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File metadata and controls

401 lines (292 loc) · 9.41 KB


CSTNode and its subclasses cover Python's full grammar in a whitespace-sensitive fashion, forming LibCST's concrete syntax tree.

Many of these nodes are designed to behave similarly to Python's abstract syntax tree.


The base node type which all other nodes derive from.

.. autoclass:: libcst.CSTNode


A node that represents an entire python module.

.. autoclass:: libcst.Module


An expression is anything that represents a value (e.g. it could be returned from a function). All expressions subclass from :class:`~libcst.BaseExpression`.

Expression can be parsed with :func:`~libcst.parse_expression` or as part of a statement or module using :func:`~libcst.parse_statement` or :func:`~libcst.parse_module`.

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseExpression

Names and Object Attributes

.. autoclass:: libcst.Name
.. autoclass:: libcst.Attribute

Operations and Comparisons

Operation and Comparison nodes combine one or more expressions with an operator.

.. autoclass:: libcst.UnaryOperation
.. autoclass:: libcst.BinaryOperation
.. autoclass:: libcst.BooleanOperation
.. autoclass:: libcst.Comparison
.. autoclass:: libcst.ComparisonTarget

Control Flow

.. autoclass:: libcst.Asynchronous
.. autoclass:: libcst.Await
.. autoclass:: libcst.Yield
.. autoclass:: libcst.From
.. autoclass:: libcst.IfExp

Lambdas and Function Calls

.. autoclass:: libcst.Lambda
.. autoclass:: libcst.Call
.. autoclass:: libcst.Arg

Literal Values

.. autoclass:: libcst.Ellipsis


.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseNumber
.. autoclass:: libcst.Integer
.. autoclass:: libcst.Float
.. autoclass:: libcst.Imaginary


.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseString
.. autoclass:: libcst.SimpleString
.. autoclass:: libcst.ConcatenatedString

Formatted Strings (f-strings)

.. autoclass:: libcst.FormattedString
.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseFormattedStringContent
.. autoclass:: libcst.FormattedStringText
.. autoclass:: libcst.FormattedStringExpression


Simple Collections

.. autoclass:: libcst.Tuple

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseList
.. autoclass:: libcst.List

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseSet
.. autoclass:: libcst.Set

Simple Collection Elements

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseElement
.. autoclass:: libcst.Element
.. autoclass:: libcst.StarredElement


.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseDict
.. autoclass:: libcst.Dict

Dictionary Elements

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseDictElement
.. autoclass:: libcst.DictElement
.. autoclass:: libcst.StarredDictElement


.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseComp
.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseSimpleComp

.. autoclass:: libcst.GeneratorExp
.. autoclass:: libcst.ListComp
.. autoclass:: libcst.SetComp
.. autoclass:: libcst.DictComp

.. autoclass:: libcst.CompFor
.. autoclass:: libcst.CompIf

Subscripts and Slices

.. autoclass:: libcst.Subscript
.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseSlice
.. autoclass:: libcst.Index
.. autoclass:: libcst.Slice
.. autoclass:: libcst.SubscriptElement

Parenthesis, Brackets, and Braces

.. autoclass:: libcst.LeftParen
.. autoclass:: libcst.RightParen

.. autoclass:: libcst.LeftSquareBracket
.. autoclass:: libcst.RightSquareBracket

.. autoclass:: libcst.LeftCurlyBrace
.. autoclass:: libcst.RightCurlyBrace


Statements represent a "line of code" or a control structure with other lines of code, such as an :class:`~libcst.If` block.

All statements subclass from :class:`~libcst.BaseSmallStatement` or :class:`~libcst.BaseCompoundStatement`.

Statements can be parsed with :func:`~libcst.parse_statement` or as part of a module using :func:`~libcst.parse_module`.

Simple Statements

Statements which at most have expressions as child attributes.

