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Toy Models in OOPS

Specific documentation

OOPS provides the following toy models that can be used in idealized experiments:

Unified plotting tool


The python script in oops/tools can be used to plot various diagnostics for the Lorenz95 and quasi-geostrophic models, with the following syntax:

  • $MODEL indicates the toy-model,
  • $DIAG indicates the diagnostic,
  • $GENERIC_ARGS is a sequence of generic arguments,
  • $SPECIFIC_ARGS is a sequence of model- and diagnostic-specific arguments.

Generic arguments:

-h Print help message
--output Optional output file name without extension

Specific arguments:

l95 cost filepath Log file path [.test or .log.out]
fields filepath NetCDF file path [.nc]
basefilepath Base NetCDF file path for difference [.nc]
-bg Background file path (optional for plot) [.nc]
-t Truth file path (optional for plot) [.nc]
-o Observations file path (optional for plot) [.nc]
timeseries filepath NetCDF file path (with %id% template) [.nc]
-fKey Legend key for data from 'filepath' file (optional)
-f2 NetCDF file path (with %id% template) [.nc] (optional)
-f2Key Legend key for data from '-f2' file (optional)
-f3 NetCDF file path (with %id% template) [.nc] (optional)
-f3Key Legend key for data from '-f3' file (optional)
-f4 NetCDF file path (with %id% template) [.nc] (optional)
-f4Key Legend key for data from '-f4' file (optional)
truthfilepath Truth file path (with %id% template) [.nc]
times Time series pattern values (used to replace %id%)
errors filepath Analysis file path [.nc]
truthfilepath Truth file path [.nc]
-bg Background file path (optional for plot) [.nc]
--recenter Recenter plot around first and last variable (optional)
--title User specified title (optional)
increments filepath Analysis file path [.nc]
bgfilepath Background file path [.nc]
-t Truth file path (optional for plot) [.nc]
--recenter Recenter plot around first and last variable (optional)
--title User specified title (optional)
qg cost filepath Log file path [.test or .log.out]
fields filepath NetCDF file path [.nc]
basefilepath Base NetCDF file path for difference [.nc]
--plotObsLocations Specify an observation file to plot the obs positions
--plotwind Flag to plot the wind
--gif Pattern replacing %id% in filepath to create a gif
obs filepath NetCDF file path [.nc]


L95 / cost

Plot the cost function components for the 3DVar test of the L95 model:
  • red triangles: J_b term
  • blue circles: J_o term
  • black xs: J = J_b + J_o
  • black continuous line: quadratic J inside inner iterations
python l95 cost --output l95_cost \
 - model: l95
 - diagnostic: cost
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/testoutput/3dvar.out
 - output: l95_cost
Run script
 -> plot produced: l95_cost.jpg

You will notice the quadratic function is flat, it is because the problem converges very fast.


L95 / fields

Plot the analysis increment (analysis - background) for the 3DVar test of the L95 model.

python l95 fields --output l95_fields \
               [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/\:00\:00Z.l95 \
 - model: l95
 - diagnostic: fields
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/
 - basefilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P1D.l95
 - output: l95_fields
Run script
 -> plot produced: l95_fields_incr.jpg


Plot the analysis, background, truth and observations for the 3DVar test of the L95 model.

python l95 fields [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/\:00\:00Z.l95 \
               -bg [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95 \
               -t [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95 \
               -o [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth3d.2010-01-02T00\:00\:00Z.obt

 - model: l95
 - diagnostic: fields
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/
 - bgfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P1D.l95
 - truthfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P1D.l95
 - obsfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth3d.2010-01-02T00:00:00Z.obt
 - output: None
Run script
 -> plot produced:

Since several observations are available at each location throughout the time window, you can see up to three observation points for each location on the following plot.


L95 / timeseries

Plot a time series of RMSE(field1 - field2) for DA tests using the L95 model. Optionally plot up to 3 more series with optional user specified legend keys.

python l95 timeseries [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P%id%.l95 \
               -fKey "Series 1" \
               -f2 [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.ens.1.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P%id%.l95  \
               -f2Key "Series 2" \
               -f3 [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.ens.2.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P%id%.l95 \
               -f3Key "Series 3" \
               -f4 [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.ens.3.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P%id%.l95 \
               -f4Key "Series 4" \
               [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P%id%.l95 \

 - model: l95
 - diagnostic: timeseries
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P%id%.l95
 - fileKey: Series 1
 - filepath2: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.ens.1.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P%id%.l95
 - file2Key: Series 2
 - filepath3: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.ens.2.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P%id%.l95
 - file3Key: Series 3
 - filepath4: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.ens.3.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P%id%.l95
 - file4Key: Series 4
 - truthfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P%id%.l95
 - times: T3H,T6H,T9H,T12H,T18H,1D
 - output: None
Run script
 -> plot produced: forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P.jpg


