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Code-generation based on a device

In numba-dppy, kernels are written in a device-agnostic fashion making it easy to write portable code. A kernel is compiled for the device on which the kernel is enqueued to be executed. The device is specified using a dpctl.device_context context manager. In the following example, two versions of the sum kernel are compiled, one for a GPU and another for a CPU based on which context the function was invoked. Currently, numba-dppy supports OpenCL CPU and GPU devices and Level Zero GPU devices. In future, compilation support may be extended to other type of SYCL devices that are supported by DPC++'s runtime.

import numpy as np
import numba_dppy, numba_dppy as dppy
import dpctl

    def sum(a, b, c):
    i = dppy.get_global_id(0)
    c[i] = a[i] + b[i]

a = np.array(np.random.random(20), dtype=np.float32)
b = np.array(np.random.random(20), dtype=np.float32)
c = np.ones_like(a)

with dpctl.device_context("level_zero:gpu"):
    sum[20, dppy.DEFAULT_LOCAL_SIZE](a, b, c)

with dpctl.device_context("opencl:cpu"):
    sum[20, dppy.DEFAULT_LOCAL_SIZE](a, b, c)

Automatic offload of NumPy expressions

A key distinction between numba-dppy and other the GPU backends in Numba is the ability to automatically offload specific data-parallel sections of a Numba jit function.

.. todo::

    Details and examples to be added.

Controllable Fallback

By default, if a section of code cannot be offloaded to the GPU, it is automatically executed on the CPU and warning is printed. This behavior is only applicable to jit functions, auto-offloading of NumPy calls, array expressions and prange loops. To disable this functionality and force code running on GPU set the environment variable NUMBA_DPPY_FALLBACK_OPTION to false (e.g. export NUMBA_DPPY_FALLBACK_OPTION=0). In this case the code is not automatically offloaded to the CPU and errors occur if any.

Offload Diagnostics

Setting the debug environment variable NUMBA_DPPY_OFFLOAD_DIAGNOSTICS (e.g. export NUMBA_DPPY_OFFLOAD_DIAGNOSTICS=1) provides emission of the parallel and offload diagnostics information based on produced parallel transforms. The level of detail depends on the integer value between 1 and 4 that is set to the environment variable (higher is more detailed). In the "Auto-offloading" section there is the information on which device (device name) this parfor or kernel was offloaded.