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JBZoo Html Build Status Coverage Status

HTML helper for easy way form building from any PHP code.

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composer require jbzoo/html:"1.x-dev"  # Last version
composer require jbzoo/html            # Stable version

How to use?

require_once './vendor/autoload.php'; // composer autoload.php

// Get needed classes
use JBZoo\Html\Html;

echo Html::_('input')->render( /* ... */ ); // Underscore as factory

$html = Html::getInstance();                // Create or get pimple container
echo $html['input']->render( /* ... */ );   // As array
echo $html->input->render( /* ... */ );     // As object

1# Html button

1.1 Simple button

echo Html::_('button')->render('test', 'Button', array('title' => 'title attr'));
<button title="title attr" name="test" type="submit">Button</button>

1.2 Change button type

echo Html::_('button')->render('test', 'Button', array(), 'reset');
<button name="test" type="reset">Button</button>

1.3 Support UIkit CSS Framework button

echo Html::_('button')->render('test', 'My button', array('button' => 'success', 'class' => 'my-class'));
<button class="my-class uk-button uk-button-success" name="test" type="submit">My button</button>

1.4 Support UIkit CSS Framework icon

echo Html::_('button')->render('test', 'My button', array('button' => 'success', 'icon' => 'stop'));
<button name="test" class="uk-button uk-button-success" type="submit">
    <i class="uk-icon-stop"></i> My button

2# Boolean elements

2.1 Radio buttons

echo Html::_('radiobool')->render('show', 0);  // 0 is "No" and 1 is "Yes"
<label for="radio-346544" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-0">
    <input id="radio-346544" class="jb-val-0" type="radio" name="show" value="0" checked="checked"> No
<label for="radio-522643" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-1">
    <input id="radio-522643" class="jb-val-1" type="radio" name="show" value="1"> Yes

2.2 Single checkbox flag

echo Html::_('checkbool')->render(
    'show',                                 // Name
    0,                                      // Checked value
    array(                                  // Attrs
        'data-rel'   => 'tooltip',
        'data-title' => 'Checkbox title',
<label for="checkbox-270924" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-1">
        id="checkbox-270924"            <!-- Random ID for label -->
        type="checkbox"                 <!-- We want checkbox -->
        name="show"                     <!-- Name -->
        value="1"                       <!-- True/False -->

        data-rel="tooltip"              <!-- ... and custom attrs -->
        data-title="Checkbox title"
    > Yes

3# Elements with list of options

3.1 Default checkbox template (No wrap)

echo Html::_('checkbox')->render(
    array(                          // List of options
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    'test',                         // Name
    array('val-1', 'val-3'),        // Checked values
    array('data-rel' => 'tooltip')  // Attrs
<input id="checkbox-903654" class="jb-val-val-1" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-1" data-rel="tooltip" checked="checked">
<label for="checkbox-903654" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-1">Label 1</label>
<input id="checkbox-630561" class="jb-val-val-2" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-2" data-rel="tooltip">
<label for="checkbox-630561" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-2">Custom Label</label>
<input id="checkbox-405099" class="jb-val-val-3" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-3" data-rel="tooltip" checked="checked">
<label for="checkbox-405099" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-3">Var 3</label>

3.2 Default wrap checkbox template

echo Html::_('checkbox')->render(
    array(                          // List of options
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    'test',                         // Name
    array('val-1', 'val-3'),        // Checked values
    array('data-rel' => 'tooltip')  // Attrs
<label for="checkbox-923873" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-1">
    <input id="checkbox-923873" class="jb-val-val-1" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-1" checked="checked"> Label 1
<label for="checkbox-193649" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-2">
    <input id="checkbox-193649" class="jb-val-val-2" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-2"> Custom Label
<label for="checkbox-301932" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-3">
    <input id="checkbox-301932" class="jb-val-val-3" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-3" checked="checked"> Var 3

3.3 Custom checkbox template

echo Html::_('checkbox')->render(
    array(                          // List of options
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    'test',                         // Name
    'val-1',                        // Checked value
    array(),                        // Attrs
    function ($list, $name, $value, $id, $text, $attrs) {   // Custom render function
        $alias    = $value;
        $inpClass = 'jb-val-' . $alias;
        $input    = $list->input($name, $value, $id, $inpClass, $attrs);
        $text     = '<span class="label-title">' . $text . '</span>';
        $label    = $list->label($id, $alias, $text);

        return implode(PHP_EOL, array($input, $label));
<input id="checkbox-836392" class="jb-val-val-1" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-1" checked="checked">
<label for="checkbox-836392" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-1">
    <span class="label-title">Label 1</span>
<input id="checkbox-498731" class="jb-val-val-2" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-2">
<label for="checkbox-498731" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-2">
    <span class="label-title">Custom Label</span>
<input id="checkbox-491721" class="jb-val-val-3" type="checkbox" name="test" value="val-3">
<label for="checkbox-491721" class="jb-checkbox-lbl jb-label-val-3">
    <span class="label-title">Var 3</span>

