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CK machine

module Algorithmic.CK where
open import Function
open import Data.Bool using (Bool;true;false)
open import Data.List as L using (List;[];_∷_)
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (inspect;sym;trans;_≡_;refl;cong)
  renaming ([_] to [[_]];subst to substEq)
open import Data.Unit using (tt)
open import Data.Integer
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to _,,_)
import Data.Sum as Sum
open import Data.Empty
open import Utils
open import Type
open import Type.BetaNormal
open import Type.BetaNormal.Equality
open import Algorithmic
open import Builtin
open import Builtin.Constant.Type
open import Builtin.Constant.Term Ctx⋆ Kind * _⊢Nf⋆_ con
open import Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution
open import Type.BetaNBE
open import Algorithmic.RenamingSubstitution
open import Algorithmic.ReductionEC renaming (step to app;step⋆ to app⋆)

data Stack : (T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *)(H : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → Set where
  ε   : {T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} → Stack T T
  _,_ : {T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}{H1 : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}{H2 : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
    → Stack T H1 → Frame H1 H2 → Stack T H2

data State (T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *) : Set where
  _▻_ : {H : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} → Stack T H → ∅ ⊢ H → State T
  _◅_ : {H : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} → Stack T H → {t : ∅ ⊢ H} → Value t → State T
  □  : {t : ∅ ⊢ T} →  Value t → State T
  ◆   : (A : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *)  →  State T

-- Plugging a term of suitable type into a frame yields a term again
closeFrame : ∀{T H} → Frame T H → ∅ ⊢ H → ∅ ⊢ T
closeFrame (-· u)          t = t · u
closeFrame (_·- {t = t} v) u = t · u
closeFrame (-·⋆ A)         t = _·⋆_ t A
closeFrame wrap-           t = wrap _ _ t
closeFrame unwrap-         t = unwrap t
-- Plugging a term into a stack yields a term again

closeStack : ∀{T H} → Stack T H → ∅ ⊢ H → ∅ ⊢ T
closeStack ε       t = t
closeStack (s , f) t = closeStack s (closeFrame f t)

-- a state can be closed to yield a term again

closeState : ∀{T} → State T → ∅ ⊢ T
closeState (s ▻ t)           = closeStack s t
closeState (_◅_ s {t = t} v) = closeStack s t
closeState (□ {t = t} v)     = t
closeState (◆ A)             = error _

discharge : ∀{A : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}{t : ∅ ⊢ A} → Value t → ∅ ⊢ A
discharge {t = t} _ = t

step : ∀{A} → State A → State A
step (s ▻ ƛ L)                    = s ◅ V-ƛ L
step (s ▻ (L · M))                = (s , -· M) ▻ L
step (s ▻ Λ L)                    = s ◅ V-Λ L
step (s ▻ (L ·⋆ A))               = (s , -·⋆ A) ▻ L
step (s ▻ wrap A B L)             = (s , wrap-) ▻ L
step (s ▻ unwrap L)               = (s , unwrap-) ▻ L
step (s ▻ con cn)                 = s ◅ V-con cn
step (s ▻ error A)                = ◆ A
step (ε ◅ V)                      = □ V
step ((s , (-· M)) ◅ V)           = ((s , V ·-) ▻ M)
step ((s , (V-ƛ t ·-)) ◅ V)       = s ▻ (t [ discharge V ])
step ((s , (-·⋆ A)) ◅ V-Λ t)      = s ▻ (t [ A ]⋆)
step ((s , wrap-) ◅ V)            = s ◅ (V-wrap V)
step ((s , unwrap-) ◅ V-wrap V)   = s ▻ deval V
step (s ▻ builtin b) = s ◅ ival b
step ((s , (V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p bt ·-)) ◅ vu) =
  s ▻ BUILTIN' b (bubble p) (app p bt vu)
step ((s , (V-I⇒ b {as' = _ ∷ as'} p bt ·-)) ◅ vu) =
  s ◅ V-I b (bubble p) (app p bt vu)
step ((s , -·⋆ A) ◅ V-IΠ b {as' = []} p bt) =
  s ▻ BUILTIN' b (bubble p) (app⋆ p bt)
step ((s , -·⋆ A) ◅ V-IΠ b {as' = x ∷ as'} p bt) =
  s ◅ V-I b (bubble p) (app⋆ p bt)
step (□ V)                        = □ V
step (◆ A)                        = ◆ A

