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read-tv tutorial


Please follow the directions in the main README.

Sample Data

For this tutorial we will use the USGS data from the Great Tohoku earthquake of 2011.

Though read-tv was originally designed for visualization of surgical workflow disruptions, earthquakes are an informative use-case example of irregularly spaced event data. In addition, this highlights how read-tv is generalizable to different data sets.

The 2 main requirements for read-tv to work with a given data set:

  1. The data can be formatted as a table, with rows as data points and columns as features.
  2. There is at least one numeric, datetime, or time-string column that has no missing values.

The original file can be accessed from the R console if read-tv is installed.

earthquake_f = system.file('extdata/earthquake_data', 

It is also available to download.

  1. The Great Japan Earthquake data publicly available from USGS.
    • The earthquake data can be downloaded from here.
    • If read-tv is installed
      • earthquake_f = system.file('extdata/earthquake_data', 'query.csv', package='readtv')
    • The USGS map associated with this earthquake data is available here.

We can view the general layout of the data


earthquake_data = read_csv(earthquake_f)
earthquake_data %>% glimpse
## Rows: 1,030
## Columns: 22
## $ time            <dttm> 2011-03-12 23:58:47, 2011-03-12 23:57:33, 2011-03-12…
## $ latitude        <dbl> 37.680, 38.086, 37.681, 37.075, 35.884, 36.995, 36.45…
## $ longitude       <dbl> 142.774, 144.118, 143.381, 143.387, 141.444, 144.158,…
## $ depth           <dbl> 35.0, 20.5, 8.7, 21.0, 38.8, 27.2, 25.6, 17.6, 35.0, …
## $ mag             <dbl> 4.5, 4.9, 5.0, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 4.4, 4.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.1…
## $ magType         <chr> "mb", "mb", "mb", "mb", "mb", "mb", "mb", "mb", "mb",…
## $ nst             <dbl> 33, 137, 164, 206, 51, 26, 40, 20, 16, 15, 13, 241, 2…
## $ gap             <dbl> 122.5, 63.8, 67.6, 65.0, 114.5, 136.2, 127.5, 120.1, …
## $ dmin            <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
## $ rms             <dbl> 1.17, 0.84, 0.86, 0.72, 0.90, 0.89, 0.70, 0.82, 0.38,…
## $ net             <chr> "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us",…
## $ id              <chr> "usp000hwp7", "usp000hwp6", "usp000hwp5", "usp000hwp4…
## $ updated         <dttm> 2014-11-07 01:44:03, 2014-11-07 01:44:03, 2014-11-07…
## $ place           <chr> "off the east coast of Honshu, Japan", "off the east …
## $ type            <chr> "earthquake", "earthquake", "earthquake", "earthquake…
## $ horizontalError <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
## $ depthError      <dbl> NA, 3.6, 13.4, 8.2, 8.5, 21.0, 17.0, 27.7, NA, 20.4, …
## $ magError        <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
## $ magNst          <dbl> 3, 76, 92, 129, 12, 4, 8, 3, 5, 7, 3, 164, 154, 1, 2,…
## $ status          <chr> "reviewed", "reviewed", "reviewed", "reviewed", "revi…
## $ locationSource  <chr> "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us",…
## $ magSource       <chr> "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us", "us",…

Launch Application

The main function is launchReadtv.


Or it can be launched as

app = readtv::launchReadtv()

Data Upload

First, we will upload the earthquake data file through the UI.

After the earthquake data file is browsed and uploaded, read-tv will display a pop-up asking which columns are for Time, Case, and Event Type. The only mandatory column is Time, for now we’ll select the “time” column and ignore Case and Event Type. Once “time” is set to Time, press submit.


I changed the theme to cyborg so that the screen shots are visible in this tutorial. The themes drop-down is from the shinythemes package.

What to do if you uploaded the wrong file?
For read-tv version 0.1, the solution is to close the application and run it again. Or if it is running remotely, open read-tv in a new browser window.

