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88 lines (64 loc) · 5.74 KB

CMPT 464 Final Project

Technical details


  • Start a Virtual environment, you can run python -m venv <path>. It is suggested that you use the name following virtual* pattern. For example, to create a venv in current directory, run python -m venv .
  • If running this on Windows, you can launch the virtual environment using .\Scripts\activate.
  • Install all dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt. We are using python 3.8 for this project.
  • If you run into any "Module not found" erros while running the code below, consider using .\Scripts\python alias instead of simply python. This is due some Windows system path incompatibilty.
  • [REQUIRED] Download the given dataset: and let it reside at dataset/Chair. Make sure that it's called exactly "Chair" and has ops/ syms/ etc. folders within.
  • [REQUIRED] Download current ML model to \ML\ourML\checkpoint\tripleView:
  • [OPTIONAL] Download precalculated joints folder to \grass-master\Chair\models\joints:


Running the main App

  • To test on setA, setB and setC, make sure to run the app like this: python3 -setB -g 5 -p 50. This will generate 50 chairs from set B and pick 5 best.
  • If you want to test it on a random collection, make sure to run the app like this: python3 -r 10 -g 5 -p 50. This will generate 50 chairs from random 10 and pick 5 best.
  • Not that the program exports generated in .obj format in export_objs/ folder according to their index. 5 models would have indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and they would correspond to 0.obj, 1.obj, 2.obj, 3.obj, 4.obj.

Running the Viewer

  • Run in the format of python3 n1 n2 n3... to view/operate specified dataset meshes. E.g. python3 2164 2165 2166 3452 5000
  • Run in the format of python3 -r X to view/operate random X meshes from the dataset. E.g. python3 -r 10 will pick 10 random meshes and put them up.
  • Run in the format of python3 -l to run the latest input.
  • Run in the format of python3 -setA to run one of the given data sets.
  • Press "a" and "d" to switch to prev/next models. Press "w" and "s" to look at particular parts of the model.
  • Press "g" to generate a new chair. It's added in the end of all current models.
  • Press "x" to take test depth screenshots of the chair present in the view. Saved to screenshots/
  • Press "e" to evaluate the chair in the view. The score will appear in the caption on the top.
  • Press "y" to save chair as "positive". Requires presence of dataset/imageData/chairs-data/positive
  • Press "n" to save chair as "negative". Requires presence of dataset/imageData/chairs-data/negative

Special considerations

  • By default the app will save the split objs to disk in a new folder, this was done for easier loading but can cause hard storage usage to go to 2x the base set when ran on every chair
  • The first time a chair is used it trys to find connecting vertices based on distance from other meshes, these are then saved to disk, this slows down generation a bit. uploaded to google drive to avoid generation if wanted (generated with current distance threshold of 0.025 in getJoints)
  • If MixAndMatch is ran with a large amount of generated chairs(>100 for setC) compared to the input size there are some outliers that are bad but scored as good that may show up frequently near the top -because of the above point the models are taken by generating 100 chairs from each set (aborting early if no new combinations are chosen for a number of selections)


  • To re-generate the dataset/compiled folder, ensure that there is dataset/Chair folder with all the dataset data within and run dataset/ from within dataset folder.

Non-technical details


  • Iavor: ML classificator
  • Maheep: Mix and Matcher / Overall support
  • Greg: Mix and Matcher
  • Vlad: App maintenance / Overall support

Team information

  • General Project Meeting - every Wednesday, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Timeline (2021)

  • March 31st - Project Inception
  • April 7th - Have dataset viewer ready to go
  • April 14th - Crude and basic parts replacement, baseline sorting/scoring of the chairs
  • April 21th - Refined parts replacement, scorer to sort the models
  • April 26th, 12:30 pm - Project defense and submission (submission deadline is at 11:45 pm).

General Project Idea

  • Parse input meshes, initialize their joints and form collection of parts
  • Pick random parts from the collection and weld them together using their joints. Do this for N chairs.
  • Screenshot each chair and assign the score based on the depth screenshot. Sort by the score.
  • Export and display.


Dataset viewer (April 7th) - Done

  • First milestone, this will require several other parts in the works
  • Basic UX: "explore" the dataset, able to choose any provided mesh, able to look at the mesh and then look at each of the particular parts constituting the mesh
  • Basic UI: one set of arrows to move between the meshes and another set of arrows to move between the parts in a particular mesh (or anything else simple and effective)
  • Requires mesh-parts association which in turn requires dataset processing

MVP (April 14th) - Done

  • First working version of the project.

Refined MVP (April 21st) - Done

  • Decent general functionality. Proper scoring and mesh welding.