open import Data.Nat hiding (_*_)
stepper : ℕ → ∀{T}
  → State T
  → Either RuntimeError (State T)
stepper zero st = inj₁ gasError
stepper (suc n) st with step st
stepper (suc n) st | (s ▻ M) = stepper n (s ▻ M)
stepper (suc n) st | (s ◅ V) = stepper n (s ◅ V)
stepper (suc n) st | (□ V)   = return (□ V)
stepper (suc n) st | ◆ A     = return (◆ A)

import Algorithmic.CC as CC
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Sum

helper : ∀{A B} → (B ≡ A) ⊎ (Σ _ λ I → EC B I × Frame I A) → Stack B A

EvalCtx2Stack : ∀ {I J} → EC I J → Stack I J
EvalCtx2Stack E = helper (CC.dissect E)

helper (inj₁ refl) = ε
helper (inj₂ (I ,, E ,, F)) = EvalCtx2Stack E , F

Stack2EvalCtx : ∀ {A B} → Stack A B → EC A B
Stack2EvalCtx ε       = []
Stack2EvalCtx (s , F) = CC.extEC (Stack2EvalCtx s) F

lemmaH : ∀{I J K}(E : EC K J)(F : Frame J I)
  → (helper (CC.dissect E) , F) ≡ helper (CC.dissect (CC.extEC E F))
lemmaH E F rewrite CC.dissect-lemma E F = refl

cc2ck : ∀ {I} → CC.State I → State I
cc2ck (x CC.▻ x₁) = EvalCtx2Stack x ▻ x₁
cc2ck (x CC.◅ x₁) = EvalCtx2Stack x ◅ x₁
cc2ck (CC.□ x) = □ x
cc2ck (CC.◆ x) = ◆ x

ck2cc : ∀ {I} → State I → CC.State I
ck2cc (x ▻ x₁) = Stack2EvalCtx x CC.▻ x₁
ck2cc (x ◅ x₁) = Stack2EvalCtx x CC.◅ x₁
ck2cc (□ x) = CC.□ x
ck2cc (◆ x) = CC.◆ x

data _-→s_ {A : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} : State A → State A → Set where
  base  : {s : State A} → s -→s s
  step* : {s s' s'' : State A}
        → step s ≡ s'
        → s' -→s s''
        → s -→s s''

step** : ∀{A}{s : State A}{s' : State A}{s'' : State A}
        → s -→s s'
        → s' -→s s''
        → s -→s s''
step** base q = q
step** (step* x p) q = step* x (step** p q)

thm64 : ∀{A}(E : CC.State A)(E' : CC.State A)
  → E CC.-→s E' → cc2ck E -→s cc2ck E'
thm64 E .E CC.base = base
thm64 (E CC.▻ ƛ M) E' (CC.step* refl p) = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ (M · N)) E' (CC.step* refl p) =
  step* (cong (λ E → E ▻ M) (lemmaH E (-· N))) (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ Λ M) E' (CC.step* refl p) = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ (M ·⋆ A)) E' (CC.step* refl p) =
  step* (cong (λ E → E ▻ M) (lemmaH E (-·⋆ A))) (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ wrap A B M) E' (CC.step* refl p) =
  step* (cong (λ E → E ▻ M) (lemmaH E wrap-)) (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ unwrap M) E' (CC.step* refl p) =
  step* (cong (λ E → E ▻ M) (lemmaH E unwrap-)) (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ con M) E' (CC.step* refl p) =
  step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ builtin b) E' (CC.step* refl p) =
  step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.▻ error _) E' (CC.step* refl p) = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V) E' (CC.step* refl p) with CC.dissect E | inspect CC.dissect E
... | inj₁ refl | [[ eq ]] rewrite CC.dissect-inj₁ E refl eq =
  step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
... | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (-· N)) | [[ eq ]] =
  step* (cong (λ p → p ▻ N) (lemmaH E'' (V ·-))) (thm64 _ E' p)
... | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-ƛ M ·-)) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V) E' (CC.step* refl p) | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p₁ x ·-)) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V) E' (CC.step* refl p) | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, (V-I⇒ b {as' = x₁ ∷ as'} p₁ x ·-)) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V-Λ M) E' (CC.step* refl p) | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ A) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V-IΠ b {as' = []} p₁ x) E' (CC.step* refl p) | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ A) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V-IΠ b {as' = x₁ ∷ as'} p₁ x) E' (CC.step* refl p) | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, -·⋆ A) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
... | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, wrap-) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (E CC.◅ V-wrap V) E' (CC.step* refl p) | inj₂ (_ ,, E'' ,, unwrap-) | [[ eq ]] = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (CC.□ V) E' (CC.step* refl p) = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)
thm64 (CC.◆ A) E' (CC.step* refl p) = step* refl (thm64 _ E' p)