Source Code

Every read-tv tab has a Source Code sub-tab. read-tv uses meta-programming to generate code in response to user input. The code is evaluated to create visualizations. Therefore, any visualization can be reproduced by executing this code within an R environment.

Notice that f_name is equal to the file’s path on the server. This is because the Source Code sub-tab shows the exact code that is executed by read-tv. To replicate any the code blocks: make sure tidyverse and readtv packages are loaded, and update the file name to your local path.

read-tv calculates 2 new columns from the data:
1. RelativeTime: time from the given event to the first event in data (or Case, if a Case column is present).
1. deltaTime: inter-event times.

Filter & Facet

Now we can look at the basic plot by clicking on the Filter & Facet tab.

Customize Display

This plot can be made more informative by changing the y-axis and colors. Click on the Customize Display button in the Display sub-tab. Set Y to “mag”, and Color to “place.”

After customizing the display, we now have a more informative plot.The after shocks are readily visible.


We can provide more information by faceting by place.

Pagination limits the number of plots per page, which can be scrolled. Though for the this data the number of faceted plots (6) is relatively small, so pagination seems to have no benefit.

Source Code

We can view the source code to recreate the plot by clicking on the Show Source button on the Source Code sub-tab.

The source code assumes tidyverse and read-tv set of libraries are already loaded. It does not assume this about ggforce, which provides facet grid.


Though filtering can be done on both faceted and non-faceted plots, I will remove the facet to facilitate visualization by putting all the data in one plot. This can be done by clicking the Customize Display button in the Display sub-tab, then clicking on the Facet drop-down, and deleting the value with the backspace or delete button. When this is done press Submit.

An R expression can be written in the Custom Filter text input section to filter the data. In this case, we only keep the earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 6.

This will remove the data from the downstream CPA analysis (the next tab). However, sometimes we want to highlight certain data points, while still retaining the data that does not pass the filter. We can set the Custom Filter Data drop-down to “transparent”.

What filters are permissible?

In general, R language conditions that can be used to filter data in the tidyverse packages. This is most apparent by viewing the plot`s source code.

This allows for tidyverse’s powerful filtering capabilities.

There is also an Include Condition button underneath the Custom Filter. This will pop up a graphical assistant to create filters. However, it will likely never have the power of creating the filters directly in R through the text input.

Tab Layout

So far we have used 2 tabs, Data Upload, and Filter & Facet.
There are 4 tabs in read-tv 0.1: Data Upload, Filter & Facet, CPA, and CPA Overlay. Future versions will include a tab for forecasts.

The data flows from left to right. This means that each tab only knows about the tabs to the left. The data uploaded in Data Upload is passed to Filter & Facet, but not the other way.

As stated earlier, if you need to upload new data. The best option is to restart read-tv, if it is running locally. Or open a new browser window, if it is running on a remote server.


The CPA tab will use the data from Filter & Facet to perform changepoint analysis and any necessary pre-processing.

The Calculate CPA sub-tab will ask if the data is regularly spaced, “Already Regular Spacing?”, which means fixed time interval between data points.

CPA algorithms expect regularly spaced data, but most event data is irregularly spaced. This is because events do not tend to occur at fixed intervals.

So we will set the “Already Regular Spacing?” drop-down to “No”. We will then regularize the data through a sliding window method. The window duration will be 5 hours, and the window will slide across the data at a fixed rate of every 2 hours. Within the window, the number of events will be counted. In other words, this will create regularly spaced data with intervals of 2 hours, and each data point is the number of events that occurred within a 5 hour window (2.5 hours on each side of the time point).

After pressing the Regularize button, the following plot comes up. It shows both the event stem plot, and the number of events within a 5-hour window at 2-hour intervals.

The source code shows that the data is sent to the read-tv preprocessForCpa function. The window width is set to 5 hours (18,000 seconds), the window stride is set to 2 hours (7,200 seconds), and the aggregating function agg_fn_expr is set to the length, or count, of the values within the window. .values is the vector of magnitude points within the 5-hour window. But the element values themselves are not used in this example. More advanced techniques to regularize the time-intervals through interpolation may incorporate the magnitudes.