3.3 Default checkbox template (No wrap)

echo Html::_('radio')->render(
    array(                          // List value
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    'test',                         // Checked value
    array('val-1', 'val-3'),
    array('data-rel' => 'tooltip')
<input id="radio-963578" class="jb-val-val-1" type="radio" name="test" value="val-1" data-rel="tooltip">
<label for="radio-963578" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-1">Label 1</label>
<input id="radio-658731" class="jb-val-val-2" type="radio" name="test" value="val-2" data-rel="tooltip">
<label for="radio-658731" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-2">Custom Label</label>
<input id="radio-170734" class="jb-val-val-3" type="radio" name="test" value="val-3" data-rel="tooltip" checked="checked">
<label for="radio-170734" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-3">Var 3</label>

3.4 Default wrap checkbox template

echo Html::_('radio')->render(
    array(                          // List of options
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    'test',                         // Name
    'val-1',                        // Checked value
    array(),                        // Attrs
    true                            // Wrap input by label
<label for="radio-134987" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-1">
    <input id="radio-134987" class="jb-val-val-1" type="radio" name="test" value="val-1" checked="checked"> Label 1
<label for="radio-976234" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-2">
    <input id="radio-976234" class="jb-val-val-2" type="radio" name="test" value="val-2"> Custom Label
<label for="radio-336365" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-3">
    <input id="radio-336365" class="jb-val-val-3" type="radio" name="test" value="val-3"> Var 3

3.5 Custom radio template

echo Html::_('radio')->render(
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    function ($list, $name, $value, $id, $text, $attrs) {
        $alias    = $value;
        $inpClass = 'jb-val-' . $alias;
        $input    = $list->input($name, $value, $id, $inpClass, $attrs);
        $text     = '<span class="label-title">' . $text . '</span>';
        $label    = $list->label($id, $alias, $text);

        return implode(PHP_EOL, array($input, $label));
<input id="radio-139486" class="jb-val-val-1" type="radio" name="test" value="val-1" checked="checked">
<label for="radio-139486" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-1">
    <span class="label-title">Label 1</span>
<input id="radio-648231" class="jb-val-val-2" type="radio" name="test" value="val-2">
<label for="radio-648231" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-2">
    <span class="label-title">Custom Label</span>
<input id="radio-491721" class="jb-val-val-3" type="radio" name="test" value="val-3">
<label for="radio-491721" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-3">
    <span class="label-title">Var 3</span>

3.5 Checked value is not exists

echo Html::_('radio')->render(
    array(                          // List of options
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'val-2' => 'Custom Label',
        'val-3' => 'Var 3',
    'test',                         // Name
    'val-8',                        // Undefined value
    array(),                        // Atrs
    true                            // Wrap inputs by labels
<label for="radio-123654" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-1">
    <input id="radio-123654" class="jb-val-val-1" type="radio" name="test" value="val-1"> Label 1
<label for="radio-698736" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-2">
    <input id="radio-698736" class="jb-val-val-2" type="radio" name="test" value="val-2"> Custom Label
<label for="radio-479358" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-val-3">
    <input id="radio-479358" class="jb-val-val-3" type="radio" name="test" value="val-3"> Var 3
<label for="radio-706898" class="jb-radio-lbl jb-label-no-exits">
    <input id="radio-706898" class="jb-val-no-exits" type="radio" name="test" value="no-exits" checked="checked"> Undefined

3# Data list

echo Html::_('datalist')->render(
    array(                                  // Keys and Values
        'Label'        => 'Content text',
        'Custom label' => 'List text',
    array(                                  // Attrs
        'class' => 'test',
        'id'    => 'custom',
<dl class="test jb-data-list" id="custom">
    <dt title="Label">Label</dt>
    <dd>Content text</dd>
    <dt title="Custom label">Custom label</dt>
    <dd>List text</dd>

4# Selects

4.1 Simple select list

echo Html::_('select')->render(
        'val-1'  => 'Label 1',
        'test'   => 'Label test',
        'custom' => 'Custom',
        'data-title' => 'My form select',
<select data-title="My form select" method="post" name="test" class="jb-select">
    <option value="val-1" class="jb-option jb-option-1">Label 1</option>
    <option value="test" class="jb-option jb-option-2">Label test</option>
    <option value="custom" class="jb-option jb-option-3" selected="selected">Custom</option>