thm64b : ∀{A}(s : State A)(s' : State A)
  → s -→s s' → ck2cc s CC.-→s ck2cc s'
thm64b s .s base = CC.base
thm64b (s ▻ ƛ M) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ (M · M₁)) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ Λ M) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ (M ·⋆ A)) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ wrap A B M) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ unwrap M) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ con c) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ builtin b) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (s ▻ error _) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (ε ◅ V) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , (-· M)) ◅ V) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step*
  (cong (CC.stepV V) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (-· M)))
  (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , (V-ƛ M ·-)) ◅ V) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step*
  ((cong (CC.stepV V) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (V-ƛ M ·-))))
  (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , (VI@(V-I⇒ b {as' = []} p₁ x) ·-)) ◅ V) s' (step* refl p) =
    (cong (CC.stepV V) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (VI ·-)))
    (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , (VI@(V-I⇒ b {as' = x₁ ∷ as'} p₁ x) ·-)) ◅ V) s' (step* refl p) =
    (cong (CC.stepV V) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (VI ·-)))
    (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , -·⋆ A) ◅ V-Λ M) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step*
  (cong (CC.stepV (V-Λ M)) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (-·⋆ A)))
  (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , -·⋆ A) ◅ VI@(V-IΠ b {as' = []} p₁ x)) s' (step* refl p) =
    (cong (CC.stepV VI) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (-·⋆ A)))
    (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , -·⋆ A) ◅ VI@(V-IΠ b {as' = x₁ ∷ as'} p₁ x)) s' (step* refl p) =
    (cong (CC.stepV VI) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) (-·⋆ A)))
    (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , wrap-) ◅ V) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step*
  (cong (CC.stepV V) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) wrap-))
  (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b ((s , unwrap-) ◅ V-wrap V) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step*
  ((cong (CC.stepV (V-wrap V)) (CC.dissect-lemma (Stack2EvalCtx s) unwrap-)))
  (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (□ x₁) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)
thm64b (◆ A) s' (step* refl p) = CC.step* refl (thm64b _ s' p)

test : State (con unit)
test = ε ▻ (ƛ (con unit) · (builtin iData · con (integer (+ 0))))

  lemV : ∀{A B}(M : ∅ ⊢ B)(V : Value M)(E : Stack A B) → (E ▻ M) -→s (E ◅ V)

lem□ : ∀{A}{M M' : ∅ ⊢ A}(V : Value M)(V' : Value M')
  → □ V -→s □ V' → ∃ λ p → substEq Value p V ≡ V'
lem□ W .W base = refl ,, refl
lem□ W V (step* refl p) = lem□ {M = deval W}{M' = deval V} W V p

lem◆ : ∀ {A A' T} → ◆ {T = T} A -→s ◆ A' → A ≡ A'
lem◆ base = refl
lem◆ (step* refl p) = lem◆ p

lem◆' : ∀ {A A'}{M : ∅ ⊢ A}(V : Value M) → ◆ A' -→s □ V → ⊥
lem◆' V (step* refl p) = lem◆' V p