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File metadata and controls

1302 lines (1187 loc) · 37.8 KB


Sponsors: MoPub, Chartboost, PubMatic, Digital Turbine (formerly Fyber), Magnite (formerly Rubicon Project)

Document verison support: SKAdNetwork versions 2.0 to 4.0. Support for newer versions will be brought up for consideration within the IAB TL Programmatic working group subcommittee.


The IAB Tech Lab has introduced technical specifications aimed at adapting Apple’s SKAdNetwork, a method for validating advertiser app installations, for programmatic ad buying. The OpenRTB object extensions, APIs and file formats described in this document together enable the advertising ecosystem to communicate and manage the information needed to use the SKAdNetwork capabilities in iOS 14 and above.

The following are the updates provided in this document

  1. A SKAdNetwork extension to support programmatic buying
    • Bid Request extension (BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn)
    • Bid Response extension (
  2. A Device extension (BidRequest.device.ext) to support IDFV and authorization status
  3. IABTL managed SKAdNetwork list
  4. Guidance for app developers to help manage their Info.plists and work with various SDKs.

SKAdNetwork Extension

Participant responsibilities

The responsibilities of each participant when using the SKAdNetwork specifications are as follows.

IABTL responsibilities are to:

  1. Organize SKAdNetwork IDs as well as define an automated self-serve registration process
    • Will not validate the ID with Apple, but will verify that the domain matches the domain of the verified email address of the submitter. Will also provide an offline/non-automated process in case the email domain is different.
    • IABTL will lowercase all received SKAdNetwork IDs upon appending to the master list
  2. Perform releases in batches at "x" cadence to ensure as many partners publishers have the most up-to-date lists
    • List should be in both JSON and XML formats to allow publishers to build to the IABTL list as well as other lists
  3. Assign a permanent ID for each registered SKAdNetwork ID
    • Each registrant may have more than one SKAdNetwork ID. In this scenario, each SKAdNetwork ID will be assigned its own unique IABTL ID
  4. Provide a tool for publishers to build their Info.plist files and express IABTL signaling from various URLs and / or raw SKAdNetwork ID (Tool available at

SSP/SDK responsibilities are to:

  1. Provide publishers with access to their buying entities SKAdNetwork IDs through a publicly hosted lists on their own business domain
  2. Support OpenRTB extension objects: BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn & BidResponse.imp.ext.skadn
  3. Provide signed ads to the source app by calling loadProduct() with the appropriate data returned on the bid response

DSP/intermediary/buying entities responsibilities are to:

  1. Provide SKAdNetwork IDs to each supply partner and register on the IAB Tech Lab list at
  2. Support OpenRTB extension objects: BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn & BidResponse.imp.ext.skadn
  3. Determine if their entity is eligible for attribution postbacks
  4. Return all necessary signed parameters to SSP/SDK to facilitate ad signatures and receive install validation postbacks at endpoint established during SKAdNetwork registration with Apple

Publishers/source app’s responsibilities are to:

  1. Add the ad network’s ID to its Info.plist in all lower case characters.
  2. Update Info.plist with new entries added to the IAB Tech Lab / SSP / SDK publicly hosted lists when publishing new app versions to the App Store
  3. Supply the supported versions, raw skadnetids, IABTL max and / or excl to the SSP / SDK on the device at runtime

Regulatory Guidance

OpenRTB implementations will need to ensure compliance on every transaction with all applicable regional legislation.

Bid Request

Object: BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn

If a DSP has at least one SKAdNetworkItem in the publisher app’s Info.plist we would include a new object in the bid request that provides the necessary information to create a signature. Object would only be present if both the SSP SDK version and the OS version (iOS 14.0+) support SKAdNetwork.

Attribute Description Type Example
versions Array of strings containing the supported skadnetwork versions. Always "2.0" or higher. Dependent on both the OS version and the SDK version. array of strings "versions": ["2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "3.0", "4.0"]
version Version of skadnetwork supported. Always "2.0" or higher. Dependent on both the OS version and the SDK version.

Note: With the release of SKAdNetwork 2.1, this field is deprecated in favor of the BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.versions to support an array of version numbers.
string "version": "2.0"
sourceapp ID of publisher app in Apple’s App Store. Should match app.bundle in OpenRTB 2.x and app.storeid in AdCOM 1.x string "sourceapp": "880047117"
skadnetids A subset of SKAdNetworkItem entries in the publisher app’s Info.plist, expressed as lowercase strings, that are relevant to the bid request. Recommended that this list not exceed 10.

