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Linux and Docker Installation Guide
proget, installation, linux, docker

ProGet for Linux is available using our official Docker image. This set-up guide will also help you prepare to use Docker with ProGet, even on Windows.

Prerequisites {#prerequisites data-title="Prerequisites"}


Docker must be installed and the docker daemon running on your server. If you don't already have Docker installed, you can get installation instructions for your specific Linux distribution from Docker.

Once Docker is up and running, you are ready to continue. Note that Docker commands generally have to be issued by members of the docker group or with root/sudo privileges, so if you encounter errors with these commands make sure your account is in the docker group (adduser myusername docker and then log out and back in) or you are issuing them with the appropriate sudo/su depending on your configuration.


First, you'll need to create a network for the SQL Server and ProGet containers

docker network create proget

SQL Server Database

ProGet requires a SQL Server database. You can either host this database externally or simply use a SQL Server Docker image; it doesn't matter how it's hosted, as long as your ProGet instance can access it. For example, to start up a SQL Server container that you only intend to use with ProGet, use the command:

docker run --name proget-sql \
      -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=‹YourStrong!Passw0rd›' \
      -e 'MSSQL_PID=Express' --net=proget --restart=unless-stopped \

Note: This example specifies the free SQL Express edition. This is adequate for most ProGet installations, but you can use any other edition as well if you have the license for it.

Once you have a SQL Server instance up and running, you'll need to create an empty database. For example, to create a database called ProGet on the SQL Server instance running in the proget-sql container:

docker exec -it proget-sql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd \
   -S localhost -U SA -P '‹YourStrong!Passw0rd›' \

Note: You can create the database however you want, but to avoid issues make sure you specify its collation as SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.


You'll need to have a valid license key once you get ProGet up and running. You are welcome to use either a license key that you already have or request a new one from

Starting the ProGet Docker Image {#starting data-title="Starting the Container"}

The ProGet Docker image contains a web server and a background service. To get this image and start it, use the docker run command. If you'd like to just get started right away with our defaults, you can just use the command below as-is, or continue reading for an explanation on the arguments and how to provide additional configuration values.

docker run -d -v proget-packages:/var/proget/packages -p 80:80 --net=proget \
    --name=proget --restart=unless-stopped \
    -e SQL_CONNECTION_STRING='Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User ID=sa; Password=‹YourStrong!Passw0rd›' \<version>
-d Starts the container in detached mode. Without this argument, Docker will block your current terminal session and output ProGet's logs to your terminal.
--net=proget Putting the containers into a Docker network lets them see each other and prevents other Docker containers from accessing them.
--restart=unless-stopped Tells Docker to restart the container unless it is explicitly stopped using docker stop. This makes the container automatically restart after the host reboots.
-e SQL_CONNECTION_STRING=... The connection string for SQL Server. The value specified in the example here assumes you are using the proget-sql container. To connect to a different instance, just change this connection string to the appropriate value.
-v proget-packages:/var/proget/packages Persists ProGet's packages in the proget-packages Docker volume. Note that a Docker volume is essentially just a persistent, data-only container, and is the preferred mechanism for persisting data generated by a running Docker container. If you would prefer to mount a host file system directory directly instead, you may replace proget-packages with a host path, such as /var/proget/packages.
-p 80:80 Exposes TCP port 80 of the container to port 80 of the host, so that browsers can access the ProGet web application. If you don't want to use port 80, you can change the first port number to whatever you would like; make sure to change the BasedUrl in Admin > Advanced Settings if the ports aren't the same.
--name=proget Names the container proget so it can be easily referenced using other Docker commands. If you don't specify a name, Docker will generate one for you.<version> This is the repository and tag for ProGet. Just replace <version> with the appropriate ProGet release number. Note that downgrades will only work if there have been no database schema changes.

When the container is running, you should be able to browse to the ProGet web UI on the exposed port.

Upgrading to a new version {#upgrading data-title="Upgrading"}

docker stop proget

docker rename proget proget-old

docker pull<version>

docker run -d --volumes-from=proget-old \
    -p 80:80 --net=proget \
    --name=proget --restart=unless-stopped \
    -e SQL_CONNECTION_STRING='Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User ID=sa; Password=‹YourStrong!Passw0rd›' \<version>

docker rm proget-old

Troubleshooting {#troubleshooting data-title="Troubleshooting"}

If you aren't able to browse to the website, here's a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Run docker ps - this will display all of the currently running Docker containers. If you don't see ProGet listed, then the container isn't running and you can issue a docker logs proget command to display the log messages from when it last ran; there was most likely some kind of initialization error that prevented it from starting up.
  2. Run docker logs proget - this will display ProGet's log messages. Look for any error or warning messages for clues as to what's wrong.
  3. Make sure a firewall on the host server isn't blocking requests on the specified port.
  4. Run docker restart proget to stop the container and then restart it.

Stopping the Container

If you need to stop the ProGet container, the docker stop proget command should do it. You can determine if it is running with the docker ps command. To start the container after it has been created, use the docker start proget command.

HTTPS Support {#tls data-title="SSL/TLS Support"}

ProGet does not handle TLS termination. It is recommended that you use a third party reverse proxy to terminate TLS and forward requests to ProGet. This has the added benefit of allowing multiple websites and applications to be hosted on the same IP address.

Any HTTP reverse proxy can work, but four specific examples are provided below:

Caddy [Proxy]( [TLS](
nginx [Proxy]( [TLS](
Apache [Proxy]( [TLS](
HAProxy [Proxy]( [TLS](

Limitations and Known Issues {#limitations data-title="Limitations"}

Although ProGet's codebase is largely platform-independent, there are a few platform-specific features from the Windows version that had to be omitted:


  • Extension Management - Extensions can be installed from the ProGet web application just like on Windows installations, but the hosting Docker container must be manually restarted after the extensions are installed using a docker restart proget command.
  • NuGet Source Server - This requires the pdbstr.exe Windows binary, which will not run on Linux short of some kind of emulation layer like Wine.