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32 lines (21 loc) · 1.57 KB

File metadata and controls

32 lines (21 loc) · 1.57 KB

Unchained writeup

We have an application which signs a value that you send to it and stores it in the username cookie.

From the homepage we can guess that we need to have a cookie containing the "admin" value, but sadly the server rejects our request when we ask it to sign username="admin".

We also received some files with the challenge, from them we can tell that the server is running a django behind a nginx proxy (which also serves static files).

Here are our first vulnerability in the nginx.conf file:

# static files
location /static {
    alias /srv/app/static/;

the location value does not end with a / but the alias value does. Which means that if we query: then the location will match and will concatenate ../thing to the alias, which gives us this local file access: /srv/app/static/../thing

As we know the server is running a django application and we know where it is located (Dockerfile, uwsgi file etc..) We can download the file \o/

Which gives us the SECRET_KEY which is used during the signing process in django.

Next, we just have to generate a valid cookie for admin and our job is done. Please see exploit/exploit for the full exploit and signing process
