maintenance mode is enabled. This exception is a 'HttpException' (status 503 Service Unavailable).

In order to create a custom error page you need to create a new template (notice the template path):


Important Note

You must be using Twig and Symfony must be in production mode for the error page to show

Using with a Load Balancer

Some load balancers will monitor the status code of the http response to stop forwarding traffic to your nodes. If you are using a load balancer you may want to change the status code of the maintenance page to 200 so your users will still see something. You may change the response code of the status page from 503 by changing the response.code configuration.

Toggling maintenance mode

You can use the IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\DriverFactory service via Dependency Injection in your controllers or other services to toggle maintenance mode.

For example, controller action that toggles maintenance mode.

namespace Your\Controller\Namespace;

use IndyDevGuy\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\DriverFactory;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class YourController extends AbstractController
     * @Route("/maintenance/{action}", name="toggleMaintenanceMode")
    public function toggleAction(string $action, Request $request, DriverFactory $driverFactory):Response
        $driver = $driverFactory->getDriver();

        if ($action === 'lock') {
            $message = $driver->getMessageLock($driver->lock());
        } elseif ($action === 'unlock') {
            $message = $driver->getMessageUnlock($driver->unlock());
        } else {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException();

        $this->addFlash('warning', $message);

        return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('_demo'));

Warning: Make sure you have allowed IP addresses if you run maintenance from the backend, otherwise you will find yourself blocked on page 503.