Note:BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetlist.addl is the preferred method to express raw SKAdNetwork IDs.
array of strings "skadnetids": ["cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork", "qyjfv329m4.skadnetwork"]
skadnetlist Object containing the IABTL list definition object "skadnetlist": { "max":306, "excl":[2,8,10,55] }
productpage Custom Product Page support. See Apple's Custom Product Page doc for details. integer "productpage": 1
skoverlay SKOverlay support. If set, SKOverlay is supported. integer "skoverlay": 1
ext Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. object "ext": {}

Object: BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetlist

IABTL skadnetwork object list attributes.

Attribute Description Type Example
max IABTL list containing the max entry ID of SKAdNetwork ID. Format will be: "max entity ID" where 306 in the example on the right will be all SKAdNetwork IDs entry number 306 and below. integer "max":306
excl Comma separated list of integer IABTL registration IDs to be excluded from IABTL shared list. array of integers "excl": [44,14,18]
addl Comma separated list of string SKAdNetwork IDs, expressed as lowercase strings, not included in the IABTL shared list. The intention of addl is to be the permanent home for raw SKAdNetwork IDs, migrating away from BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetids. Recommended that this list not exceed 10. array of strings "addl": ["cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork", "qyjfv329m4.skadnetwork"]
ext Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. object "ext":{}


Used for direct SSP to DSP connections where a DSP wants to only consume their own relevant SKAdNetwork IDs.

  "imp": [
      "ext": {
        "skadn": {
          "versions": ["2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "3.0", "4.0"],
          "sourceapp": "880047117",
          "productpage": 1,
              "addl": [
          "skoverlay": 1

Bid Response

If the bid request included the BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn object, then a DSP could choose to add the following object to their bid response. Please refer to Apple’s documentation for submitting the correctly formatted values. If the object is present in the response, then SSP would submit the click data and signature to loadProduct() for attribution.

Note: Due to breaking changes introduced by Apple in SKAdNetwork v2.2 to support View Through Attribution and fidelity-type, several structural changes to the bid response were required to support multiple fidelity types.


Attribute Description Type Example
version Version of SKAdNetwork desired. Must be 2.0 or above. string "version": "4.0"
network Ad network identifier used in signature. Should match one of the items in the skadnetids array in the request string "network": "cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork"
sourceidentifier A four-digit integer that ad networks define to represent the ad campaign. Used in SKAdNetwork 4.0+, replaces Campaign ID `campaign`. DSPs must generate signatures in 4.0+ using the Source Identifier. Please refer to the SKAdNetwork 4 release notes for more details. string "sourceidentifier": "4321"
campaign Campaign ID compatible with Apple’s spec. As of 2.0, should be an integer between 1 and 100, expressed as a string.

Note: Used in SKAdNetwork 3.0 and below. Replaced by Source Identifier sourceidentifier in 4.0 and above
string "campaign": "45"
itunesitem ID of advertiser’s app in Apple’s app store. Should match string "itunesitem": "123456789"
productpageid Custom Product Page ID (UUID) string "productpageid": "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6e"
fidelities Supports multiple fidelity types introduced in SKAdNetwork v2.2 object array "fidelities": [ { "fidelity": 0, "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzK…", "nonce": "473b1a16…", "timestamp": "1594406341" } ]
nonce An id unique to each ad response. Refer to Apple’s documentation for the proper UUID format requirements

Note: With the release of SKAdNetwork v2.2, this field is deprecated in favor of the to support multiple fidelity-types.
string "nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7"
sourceapp ID of publisher’s app in Apple’s app store. Should match BidRequest.imp.ext.skad.sourceapp string "sourceapp": "880047117"
timestamp Unix time in millis string used at the time of signature

Note: With the release of SKAdNetwork 2.2, this field is deprecated in favor of the to support multiple fidelity-types.
string "timestamp": "1594406341232"
signature SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple

Note: Apple requires that both the ad network nonce and ad network identifier be lowercase when signing for either fidelity type (impressions or clicks), as per SKAdNetwork specifications.

