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CJB Cheats Menu is a Stardew Valley mod that adds an in-game menu with many different cheat features:

Compatible with Stardew Valley 1.2+ on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Translated into English.


  • Press P (configurable) to show the cheats menu.
  • You can also enable active cheats by editing the config.json file.


  1. Install the latest version of SMAPI.
  2. Install this mod from Nexus mods.
  3. Run the game using SMAPI.


The mod will work fine out of the box, but you can tweak its settings by editing the config.json file. You can also edit these values through the in-game settings menu. These are the available settings.

Keyboard buttons

(See valid keyboard buttons.)

setting default what it affects
OpenMenuKey P The keyboard button which opens the menu.
FreezeTimeKey T The keyboard button which freezes the game clock.
GrowTreeKey NumPad1 The keyboard button which instantly grows the tree under the tool cursor.
GrowCropsKey NumPad2 The keyboard button which instantly grows crops adjacent to your character.

Menu settings

setting default what it affects
DefaultTab PlayerAndTools The tab shown by default when you open the menu. Possible values: PlayerAndTools, FarmAndFishing, Skills, Weather, Relationships, WarpLocations, Time, Controls.

Player cheats

setting default what it affects
IncreasedMovement false Whether your character moves faster. The added speed is set by the MoveSpeed field.
MoveSpeed 1 The player speed to add if IncreasedMovement is true. This is an added multiplier (e.g. 1 doubles the default speed).
InfiniteHealth false Your health never decreases.
InfiniteStamina false Your stamina never decreases.
MaxDailyLuck false Your daily luck is always at the maximum value.
OneHitKill false Your attacks kill any monster in one hit.
OneHitBreak false Your tools break things instantly.
InfiniteWateringCan false Your watering can never runs dry.
HarvestSickle false You can harvest any crop with the sickle.

Fishing cheats

setting default what it affects
InstantBite false After casting the fishing line, the fishing minigame appears immediately.
InstantCatch false When the fishing minigame appears, the fish is caught immediately.
ThrowBobberMax false When casting the fishing line, it always reaches the maximum distance.
DurableTackles false Fishing tackles never break.
AlwaysTreasure false Every fishing minigame has a treasure.

Time cheats

setting default what it affects
FreezeTime false The game clock never changes.
FreezeTimeInside false The game clock doesn't change when you're inside a building.
FreezeTimeCaves false The game clock doesn't change when you're inside the mines, Skull Cavern, or farm cave.
FastCask false Casks finish instantly.
FastFruitTrees false Fruit trees produce fruit instantly.
FastFurnace false Furnaces finish instantly.
FastRecyclingMachine false Recycling machines finish instantly.
FastCrystalarium false Crystalariums finish instantly.
FastIncubator false Incubators finish instantly.
FastSlimeIncubator false Slime incubators finish instantly.
FastKeg false Kegs finish instantly.
FastPreservesJar false Preserves jars finish instantly.
FastCheesePress false Cheese presses finish instantly.
FastMayonnaiseMachine false Mayonnaise machines finish instantly.
FastLoom false Looms finish instantly.
FastOilMaker false Oil makers finish instantly.
FastSeedMaker false Seed makers finish instantly.
FastCharcoalKiln false Charcoal kilns finish instantly.
FastSlimeEggPress false Slime egg presss finish instantly.
FastBeeHouse false Beehouses finish instantly.
FastMushroomBox false Mushroom boxs finish instantly.
FastTapper false Tappers finish instantly.
FastLightningRod false Lightning rods finish instantly.
FastWormBin false Worm bins finish instantly.

Other cheats

setting default what it affects
AlwaysGiveGift false You can always give gifts to villagers, regardless of the daily and weekly limits.
NoFriendshipDecay false A villager's friendship value no longer slowly decays if it isn't maxed out.
DurableFences false Fences never break.
InstantBuild false Building new structures on the farm completes instantly.
AutoFeed false Feed troughs in barns and coops are refilled automatically.
InfiniteHay false Hay silos are always full.



  • Added option for fast fruit trees.

1.17 (2018-02-11):

  • Updated to SMAPI 2.4.
  • Added translation support.
  • Added update checks via SMAPI.
  • Added options to change player's professions.
  • Added Portuguese translations (thanks to XxIceGladiadorxX).
  • Fixed issue where setting the time could leave NPCs confused (e.g. stuck in bed).

