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107 lines (56 loc) · 3.67 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (56 loc) · 3.67 KB

Advertiser / Merchant


The API follows REST conventions. Perform an HTTPS GET to the URL with the format in which you’d like to receive data. The following response formats are supported, where 33 is the advertiser id.

Format Description and URL
csv Comma-Separated Values, or really Anything-Separated Values (see column_separator= below). Returns an optional header row followed by one row for each transaction, with delimited values for each row.
xml Returns an XML document with an array of Transaction elements.
json Returns a JSON array of transaction objects.


General Parameters

Additional Feature Parameters

Example 1: Get the next 20 transactions that occurred after transaction id C624DA2C-CF3367C3:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: <token>' ''

Example 2: Get 50 rows from a specific time period with only the transaction_id and all Marketing Data columns:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: <token>' ',$invoca_custom_columns&exclude_columns=$invoca_default_columns&from=2015-03-26&to=2015-03-27'

Example 3: Get 50 rows that exclude a few columns such as Caller ID and Call Recordings:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: <token>' ',recording&start_after_transaction_id=C624DA2C-CF3367C3'

Example 4: Get All Transactions from a specific time period that are of transaction_type Signal:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: <token>' ''

Example 5: Get All Transactions from a specific time period that are of transaction_type Post Call Event:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: <token>' ''

Example 6: Get All Transactions from a specific time period that are of transaction_type Call and Signal:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: <token>' '[]=Call&transaction_type[]=Signal&from=2015-03-24&to=2015-03-27'