Note: With the release of SKAdNetwork 2.2, this field is deprecated in favor of the to support multiple fidelity-types.
string "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzK…"
skoverlay SKOverlay support. object "skoverlay": {"delay": 5, "endcarddelay": 0, "dismissible": 0, "pos": 1}
ext Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. object "ext": {}


Fields that should have different values for the different fidelity types (e.g. fidelity, nonce, signature) are wrapped into an array of objects.

Note: Adding timestamp to this list allows bidders to parallelize the cryptography portions of creating their bid response when supporting multiple fidelities. The same timestamp can be used across fidelities if desired but this move provides bidders with greater implementation flexiblity.

Attribute Description Type Example
fidelity The fidelity-type of the attribution to track integer "fidelity": 0
nonce An id unique to each ad response. Refer to Apple’s documentation for the proper UUID format requirements string "nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7"
timestamp Unix time in millis string used at the time of signature string "timestamp": "1594406341"
signature SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple string "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzK…"
ext Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. object "ext": {}

Note: Apple also introduced adtype, addescription, and adpurchasername for fidelity-type 0 in v2.2. Until more clarity is provided by Apple about their use, these APIs have been intentionally omitted from the SKAdNetwork Extension.


Presents an SKOverlay StoreKit Ad during an ad experience using the SKOverlay.AppConfiguration Storekit API.

Attribute Description Type Example
delay Delay before presenting the SKOverlay in seconds. If set to 0, the overlay will be shown immediately. If this field is not set, the overlay will not be shown. integer "delay": 0
endcarddelay Delay before presenting the SKOverlay on an endcard in seconds. If set to 0, the overlay will be shown immediately. If this field is not set, the overlay will not be shown. integer "endcarddelay": 0
dismissible Whether the overlay can be dismissed by the user, where 0 = no, 1 = yes integer "dismissible": 0
pos Position of the Overlay. 0 = bottom, 1 = bottomRaised integer "pos": 1
ext Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. object "ext": {}

Example v4.0

  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "ext": {
            "skadn": {
              "version": "4.0",
              "network": "cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork",
              "sourceidentifier": "4321",
              "itunesitem": "123456789",
              "sourceapp": "880047117",
              "productpageid": "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6e",
              "fidelities": [
                  "fidelity": 0,
                  "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUXg==",
                  "nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7",
                  "timestamp": "1594406341"
                  "fidelity": 1,
                  "signature": "GRlMDktMmE5Zi00ZGMzLWE0ZDEtNTQ0YzQwMmU5MDk1IiwKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgInRpbWVzdGTk0NDA2MzQyIg==",
                  "nonce": "e650de09-2a9f-4dc3-a4d1-544c402e9095",
                  "timestamp": "1594406342"
                "delay": 5,
                "endcarddelay": 0,
                "dismissible": 1,
                "pos": 1

Example v2.2

  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "ext": {
            "skadn": {
              "version": "2.2",
              "network": "cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork",
              "campaign": "45",
              "itunesitem": "123456789",
              "sourceapp": "880047117",
              "productpageid": "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6e",
              "fidelities": [
                  "fidelity": 0,
                  "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUXg==",
                  "nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7",
                  "timestamp": "1594406341"
                  "fidelity": 1,
                  "signature": "GRlMDktMmE5Zi00ZGMzLWE0ZDEtNTQ0YzQwMmU5MDk1IiwKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgInRpbWVzdGTk0NDA2MzQyIg==",
                  "nonce": "e650de09-2a9f-4dc3-a4d1-544c402e9095",
                  "timestamp": "1594406342"

Example v2.0

  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "ext": {
            "skadn": {
              "version": "2.0",
              "network": "cdkw7geqsh.skadnetwork",
              "campaign": "45",
              "itunesitem": "123456789",
              "nonce": "473b1a16-b4ef-43ad-9591-fcf3aefa82a7",
              "sourceapp": "880047117",
              "timestamp": "1594406341232",
              "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUXg=="

Loss Reason Code

Bid responses that contain invalid or malformed SKAdNetwork extensions may be rejected. This rejection can be communicated in loss notifications (lurl) using Loss Reason Code 214.

Value Definition
214 Creative Filtered - Invalid SKAdNetwork

SKAdNetwork Support Flow

iOS 14 SKAdNetwork Flowchart

Flow diagram of SSP SDK’s SKAdNetwork support. Objects in blue have a change required to pre-iOS-14 ad flows.

