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File metadata and controls

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This is not a section about French cuisine, although you will find pretty good recipes here and contribution from our users.


Generating a .rvr file from the DB for a specific subassin

The following query retrieve records suitable for generating a .rvr file. For Turkey River at Garber (434514):

outlet_link AS (SELECT * FROM master_update WHERE link_id = 434514),
waterhshed_links(link_id, parent_link_id) AS (SELECT master_update.link_id, master_update.parent_link FROM master_update, outlet_link WHERE master_update.left BETWEEN outlet_link.left AND outlet_link.right)
SELECT link_id, coalesce(array_length(parents_link_id, 1), 0), parents_link_id FROM (
  SELECT a.link_id AS link_id, array_remove(array_agg(b.link_id), NULL) AS parents_link_id
  FROM waterhshed_links a LEFT JOIN waterhshed_links b ON (b.parent_link_id = a.link_id)
  GROUP BY a.link_id) a
ORDER BY link_id;


Reading the HDF5 outputs with Python

You may have to install the tables package.

pip install tables

Reading PyTables is pretty straighforward:

import tables

# Open the file in read-only mode
h5file = tables.open_file("outputs.h5", "r")

# Print some info about the file

for row in h5file.root.outputs:

    # Read current row content
    # The name of the comuns depends on your outputs settings
    link_id = row['LinkID']
    time = row['Time']
    state_0 = row['State0']

    # Do something with the values
    print "link_id:", link_id, "time:", time, "state_0:", state_0

  # Close the file

Here is an other way using the the numpy and h5py package:

import numpy as np
import h5py

# open file and iterate over each row
with h5py.File(h5_file_path, "r") as hdf_file:
    hdf_file_content = np.array(hdf_file.get("outputs"))
    for i in range(len(hdf_file_content)):
        # read current row content
        cur_row = hdf_file_content[i]
        # get the values of each columns
        cur_linkid = cur_row[0]
        cur_time = cur_row[1]
        cur_state0 = float(cur_row[2])