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseSmallStatement
.. autoclass:: libcst.AnnAssign
.. autoclass:: libcst.Assert
.. autoclass:: libcst.Assign
.. autoclass:: libcst.AugAssign
.. autoclass:: libcst.Break
.. autoclass:: libcst.Continue
.. autoclass:: libcst.Del
.. autoclass:: libcst.Expr
.. autoclass:: libcst.Global
.. autoclass:: libcst.Import
.. autoclass:: libcst.ImportFrom
.. autoclass:: libcst.Nonlocal
.. autoclass:: libcst.Pass
.. autoclass:: libcst.Raise
.. autoclass:: libcst.Return

Compound Statements

Statements that have one or more statement blocks as a child attribute.

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseCompoundStatement
.. autoclass:: libcst.ClassDef
.. autoclass:: libcst.For
.. autoclass:: libcst.FunctionDef
.. autoclass:: libcst.If
.. autoclass:: libcst.Try
.. autoclass:: libcst.While
.. autoclass:: libcst.With

Helper Nodes

Nodes that are used by various statements to represent some syntax, but are not statements on their own and cannot be used outside of the statements they belong with.

.. autoclass:: libcst.Annotation

.. autoclass:: libcst.AsName
.. autoclass:: libcst.AssignTarget
.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseAssignTargetExpression
.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseDelTargetExpression
.. autoclass:: libcst.Decorator
.. autoclass:: libcst.Else
.. autoclass:: libcst.ExceptHandler
.. autoclass:: libcst.Finally
.. autoclass:: libcst.ImportAlias
.. autoclass:: libcst.NameItem

.. autoclass:: libcst.Parameters
.. autoclass:: libcst.Param
.. autoclass:: libcst.ParamSlash
.. autoclass:: libcst.ParamStar

.. autoclass:: libcst.WithItem

Statement Blocks

Nodes that represent some group of statements.

.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseSuite
.. autoclass:: libcst.SimpleStatementLine
.. autoclass:: libcst.SimpleStatementSuite
.. autoclass:: libcst.IndentedBlock


Nodes that are used to signify an operation to be performed on a variable or value.

Unary Operators

Nodes that are used with :class:`~libcst.UnaryOperation` to perform some unary operation.

.. autoclass:: libcst.Plus

In addition, :class:`~libcst.BaseUnaryOp` is defined purely for typing and isinstance checks.

Boolean Operators

Nodes that are used with :class:`~libcst.BooleanOperation` to perform some boolean operation.

.. autoclass:: libcst.Or

In addition, :class:`~libcst.BaseBooleanOp` is defined purely for typing and isinstance checks.

Binary Operators

Nodes that are used with :class:`~libcst.BinaryOperation` to perform some binary operation.

.. autoclass:: libcst.Subtract

In addition, :class:`~libcst.BaseBinaryOp` is defined purely for typing and isinstance checks.

Comparison Operators

Nodes that are used with :class:`~libcst.Comparison` to perform some comparison operation.

.. autoclass:: libcst.LessThanEqual

.. autoclass:: libcst.NotEqual

.. autoclass:: libcst.NotIn

In addition, :class:`~libcst.BaseCompOp` is defined purely for typing and isinstance checks.

Augmented Assignment Operators

Nodes that are used with :class:`~libcst.AugAssign` to perform some agumented assignment.

.. autoclass:: libcst.SubtractAssign

In addition, :class:`~libcst.BaseAugOp` is defined purely for typing and isinstance checks.


Miscelaneous nodes that are purely syntactic trivia. While python requires these nodes in order to parse a module, statement or expression they do not carry any meaning on their own.

.. autoclass:: libcst.AssignEqual
.. autoclass:: libcst.Colon
.. autoclass:: libcst.Comma
.. autoclass:: libcst.Dot
.. autoclass:: libcst.ImportStar
.. autoclass:: libcst.Semicolon


Nodes that encapsulate pure whitespace.

.. autoclass:: libcst.Comment
.. autoclass:: libcst.EmptyLine
.. autoclass:: libcst.Newline
.. autoclass:: libcst.ParenthesizedWhitespace
.. autoclass:: libcst.SimpleWhitespace
.. autoclass:: libcst.TrailingWhitespace
.. autoclass:: libcst.BaseParenthesizableWhitespace

Maybe Sentinel

.. autoclass:: libcst.MaybeSentinel