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Releases: InvisibleUp/twinpeaks

v0.3: The Settings Update

22 May 04:52
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Settings dialog open, next to a Twin Peaks window with custom fonts and colors

I spent a little time today to add a settings dialog. Now you can set your fonts, colors, and homepage. (In a future version you will also be able to register Twin Peaks to open "gemini://" links, but that isn't working right now.)

I've also added a simple About dialog with the version, and a new toolbar that's a bit more compact. Also, I've added Refresh and Home buttons.

Lastly, I've fixed a small bug where content right after a header was shown on the same line as the header.


19 May 23:57
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Screenshot of gemini://

I've migrated from a RichTextBox renderer to an HTML-based renderer, which means that things work a lot smoother now. This release comes with a few new features:

  • Properly rendered links
  • Pre-formatted text (for ASCII art, code, etc.)
  • Opening gopher/http/etc. links in another client
  • Improved ANSI art support (now everything actually lines up properly)


19 May 02:42
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The first version that's arguably usable. It's still missing a lot of features (and the links are rather ugly, I know, it was the absolute best I could do), but it is, in fact, an usable browser.