L95 / errors

Plot the following errors for the L95 model: analysis - truth (always) and background - truth (optionally).

python l95 errors [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/\:00\:00Z.l95 \
               [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95 \
               -bg [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95 \
               --recenter --title "Errors Experiment I"

 - model: l95
 - diagnostic: errors
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/\:00\:00Z.l95
 - truthfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95
 - bgfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95
 - output: None
 - recenter: True
 - title Errors Experiment I
Run script
 -> plot produced:


L95 / increments

Plot the following increments for the L95 model: increment analysis-background (always) and perfect increment truth - background (optionally).

python l95 increments [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/\:00\:00Z.l95 \
               [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95 \
               -t [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00\:00\:00Z.P1D.l95 \
               --recenter --title "Increments Experiment I"

 - model: l95
 - diagnostic: increments
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/
 - bgfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/forecast.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P1D.l95
 - truthfilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/l95/test/Data/truth.fc.2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.P1D.l95
 - output: None
 - recenter: True
 - title: Increments Experiment I
Run script
 -> plot produced:


QG / fields

Plot the analysis for the 3DVar test of the QG model, with corresponding geostrophic winds:
  • streamfunction on levels 1 and 2,
  • potential vorticity on levels 1 and 2.
  • horizontal wind on levels 1 and 2.
  • vertical wind on levels 1 and 2.
python qg fields --output qg_fields \
 - model: qg
 - diagnostic: fields
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - basefilepath: None
 - plotObsLocations: None
 - plotwind: False
 - gif: None
 - output: qg_fields
 - title: None
Run script
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_u.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_v.jpg





QG / fields - increment and overlay observation positions

Plot the increment for the 3DVar test of the QG model and overlay the observation locations:

python qg fields --output qg_increment \
               --plotwind \
               [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/\:00\ \
               [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/forecast.fc.2009-12-31T00\:00\ \
               --plotObsLocations [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - model: qg
 - diagnostic: fields
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - basefilepath: [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - plotObsLocations: [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - plotwind: True
 - gif: None
 - output: qg_increment
 - title: None
Run script
 -> plot produced: qg_increment_x_diff.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_increment_q_diff.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_increment_u_diff.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_increment_v_diff.jpg



QG / fields - animated GIF

Plot the sequence of states of the "truth" forecast in an animated GIF.

python qg fields --output qg_fields_animation_%id% \
               [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/truth.fc.2009-12-15T00\:00\ \
               --gif P1D,P2D,P3D,P4D,P5D,P6D,P7D,P8D,P9D,P10D,P11D,P12D,P13D,P14D,P15D,P16D,P17D,P18D
 - model: qg
 - diagnostic: fields
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - basefilepath: None
 - plotObsLocations: None
 - plotwind: False
 - gif: P1D,P2D,P3D,P4D,P5D,P6D,P7D,P8D,P9D,P10D,P11D,P12D,P13D,P14D,P15D,P16D,P17D,P18D
 - output: qg_fields_animation_%id%
 - title: None
Run script
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P1D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P2D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P3D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P4D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P5D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P6D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P7D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P8D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P9D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P10D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P11D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P12D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P13D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P14D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P15D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P16D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P17D_x.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P18D_x.jpg
 -> gif produced: qg_fields_animation_P1D_x.gif
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P1D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P2D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P3D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P4D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P5D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P6D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P7D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P8D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P9D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P10D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P11D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P12D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P13D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P14D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P15D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P16D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P17D_q.jpg
 -> plot produced: qg_fields_animation_P18D_q.jpg
 -> gif produced: qg_fields_animation_P1D_q.gif



QG / obs

Copy the observation file values from the NetCDF into a text file.

python qg obs --output qg_obs [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - model: qg
 - diagnostic: obs
 - filepath: [build_bundle]/oops/qg/test/Data/
 - output: qg_obs
Run script
 -> Observations values written in qg_obs.txt

File extract:

# location / value / hofx
[ -29.87208056    3.63767342 3266.44902118] / [10594165.5105961] / [10594165.5105961]
[ 178.98653093    8.23197272 5786.33931931] / [-876673.14254443] / [-876673.14254443]
[  79.31681614   59.17619073 5270.58105916] / [-1.33785214e+08] / [-1.33785214e+08]
[  30.72931674   18.82485907 6153.04231877] / [56.26459124] / [56.26459124]