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File metadata and controls

489 lines (344 loc) · 14 KB


The initial design of db-sync was a one size fits all approach. It served as a general-purpose backend for Cardano applications, including light wallets, explorers, etc. Over time, many new features have been added, including historic rewards with Shelley, scripts with Allegra, multiassets with Mary, Plutus scripts and redeemers with Alonzo, stake pool metadata with the integration of SMASH, etc.

Most application use only a small fraction of these features. Therefore, db-sync offers options that turn off some of these features, especially the most expensive ones in terms of performance.

Configuration File

Starting with db-sync, customizing features is done in the standard db-sync configuration file (db-sync-config.json or db-sync-config.yaml).

Simple Example

Below is a sample insert_options section that shows all the defaults:

  // <-- Rest of configuration -->
  // ...

  "insert_options": {
    "tx_cbor": "disable",
    "tx_out": {
      "value": "enable"
    "ledger": "enable",
    "shelley": {
      "enable": true
    "multi_asset": {
      "enable": true
    "metadata": {
      "enable": true
    "plutus": {
      "enable": true
    "governance": "enable",
    "offchain_pool_data": "enable",
    "json_type": "text"


insert_options may contain the following elements:

Property Type Required
preset enum Optional
tx_cbor enum Optional
tx_out object Optional
ledger enum Optional
shelley object Optional
multi_asset object Optional
metadata object Optional
plutus object Optional
governance enum Optional
offchain_pool_data enum Optional
remove_jsonb_from_schema enum Optional


Preset is an aggregate setting that overrides all other properties. For example, setting preset to "full" will enable all insert options except "tx_cbor".


  • Type: string

enum: The value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"full" Enable all options
"only_utxo" Only load block, tx, tx_out and ma_tx_out
"only_gov" Disable most data except governance data.
"disable_all" Only load block, tx and data related to the ledger state


This is equivalent to enabling all other settings.

Only UTxO

This is equivalent to setting:

"tx_cbor": "disable",
"tx_out": {
  "value": "bootstrap"
"ledger": "ignore",
"shelley": {
  "enable": false
"metadata": {
  "enable": "false"
"multi_asset": {
  "enable": "false"
"plutus": {
  "enable": false
"governance": "disable",
"offchain_pool_data": "disable"

Initially populates only a few tables, like block and tx. It maintains a ledger state but doesn't use any of its data. When syncing is completed, it loads the whole UTxO set from the ledger to the tx_out and ma_tx_out tables. After that db-sync can be restarted with ledger set to "disable" to continue syncing without maintaining the ledger

Only Gov

This is equivalent to setting:

"tx_cbor": "disable",
"tx_out": {
  "value": "disable"
"ledger": "enable",
"shelley": {
  "enable": false
"multi_asset": {
  "enable": false
"plutus": {
  "enable": false
"governance": "enable",
"offchain_pool_data": "disable"

Disables most data except block, tx, and governance data.

Disable All

This is equivalent to setting:

"tx_cbor": "disable",
"tx_out": {
  "value": "disable"
"ledger": "disable",
"shelley": {
  "enable": false
"multi_asset": {
  "enable": false
"plutus": {
  "enable": false
"governance": "disable",
"offchain_pool_data": "disable"

Disables almost all data except block and tx tables.



  • Type: string

enum: The value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"enable" Enable transaction CBOR collection
"disable" Disable transaction CBOR collection

Tx Out


  • Type: object

Tx Out Properties:

Property Type Required
value string Optional
force_tx_in boolean Optional



  • Type: string

enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"enable" Enable all tx inputs and outputs
"disable" Disable tx inputs and outputs
"consumed" Adds a new field tx_out (consumed_by_tx_id)
"prune" Periodically prune the consumed tx_out table
"bootstrap" Prune consumed tx_out table, delays writing UTxOs until fully synched


Enable all inputs and outputs.


Disable inputs and outputs. With this flag:

  • tx_in table is left empty
  • tx_out table is left empty
  • ma_tx_out table is left empty
  • tx.fee has a wrong value 0
  • redeemer.script_hash is left Null

It's similar to "bootstrap" except the UTxO is never populated. However, after using this flag db-sync can be stopped and restarted with "bootstrap" to load the UTxO from the ledger.


Adds a new field tx_out (consumed_by_tx_id) and populates it accordingly. This allows users to query the tx_out table for unspent outputs directly, without the need to join with the tx_in table. If this is set once, then it must be always be set on following executions of db-sync, unless prune-tx-out is used instead.