1.16 (2017-07-14):

  • Fixed open-menu key working even when another menu is already open.
  • Fixed freeze-time key working during cutscenes.

1.15 (2017-05-27):

  • Updated for Stardew Valley 1.2 and SMAPI 1.13.
  • Added option to set the default tab when opening the menu.
  • Fixed relationship slider always set to 10 hearts.
  • Fixed 'one hit break' no longer working on stones, trees, logs, and stumps.
  • Fixed 'one hit break' not working on fruit trees.

1.14.1 (2017-04-12):

  • Fixed error when used with any mod that adds multiple seeds producing the same crop.

1.14 (2017-04-05):

  • Updated to SMAPI 1.9.
  • Fast machines now work anywhere, not only on the farm.
  • Fixed fast cask cheat not working.
  • Fixed disabling the 'harvest with sickle' option not restoring existing crops to normal.
  • Internal refactoring.

1.13 (2017-01-04):

  • Updated to Stardew Valley 1.1+ and SMAPI 1.5.
  • Added compatibility with Linux and Mac.
  • Added support for casks and worm bins.
  • Fixed instantly-grown fruit trees not producing fruit until their normal growth date.
  • Fixed 'grow crops' key in settings menu not being saved.

1.12 (2016-04-09):

  • Updated to Stardew Valley 1.07+ and SMAPI 0.40.0+.
  • Added cheats: durable tackles, harvest with sickle, grow tree, and grow crops.
  • Added changeable relationships.
  • Fixed mouse cursor showing when disabled.

1.11 (2016-04-02):

  • Updated for SMAPI 0.39.6.
  • Added cheats: fast tapper, fast lightning rod, always auto-feed, and infinite hay.
  • Added casino coins cheats.
  • Added warps to bathhouse, Sandy, and casino.
  • Added time slider.
  • Fixed time frozen label.

1.10 (2016-03-30):

  • Updated for SMAPI 0.39.4.
  • Added cheats: no friendship decay, instant build.
  • Fixed fast machine processing in barns and coops.

1.9 (2016-03-23):

  • Updated for SMAPI 0.39.1.

1.8.2 (2016-03-23):

  • Fixed cheats not working in the greenhouse.

1.8.1 (2016-03-22):

  • Fixed cheats not working in the greenhouse.

1.8 (2016-03-21):

  • Updated to Stardew Valley 1.0.6 and SMAPI 0.38.3.
  • Fixed watering fields in the greenhouse.
  • Fixed fast machine processing.
  • Removed the nini.dll file (no longer needed, now uses save method in latest SMAPI update).

1.7.1 (2016-03-18):

  • Fixed fast machine processing.
  • Fixed watering fields in the greenhouse.

1.7 (2016-03-17):

  • Added fast processing for all machines (each toggleable).
  • Added skill reset.
  • You can now switch between categories with controller (shoulder triggers).
  • Fixed leveling up skills.
  • Fixed watering fields in some cases.

1.6 (2016-03-11):

  • Menu now contains categories (last scroll position and category will be remembered).
  • Fixed 'always treasure' cheat.


  • Fixed sound bug during fishing.
  • The cheats menu now remembers scroll position.


  • Fixed player getting stuck during events.
  • Fixed sounds stuck during fishing.


  • Restored Nini.dll in download since some users still need it.
  • Added 'instant bite' option, separate from 'instant catch' option.
  • Fixed wrong mod version shown on load.
  • Changed 'debris' weather name to 'windy'.


  • Added 'one hit break' option.
  • Fixed diagonal movement.
  • Fixed player speed effected while walking.
  • Removed Nini.dll (integrated into main DLL).


  • Fixed fish biting instantly when cheat isn't active.


  • Added fish 'always treasure' option.
  • Added instant catch also making fish bite instantly.
  • Fixed time frozen dialog overlapping mine level dialog.
  • Fixed durable fences cheat not working when not on farm.


  • Added many warp locations.
  • Added 'always give gift' option.
  • Added time freeze options.
  • Added shortcut key to freeze time.
  • Changed weather options to next day settings.
  • Fixed movement speed still active during events.