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73 lines (63 loc) · 2.91 KB

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The International Aerobatic Club (IAC) is calling for proposals for maintenance and development of this project. Please refer to the call for proposals for details. Please also see, contributions below.

This project contains code for a Ruby-on-Rails web site that displays data about aerobatic contests, including contest results, pilot standings, and judge metrics.

Find this deployed on the web site of the International Aerobatic Club (IAC).

For more information contact Douglas Lovell


To make this work locally:

  • Fork the repository and clone it to your workspace
  • Have installed mysql
  • Have installed ruby, rubygems, and bundler. Ruby ought to be the version specified by .ruby-version. We find rbenv to be most useful.
    rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`
    gem install bundler
  • Copy the config/admin.yml.sample to config/admin.yml
  • Copy the config/database.yml.sample to config/database.yml
  • In the mysql client (> mysql -u root):
    • create the cdb_dev and cdb_test databases
      mysql> create database cdb_dev \
          -> character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    • create the cdbusr user with global permissions to the two databases
      mysql> create user 'cdbusr'@'localhost' identified by 'ei9vDmJN';
      mysql> grant all privileges on cdb_dev.* to 'cdbusr'@'localhost';
      mysql> grant all privileges on cdb_test.* to 'cdbusr'@'localhost';
      The password in the "create user" command matches that in database.yml. The user name, "cdbuser" matches that in database.yml.
  • Install the gems: bundle install
  • Run the Rails database setup script for development and test:
    • rails db:setup
    • RAILS_ENV=test rails db:setup

Having done that,

  • The command "rspec spec" should run the older tests.
  • The command "rails test" should run the newer tests.
  • The command "rails server" should start a server at http://localhost:3000.


We follow GitHub Flow. Any pull request you make will receive a response. Issue fixes are welcome, especially when they include tests. Tests are welcome. If your contribution might require significant time and effort, it's safest to get in touch first with your proposal.