Periodically prunes the consumed tx_out table. This allows users to query for utxo without having to maintain the whole tx_out table. Deletes to tx_out are propagated to ma_tx_out through foreign keys. If this is set once, then it must be always set on subsequent executions of db-sync. Failure to do this can result in crashes and db-sync currently has no way to detect it.


Results in a similar db schema as using "prune", except it syncs faster. The difference is that instead of inserting/updating/deleting outputs, it delays the insertion of UTxO until the tip of the chain. By doing so, it avoid costly db operations for the majority of outputs, that are eventually consumed and as a result deleted. UTxO are eventually inserted in bulk from the ledger state. The initial implementation of the feautures assumes ledger is set to "enable" , since the ledger state is used. The networks needs to be in Babbage or Conway era for this to work. The following fields are left empty:

  • tx.fee has a wrong value 0
  • redeemer.script_hash is left Null

Until the ledger state migration happens, any restart requires this setting. After completion, this can be changed.

Force Tx In


  • Type: boolean


One of the db-sync features that uses the most resources is that it maintains a ledger state and replays all the ledger rules. This is the only way to get historic reward details and other data that is not included in the blocks (ie. historic stake distribution, ada pots, epoch parameters, etc).


  • Type: string

enum: The value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"enable" Maintain ledger state and replay all ledger rules
"disable" Do not maintain a ledger state
"ignore" Maintain ledger state, but don't use any of its data


Maintain ledger state and replay all ledger rules.


Turn off ledger state and significantly reduce memory usage (by up to 10GB on mainnet) and sync time. Another benefit of this option is that there are no rollbacks on startup, which tend to take quite some time, since there are no ledger snapshots maintained on disk.

When this flag is enabled:

  • redeemer.fee is left null
  • reward table is left empty
  • epoch_stake table is left empty
  • ada_pots table is left empty
  • epoch_param table is left empty
  • tx.deposit is left null (too expensive to calculate without the ledger)
  • drep_distr is left empty
  • governance_action.x_epoch is left null
  • governance_action.expiration is left null
  • stake_registration.deposit is left null
  • pool_update.deposit is left null

Warning: Running db-sync with this setting and restarting it with a different one will cause crashes and should be avoided.

Warning: If this setting is used with the --state-dir command line option, an error will occur.

Released snapshots are compatible with this option. Since the snapshots are created with ledger enabled, there still can be some minor inconsistencies. The above data may exist up to the slot/epoch of the snapshot creation and can be missing afterward. To fix this, when db-sync is initiated with ledger disabled, it will automatically remove this data.

Warning: This will irreversibly delete data from existing snapshots.

Here are the exact queries db-sync with this flag will run after restoring a snapshot:

update redeemer set fee = null;
delete from reward;
delete from epoch_stake;
delete from ada_pots;
delete from epoch_param;


Maintains the ledger state, but doesn't use any of its data, except to load UTxO. To be used with tx_out set to "bootstrap"



  • Type: object

Shelley Properties:

Property Type Required
enable boolean Optional


Enables or disables data related to shelley: all certificates, withdrawals, and param proposals. Does not control epoch_stake and rewards, For this check ledger.


  • Type: boolean

Multi Asset


  • Type: object

Multi Asset Properties:

Property Type Required
enable boolean Optional


Enables or disables multi assets tables and entries.


  • Type: boolean



  • Type: object

Metadata Properties:

Property Type Required
enable boolean Optional
keys array Optional


Enables or disables the tx_metadata table.


  • Type: boolean


If set, only keep metadata with the specified keys.


  • Type: integer[]



  • Type: object

Plutus Properties:

Property Type Required
enable boolean Optional


Enables or disables most tables and entries related to plutus and scripts.


  • Type: boolean



  • Type: string

enum: The value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"enable" Enable all data related to governance
"disable" Disable all data related to governance

Offchain Pool Data


  • Type: string

enum: The value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"enable" Enables fetching offchain metadata.
"disable" Disables fetching pool offchain metadata.

Remove Jsonb From Schema


To improve inserting performance you can remove Jsonb data types in the schema. They can be reintroduced by using disable or by simply not using all together. A warning will logw if remove_jsonb_from_schema was previously set to enable and then either removed from the configuration file or set to disabled.

  • Type: string

enum: The value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"enable" Enables removing jsonb data types from the schema.
"disable" keeps jsonb data types in the schema.


"remove_jsonb_from_schema": "enable"

Data Types Effected

When enabling this config, the following columns will no longer have the jsonb data type:

Table Column
tx_metadata json
script json
datum value
redeemer_data value
cost_model costs
gov_action_proposal description
off_chain_pool_data json
off_chain_vote_data json