  1. SSP SDK retrieves the SKAdNetworkItems from the publisher app’s Info.plist
  2. SDK makes ad request to ad server including SKAdNetworkItems
  3. SSP determines from Info.plist which DSPs have SKAdNetwork capabilities. Bid request to eligible DSPs includes the imp.ext.skadn object, defined above
  4. DSP responds, including if the campaign requires SKAdNetwork support
  5. Ad response to SDK includes skadn object
  6. If the impression is shown and the user clicks, SSP calls loadProduct() with the appropriate data, including the DSP-signed signature. If valid, Apple will consider the app for install attribution
  7. Target app must register that user for SKAdNetwork attribution on app launch.
  8. (Optional). Target app can choose to provide an additional 6 bits of conversion value information.
  9. If SKAdNetwork determines that the DSP’s click led to the install, Apple will send a postback to the DSP’s registered endpoint with the ids of the source app, target app and campaign, and conversion value if provided by the target app.

Device Extension

Bid request

Object: BidRequest.device.ext

If the IDFA is not available, DSPs require an alternative, limited-scope identifier in order to provide basic frequency capping functionality to advertisers. The IDFV is the same for apps from the same vendor but different across vendors. Please refer to Apple's Guidelines for further information about when it can be accessed and used.

DSPs may also want to understand what is the status of a user on iOS 14+. The atts field will pass the AppTrackingTransparency Framework's authorization status.

Attribute Description Type Example
atts (iOS Only) An integer passed to represent the app's app tracking authorization status, where
0 = not determined
1 = restricted
2 = denied
3 = authorized
integer "atts": 3
ifv IDFV of the device in that publisher. Listed as ifv to match ifa field format. string "ifv": "336F2BC0-245B-4242-8029-83762AB47B15"


  "device": {
    "ext": {
      "atts": 2,
      "ifv": "336F2BC0-245B-4242-8029-83762AB47B15"

DNT, LMT and App Tracking Transparency Guidance

(Pending iOS 14 Golden Master) For iOS 14 and above, the 'DNT' and 'LMT' parameters will be informed by the 'ATTS' status, where

  • "DNT" or "LMT" = 1 when "ATTS" = 0, 1, 2
  • "LMT" or "DNT" = 0 when "ATTS" = 3

IABTL managed SKAdnetwork ID list

The IABTL managed list of SKAdNetwork IDs is available at, and is intended to address the communication of large lists across complex programmatic supply chains where the use of skadnetids is not feasible.

  • IABTL SKAdNetwork ID List is used to transmit a range of IDs supported by an IAB Tech Lab SKAdNetwork ID List up to the max ID. This list would serve a similar purpose that the TCF 2.0 Global Vendor List serves to identify common IDs in a compact range. Primary use case is "intermediary" SSP to SSP to DSP integrations where sending a subset of IDs is not feasible.

"IABTL SKAdNetwork ID List" is a common list of networks, DSPs, Advertisers and others who support Apple’s SKAdNetwork API. This list would serve a similar purpose that the TCF 2.0 Global Vendor List serves to identify common IDs in a compact range. It can be used in addition to the distributed lists supplied by SSPs and Networks or in place of those.

In the IABTL list model, the total list of SKAdNetworks on a device should be the union of the IABTL list and raw SKAdNetworks IDs supplied in the bid stream minus those in the exclude list

IABTL SKAdNetwork ID Format

This list would use the same format as the SKANetwork ID Lists for App Developers with the possible addition of an "id" field for the JSON metadata that would autoincrement for each added SKAdNetwork ID. The details of how this list would be maintained (pull requests / submission, who would check and approve etc) are yet to be determined. We would like to first get feedback on the need for (and arguments against) such a centralized list.


  "company_name": "IAB Tech Lab",
  "company_address": "116 East 27th Street, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10016",
  "company_domain": "",
  "skadnetwork_ids": [
      "id": 1,
      "entity_name": "DSP1",
      "entity_domain": "",
      "skadnetwork_id": "4fzdc2evr5.skadnetwork",
      "creation_date": "2020-08-21T00:00:00Z"
      "id": 2,
      "entity_domain": "",
      "skadnetwork_id": "v72qych5uu.skadnetwork",
      "creation_date": "2020-08-25T00:00:00Z"

SKAdNetwork ID Lists for App Developers

SKAdNetwork ID Lists is a list of SKAdNetwork IDs published by a hosting company (e.g. SSP/SDK). App developers who work with the hosting company should use this file when generating a consolidated list of SKAdNetwork IDs to include in their app’s Info.plist file. For convenience, the SKAdNetwork IDs are provided in both XML and JSON formats. See each format for details and use cases.