Finally, we can perform changepoint analysis. The Method was set to Binary Segmentation, the Penalty was Bayesian Information Criterion, and 3 change points were calculated.

We did not develop novel CPA techniques. read-tv provides GUI access to the R changepoint package.

Killick et al provide informative descriptions of the changepoint package algorithms.
- An R Package for Changepoint Analysis
- Optimal Detection of Changepoints With a Linear Computational Cost.
- Analysis of changepoint models. Bayesian time series models.

CPA Overlay Tab

The CPA Overlay tab overlays the CPA tab output changepoints on top of the raw data from Data Upload.

CPA Overlay also provides support for filtering and faceting data. However, the data filtered in CPA Overlay will not alter CPA tab’s changepoints (which are calculated from Filter & Facet’s output). This can be beneficial for seeing if certain event types are near changepoints, because event types not in question can be removed from the CPA Overlay tab’s visualization.

Of course, the source code to recreate this plot is available from the Source Code sub-tab.

Faster Prototyping

Both files and in-memory objects can be passed to launchReadtv

app = launchReadtv(eventsPath = earthquake_f)

#shiny::runApp(app) #uncomment to run application
app = earthquake_f %>% 
  read_csv %>% 
  mutate(Time = time, Event.Type = place, Case = 1) %>% #bypass popup
  launchReadtv(plotOpts = tvOpts(y = mag, x = Time, color = place))

#shiny::runApp(app) #uncomment to run application

Executing the above shiny::runApp(app) code will generate the following plot. The plotOpts argument and the tvOpts function tells the plot to load with the specified axes, colors, etc.

Notice that we did not have to work with the data transform pop-up in the beginning which asks us to map Time, Case, or Event.Type. This is because we created the columns through the tidyverse mutate command before sending the data to read-tv.

Case and Event.Type

While only the Time column is required, there are advantages to setting Case and Event.Type, namely:

  • Case
    • A Case multi-select becomes available in the Filter & Facet and CPA Overlay tabs.
    • RelativeTime is calculated for each case as time since first event for the given case. Rather than time since first event in the entire dataset.
  • Event.Type
    • An Event.Type multi-select becomes available in the Filter & Facet and CPA Overlay tabs.
categorizeMagnitude = function(mag)
    mag < 4 ~ '4_minor', #numbers preserve order for plots
    mag < 5 ~ '5_light',
    mag < 6 ~ '6_moderate',
    mag < 7 ~ '7_strong',
    mag < 8 ~ '8_major',
    TRUE ~ 'great'

app = earthquake_f %>% 
  read_csv %>% 
  mutate(Time = time, Event.Type = categorizeMagnitude(mag), Case = place) %>%
  launchReadtv(plotOpts = tvOpts(y = mag, x = Time, color = Event.Type,
                                 facetOn = Case))

#shiny::runApp(app) #uncomment to run application

It is worth pointing out that the multi-select only removes the data, it never sets the data to transparent. A new version of read-tv may support transparency as well as removal for the multi-selects.

In the mean-time to obtain this functionality: we can still select with the multi-select, view the generated code, copy that code to Custom Filter while removing the multi-select, and set Custom Filtered Data to “transparent”.

Select with the multi-select.

View the generated code.

Copy code to Custom Filter while setting the multi-select to “All”, and set Custom Filtered Data to “transparent”.

The source code for the above visualization has the multi-select filter code moved to the read-tv Filtered column that encodes transparency.


It can be challenging to debug React-based applications. Therefore read-tv logs most function calls logs with the R logger package.
To turn off the log messages, pass a higher log level to the log_threshold parameter of the launchReadtv function. Since all the messages are logged at logger::INFO level, passing logger::ERROR to launchReadtv will turn off logging.

app = launchReadtv(log_threshold = logger::ERROR)