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File metadata and controls

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Matchers are provided as a way of asking whether a particular LibCST node and its children match a particular shape. It is possible to write a visitor that tracks attributes using visit_<Node> methods. It is also possible to implement manual instance checking and traversal of a node's children. However, both are cumbersome to write and hard to understand. Matchers offer a more concise way of defining what attributes on a node matter when matching against predefined patterns.

To accomplish this, a matcher has been created which corresponds to each LibCST node documented in :ref:`libcst-nodes`. Matchers default each of their attributes to the special sentinel matcher :func:`~libcst.matchers.DoNotCare`. When constructing a matcher, you can initialize the node with only the values of attributes that you are concerned with, leaving the rest of the attributes set to :func:`~libcst.matchers.DoNotCare` in order to skip comparing against them.

Matcher APIs


Matchers can be used either by calling :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` or :func:`~libcst.matchers.findall` directly, or by using various decorators to selectively control when LibCST calls visitor functions.

.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.matches
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.findall
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.extract
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.extractall
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.replace


The following decorators can be placed onto a method in a visitor or transformer in order to convert it into a visitor which is called when the provided matcher is true.

.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.visit
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.leave

The following decorators can be placed onto any existing visit_<Node> or leave_<Node> visitor, as well as any visitor created using either :func:`~libcst.matchers.visit` or :func:`~libcst.matchers.leave`. They control whether the visitor itself gets called or skipped by LibCST when traversing a tree. Note that when a visitor function is skipped, its children will still be visited based on the rules set forth in :ref:`libcst-visitors`. Namely, if you have a separate visit_<Node> visitor that returns False for a particular node, we will not traverse to its children.

.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.call_if_inside
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.call_if_not_inside

When using matcher decorators, your visitors must subclass from :class:`~libcst.matchers.MatcherDecoratableVisitor` instead of :class:`libcst.CSTVisitor`, and from :class:`~libcst.matchers.MatcherDecoratableTransformer` instead of :class:`libcst.CSTTransformer`. This is so that visitors and transformers not making use of matcher decorators do not pay the extra cost of their implementation. Note that if you do not subclass from :class:`~libcst.matchers.MatcherDecoratableVisitor` or :class:`~libcst.matchers.MatcherDecoratableTransformer`, you can still use the :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` function.

Both of these classes are strict subclasses of their corresponding LibCST base class, so they can be used anywhere that expects a LibCST base class. See :ref:`libcst-visitors` for more information.

.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.MatcherDecoratableVisitor
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.MatcherDecoratableTransformer

Traversal Order

Visit and leave functions created using :func:`~libcst.matchers.visit` or :func:`~libcst.matchers.leave` follow the traversal order rules laid out in LibCST's visitor :ref:`libcst-visitor-traversal` with one additional rule. Any visit function created using the :func:`~libcst.matchers.visit` decorator will be called before a visit_<Node> function if it is defined for your visitor. The order in which various visit functions which are created with :func:`~libcst.matchers.visit` are called is indeterminate, but all such functions will be called before calling the visit_<Node> method. Similarly, any leave function created using the :func:`~libcst.matchers.leave` decorator will be called after a leave_<Node> function if it is defined for your visitor. The order in which various leave functions which are created with :func:`~libcst.matchers.leave` are called is indeterminate, but all such functions will be called after calling the visit_<Node> function if it is defined for your visitor.

This has a few implications. The first is that if you return False from a visit_<Node> method, we are guaranteed to call your decorated visit functions as well. Second, when modifying a node in both leave_<Node> and a visitor created with :func:`~libcst.matchers.leave`, the original_node will be unchanged for both and the updated_node available to the decorated leave method will be the node that is returned by the leave_<Node> method. Chaining modifications across multiple leave functions is supported, but must be done with care.

Matcher Types

Concrete Matchers

For each node found in :ref:`libcst-nodes`, a corresponding concrete matcher has been generated. Each matcher has attributes identical to its LibCST node counterpart. For example, :class:`libcst.Expr` includes the value and semicolon attributes, and therefore :class:`libcst.matchers.Expr` similarly includes the same attributes. Just as :class:`libcst.Expr`'s value is typed as taking a :class:`libcst.BaseExpression`, :class:`libcst.matchers.Expr`'s value is typed as taking a :class:`libcst.matchers.BaseExpression`. For every node that exists in LibCST, both concrete and abstract, a corresponding matcher has been defined.

There are a few special cases to the rules laid out above. For starters, matchers don't support evaluating :class:`~libcst.MaybeSentinel`. There is no way to specify that you wish to match against a :class:`~libcst.MaybeSentinel` except with the :func:`~libcst.matchers.DoNotCare` matcher. This tends not to be an issue in practice because :class:`~libcst.MaybeSentinel` is only found on syntax nodes.

While there are base classes such as :class:`libcst.matchers.BaseExpression`, you cannot match directly on them. They are provided for typing purposes only in order to exactly match the types on LibCST node attributes. If you need to match on all concrete subclasses of a base class, we recommend using the special matcher :class:`~libcst.matchers.OneOf`.

.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.BaseMatcherNode

Special Matchers

Special matchers are matchers that don't have a corresponding LibCST node. Concrete matchers only match against their corresponding LibCST node, limiting their use under certain circumstances. Special matchers fill in the gap by allowing higher-level logic constructs such as inversion. You can use any special matcher in place of a concrete matcher when specifying matcher attributes. Additionally, you can also use the :class:`~libcst.matchers.AllOf` and :class:`~libcst.matchers.OneOf` special matchers in place of a concrete matcher when calling :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` or using decorators.

.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.OneOf
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.AllOf
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.TypeOf
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.DoesNotMatch
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.MatchIfTrue
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.MatchRegex
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.MatchMetadata
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.MatchMetadataIfTrue
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.SaveMatchedNode
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.DoNotCare

Sequence Wildcard Matchers

Sequence wildcard matchers are matchers that only get used when constructing a sequence to match against. Not all LibCST nodes have attributes which are sequences, but for those that do, sequence wildcard matchers offer a great degree of flexibility. Unlike all other matcher types, these allow you to match against more than one LibCST node, much like wildcards in regular expressions do.

LibCST does not implicitly match on partial sequences for you. So, when matching against a sequence you will need to provide a complete pattern. This often means using helpers such as :func:`~libcst.matchers.ZeroOrMore` as the first and last element of your sequence. Think of it as the difference between Python's re.match and re.fullmatch functions. LibCST matchers behave like the latter so that it is possible to specify sequences which must start with, end with or be exactly equal to some pattern.

.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.AtLeastN
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.ZeroOrMore
.. autoclass:: libcst.matchers.AtMostN
.. autofunction:: libcst.matchers.ZeroOrOne