4.1 Multiple select

echo Html::_('select')->render(
        'val-1'  => 'Label 1',
        'test'   => 'Label test',
        'custom' => 'Custom',
        'simple' => 'Simple label',
        'moscow' => 'Moscow',
    array('test', 'moscow'),
        'multiple' => true,
<select multiple="multiple" name="test[]" class="jb-select">
    <option value="val-1" class="jb-option jb-option-1">Label 1</option>
    <option value="test" class="jb-option jb-option-2" selected="selected">Label test</option>
    <option value="custom" class="jb-option jb-option-3">Custom</option>
    <option value="simple" class="jb-option jb-option-4">Simple label</option>
    <option value="moscow" class="jb-option jb-option-5" selected="selected">Moscow</option>

4.3 Selected option is not found

 * If selected params is array. For check selected option taken last array var.
 * If option is not exists created new option. See output.
echo Html::_('select')->render(
        'val-1'  => 'Label 1',
        'test'   => 'Label test',
        'custom' => 'Custom',
        'simple' => 'Simple label',
        'moscow' => 'Moscow',
    array('test', 'moscow', 'no-value')
<select method="post" name="test" class="jb-select">
    <option value="no-value" class="jb-option jb-option-6" selected="selected">--No selected--</option>
    <option value="val-1" class="jb-option jb-option-1">Label 1</option>
    <option value="test" class="jb-option jb-option-2">Label test</option>
    <option value="custom" class="jb-option jb-option-3">Custom</option>
    <option value="simple" class="jb-option jb-option-4">Simple label</option>
    <option value="moscow" class="jb-option jb-option-5">Moscow</option>

4.4 Select with groups

echo Html::_('select')->render(
        'val-1' => 'Label 1',
        'test'  => 'Test label',
            'gr-test' => 'Group test 1',
            'val-1'   => 'No exits in group',
    array('test', 'moscow', 'no-value')
<select method="post" name="test" class="jb-select">
    <option value="no-value" class="jb-option jb-option-no-value" selected="selected">--No selected--</option>
    <option value="val-1" class="jb-option jb-option-val-1">Label 1</option>
    <option value="test" class="jb-option jb-option-test">Test label</option>
    <optgroup label="Select group 0">
        <option value="gr-test" class="jb-option jb-option-group-test-1">Group test 1</option>

5# Hiddens fields

5.1 Single hidden input

echo Html::_('hidden')->render('image', 'my-value', 'my-class', 'unique', array('data-profile' => 'user-1'));
<input data-profile="user-1" id="unique" class="jb-input-hidden my-class" name="image" value="my-value" type="hidden">

5.2 Group of hidden inputs

echo Html::_('hidden')->group(array(
    'my-name' => 'My name value',
    'user'    => 'Administrator',
    'array'   => array(
        'value' => 'my value',
        'class' => 'array-hidden',
        'id'    => 'hide-id',
<input name="my-name" value="My name value" type="hidden" class="jb-input-hidden">
<input name="user" value="Administrator" type="hidden" class="jb-input-hidden">
<input name="array" value="my value" type="hidden" id="hide-id" class="jb-input-hidden array-hidden">

6# Iframe

echo Html::_('iframe')->render('', 'my-class', 'my-id', array('data-rel' => 'my-iframe'));
<iframe data-rel="my-iframe" frameborder="0" src="" id="my-id" class="my-class"></iframe>

7# Textarea

echo Html::_('textarea')->render(
    'Text area content',
        'data-rel'   => 'tooltip',
        'data-title' => 'Enter description',
<textarea data-rel="tooltip" data-title="Enter description" name="test" id="my-id" class="my-class">Text area content</textarea>

7# Custom tag

echo Html::_('tag')->render('My content', 'custom-class', 'unique', array(
    'tag'   => 'div',
    'title' => 'Custom title'
<div title="Custom title" id="unique" class="custom-class">My content</div>

8# Data attr builder

echo Html::_('input')->render(
    'My value',
    array('data' => array(
        'test' => 'val',
        'json' => array(
            'param-1' => 'val-1',
            'param-2' => 'val-2',
<input data-test="val" data-json="{'param-1':'val-1','param-2':'val-2'}" class="jb-input-text" name="test" value="My value" type="text">

Unit tests and check code style

make test-all




HTML helper for easy way form building from any PHP code







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