Warning: SKAdNetwork IDs should be stored on the device (in info.plist) as lowercase even if received in upper case or mixed case characters. Failure to do so can result in postbacks to not occur, potentially causing a loss in revenue as advertiers shift spend away from inventory that does not result in any attribution.

URL Path

Hosting companies should publish the SKAdNetwork ID files at the following locations:


If the server response indicates an HTTP/HTTPS redirect (301, 302, 307 status codes), entities should follow the redirect and consume the data as authoritative for the source of the redirect. Multiple redirects are valid.


The XML uses Apple’s Info.plist format. This provides developers with SKAdNetwork IDs in the exact SKAdNetworkItems array format for easy copy/paste into their Info.plist file.

File Format

All data in the file is serialized using XML (Extensible Markup Language)


Please refer to Apple documentation for details.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


The JSON provides developers with additional metadata about the SKAdNetwork IDs that they will add to the Info.plist SKAdNetworkItems array. Helpful data like the entity name will ensure app developers know who the owners of each SKAdNetwork ID.

File Format

All data in the file is serialized using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)


Object: Parent top-level object
Attribute Description Type Example
company_name Name describing the hosting company string (recommended) SSP
company_address The business address of the hosting company string SSP, 1234 Advertising Lane, San Francisco, CA 94121
company_domain The business website of the hosting company string (required)
skadnetwork_ids List of SKAdNetwork IDs object array (required) [{ "entity_name": "DSP1", "entity_domain": "", "skadnetwork_id": "4fzdc2evr5.skadnetwork", "creation_date": "2020-08-21T00:00:00Z" }]
Object: skadnetwork_ids
Attribute Description Type Example
entity_name Name of entity with SKAdNetwork ID string (recommended) DSP Name
entity_domain Domain of the entity with SKAdNetwork ID. For joint SKAdNetwork ID, entity owning Apple Developer account should be listed (this field may not be unique) string (recommended)
skadnetwork_id SKAdNetwork ad network ID (this field should be unique) string (required) 4gwi8v3kwu.skadnetwork
creation_date Date entity(s) added to JSON file String in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ) 2020-08-21T00:00:00Z


  "company_name": "SSP",
  "company_address": "SSP, address, country",
  "company_domain": "",
  "skadnetwork_ids": [
      "entity_name": "DSP1",
      "entity_domain": "",
      "skadnetwork_id": "4fzdc2evr5.skadnetwork",
      "creation_date": "2020-08-21T00:00:00Z"
      "entity_name": "MMP1",
      "entity_domain": "",
      "skadnetwork_id": "v72qych5uu.skadnetwork",
      "creation_date": "2020-08-25T00:00:00Z"

SDK Guidance

SDKs and/or app developers are encouraged to develop scripts to automate the process of retrieving the SKAdNetwork IDs from each SDK partner by parsing either the XML or JSON files to generate a complete list of IDs for their app’s Info.plist file. To aid in that process of ID retrieval from each SDK partner, include a file in your SDK named SKAdNetworks (with no extension), with each line in the file pointing to a publicly available SKAdNetworks.xml or SKAdNetworks.json.



  • [11/11/2023]
    • Added support for SKOverlay in the Bid Request and Bid Response.
  • [11/16/2022]
    • Updated for v4.0
    • Added sourceidentifier string to support SKAdNetwork 4.0 in the Bid Response.
    • Deprecated campaign, use sourceidentifier in 4.0
    • Added updated examples for 4.0 in Bid Request and Bid Response examples.
  • [10/19/2022]
    • Added productpage for Bid Requests and productpageid for Bid Responses to support Apple's Custom Product Page
  • [03/01/2021]
    • Updated for v2.2
    • Added fidelities object array to support multiple fidelity types in the Bid Response.
    • signature, nonce and timestamp moved to fidelities and deprecated root skadn versions of the values.
    • Added fidelity within fidelities
    • Removed Version Compatibility since IABTL approved of that proposal.
  • [02/01/2021]
    • Updated for v2.1
    • Added versions for Bid Requests and deprecated version
    • Add guidance for lowercasing values based on Apple clarifications
  • [11/02/2020]
    • Added skadnetlist
  • [09/16/2020]
    • Original release for public comment