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This is an add-in for Fody adapted from

It stamps an assembly with git data: the repository status, commit point and release tag are used to generate a detailed AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute.

Nuget package

Available here

To Install from the Nuget Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package CK.Stamp.Fody

What it does

Analyses the environment:

  • Extracts the user name (domain\username)
  • Extracts the git information:
    • Whether the repository is valid (error can be "No repository." or "Unitialized repository.").
    • Whether some files are dirty (uncomitted changes) or not.
    • The commit Sha1.
    • The branch name and its associated release tag: "v1.2.3-alpha" for instance - currently the format must exactly be like this. It will be relaxed in a next release.
    • The version number is read from the compiled module: the AssemblyVersionAttribute must exist (otherwise it is

Checks if this is a valid release:

  • There must be no repository errors.
  • There must be no uncommitted files.
  • A release tag must exist and its version must be equal to Major.Minor.Build of the Version attribute.

It then sets or creates a AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute if it does not exist:

  • If it exists, its content is replaced: see the token list below.
  • If it does not exist, it is created as if it was defined with %ck-standard% token:
    • An invalid release starts with a ! and the error, followed by the branch name, the user name and the Sha1: !Modified files. Branch: f-release3.0 - SPICANDIVE\Olivier - Sha: 814aed234e9e97a0a271e444905e18c0c5e07a1c
    • A valid release starts with the released tags (minus the 'v'): 3.0.0-alpha - SPICANDIVE\Olivier - Sha: 814aed234e9e97a0a271e444905e18c0c5e07a1c

Templating the version (high probability to be removed in next versions)

You can customize the string used in the AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute by adding some tokens to the string, which Ck.Stamp.Fody will replace.

For example, if you add [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("%version% Sha=%githash%")] then Stamp will change it to [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(" Sha=814aed234e9e97a0a271e444905e18c0c5e07a1c")]

The tokens are:

  • %ck-standard% see above
  • %version% is replaced with the version (
  • %version1% is replaced with the major version only (1)
  • %version2% is replaced with the major and minor version (1.0)
  • %version3% is replaced with the major, minor, and patch version (1.0.0)
  • %githash% is replaced with the SHA1 hash of the branch tip of the repository
  • %branch% is replaced with the branch name of the repository
  • %haschanges% is replaced with the string "HasChanges" if the repository is dirty, else a blank string
  • %semver% is replaced with a simple semantic version: major, minor and revision version if the branch if master, otherwise it appends a dash and the branch name.

NOTE: if you already have an AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute and it doesn't use replacement tokens, it will not be modified at all.


Stamp designed by Rohith M S from The Noun Project


Stamps an assembly with git data (fork of Fody/Stamp).







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