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Running Caraya Tests in a Built LabVIEW Application (EXE)

Francois Normandin edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 3 revisions

Caraya 1.0.0

Caraya 1.0.0 fully supports running in executables without artifices such as keeping debugging enabled or adding the Caraya library to the "Always Included" list.

Automatic test discovery is not supported in the run time engine as the current discovery mechanism relies on the VI Linker Info node which is not available neither in the runtime engine nor on real-time targets. As a result, the only nodes that are compatible with runtime engine are the "Define Test", "Assert" methods, the reporting classes and the traditional Test Suite palette. Any advanced functions such as polymorphic Run Test method and the whole Test Runner class hierarchy will not work within EXE.

Caraya 0.6.0 support

Note: In order to call Caraya tests in your built LabVIEW Application, you have to explicitly "Always Include" the Caraya.lvlib library in the exe build spec.

In addition, you need to set the executable to 'Enable debugging' (for now).

Support for running Caraya Tests in a Built LabVIEW Application was added in version ____ (See: Added support for running Caraya from exe #18)