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548 lines (358 loc) · 13.5 KB


File metadata and controls

548 lines (358 loc) · 13.5 KB


I want backups, but not in the project tree and I never want to accidentally overwrite a :command:`cp --link` tree:

set backup
set backupcopy=auto,breakhardlink
let &backupdir = g:vim_cache_dir .. '/backup//'
if !isdirectory(g:vim_cache_dir .. '/backup')
    call mkdir(g:vim_cache_dir .. '/backup', 'p', 0700)

I don’t often open :wikipedia:`MHTML` files, but when I do it is only for quick edits and the resulting often huge backups are practically always useless to me.

set backupskip+=*.mht*


While you’re thinking about 'backupskip' consider adding adding paths your password managers, :command:`sudoedit`-type files and other things where there could be dangerous leaks through backups. I use passwordstore which ships with a helpful configuration file that takes care of the details for me, which could also serve as inspiration for other uses.

Enable tooltips:

if has('balloon_eval')
    set ballooneval

Keep indent between wrapped lines and display the pretty 'showbreak' indicator:

if has('linebreak')
    set breakindent
    set breakindentopt=sbr

Show a marker as maximum line length cue:

set colorcolumn=+1

Show completion popup even where there is only a single item, this allows us to see the call signature in supported filetypes for example.

set completeopt+=menuone

Use the far prettier popup windows for completions:

if has('popupwin')
    set completeopt+=popup

Enable fancy Unicode display, see the builtin rust filetype and :repo:`vim-cute-python <ehamberg/vim-cute-python>` for examples:

if has('conceal')
    set concealcursor=nc
    set conceallevel=2

Ask instead of just failing when there are edited buffers and you call :q:

set confirm

Highlight the current line, but only when it will be useful:

set cursorline

If a wordlist is available use it as the completion dictionary:

if filereadable('/usr/share/dict/words')
    set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words


On Debian systems this file tends to be provided by packages from the wordlist project(see aptitude search '~Pwordlist' for options). On other systems, and possibly on Debian too, it may be provided by GNU’s miscfiles package.

Keep swap files in |XDG basedir| compliant location:

let &directory = printf('%s/swap//,%s', g:vim_cache_dir, &directory)
if !isdirectory(g:vim_cache_dir .. '/swap')
    call mkdir(g:vim_cache_dir .. '/swap', 'p', 0700)

:wikipedia:`UTF-8` should be default on all systems now, and |vim| will pick that up via :envvar:`LANG`, but we’ll force it just in case:

" vint: -ProhibitEncodingOptionAfterScriptEncoding
set encoding=utf-8
" vint: +ProhibitEncodingOptionAfterScriptEncoding
if &modifiable
    " This is per buffer, and breaks when using stdin as buffer for example
    set fileencoding=utf-8
if v:lang =~? 'utf-8'
    set fileencodings=utf-8,latin1,default

Only files that must contain tabs(:file:`Makefile`) should contain tabs:

set expandtab

Use prettier :wikipedia:`Unicode box drawing character <Box_Drawing-Unicode_block>` for a cleaner looking interface:

set fillchars+=vert:│
if has('patch-8.2.2524')
    set fillchars+=foldopen:┌
    set fillchars+=foldsep:│

Configure folding support:

if has('folding')
    set fillchars+=fold:\   " Intentional trailing space
    set foldcolumn=2
    set foldlevelstart=99
    set foldmethod=syntax
    set foldtext=display#fold_text()

Examples of display#fold_text() display

Configure formatting:

Option Use
r Continue comment on
n Indent text in number lists
l (lower L) Don’t automatically break long lines
1 (number 1) Don’t break line on one letter word
set formatoptions+=rnl1

When :repo:`the_silver_searcher <ggreer/the_silver_searcher>` is installed always use it:

if executable('ag')
    set grepprg=ag\ --vimgrep
    set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m
    let &grepprg = printf(
    \   'grep -nH --exclude-from=%s/grep_excludes $* /dev/null',
    \   g:xdg_data_dir)


:command:`ag` is just so much faster that any incompatibility is worth the grief.

Allow unsaved modified buffers in the background:

set hidden


Don’t worry if that sounds scary, |vim| will warn if you try to exit without saving them!

Highlight searches:

set hlsearch

Ignore case in searches, working in conjunction with smartcase:

set ignorecase

Use the case of the inserted text to choose the case of completed text:

set infercase

Having = in filename matches are more trouble then they’re worth:

set isfname-=\=

Don’t continually update the screen when executing non-interactive commands:

set lazyredraw

Prefer line wrapping at visually appealing locations:

if has('linebreak')
    set linebreak

Show “hidden” whitespace in buffers:

set list

set listchars=tab:␉·,extends:…,nbsp:␠
if has('conceal')
    set listchars+=conceal:Δ

Include angle brackets in pair matching:

set matchpairs+=<:>

Show matching parenthesis for three tenths of a second:

set matchtime=3

The way |vim| recognises numbers for isn’t always great, so forcibly telling it treat numbers as unsigned means we at least get “a standard” behaviour, even if it isn’t the most intuitive.

set nrformats+=unsigned


If the only date format you use is |ISO-8601| then disabling 'nrformats'’s octal mode and enabling unsigned should allow you seamless date fiddling without :repo:`vim-speeddating <tpope/vim-speeddating>`.

Always display relative line numbers in the GUI, but show actual line number on current line:

set number
set relativenumber

Example of combined numbering

Don’t search for C includes from all filetypes:

set path-=/usr/include

Use popup windows for previews:

if has('textprop') || has('quickfix')
    set previewpopup=height:10

Set an upper limit to the popup menu, as full screen height feels quite unusable:

if has('insert_expand')
    set pumheight=10

If available default to |Python| 3:

if has('pythonx') && has('python3')
    set pyxversion=3

Always display count of changed lines:

set report=0

Keep cursor line centred:

set scrolloff=100

Save local options in session files, which is important for buffers that should be displayed using 'nolist' for example:

set sessionoptions+=localoptions

Include terminal windows in sessions where possible:

if has('mksession')
    set sessionoptions+=terminal

Make indentation always honour the user defined width:

set shiftround

The vast majority of files I edit expect indentation to be four spaces:

set shiftwidth=4

Disable |vim|’s intro message:

set shortmess+=I

Don’t show ins-completion-menu messages, they’re obvious from context and the use of menu completion:

set shortmess+=c

Always display partial commands:

if has('cmdline_info') && has('showcmd')
    set showcmd

Make completion popups show complete matches that may include call tips and other useful information:

set showfulltag

Hop to matching parenthesis when inserting closing character as a visual hint:

set showmatch


You can adjust the “flash time” with 'matchtime'.

No need to display current mode as :repo:`vim-airline <vim-airline/vim-airline>` changes the statusline to indicate mode:

set noshowmode

Make searches case insensitive when an upper case character is typed, as an addition to ignorecase:

set smartcase

Make insert mode perform indentation aware movement:

set softtabstop=-1

Configure spell checking and include a personal spell checking list for use with zg:

if has('spell')
    set spell
    let s:lang = split(v:lang, '\.')[0]
    let &spellfile = printf('~/.vim/spell/%s.utf-8.add', s:lang)
    let &spelllang = tolower(s:lang)

… and treat camel-cased words specially:

    set spelloptions+=camel

Prefer making horizontal splits toward the bottom of the screen:

set splitbelow

… and vertical splits toward the right of the screen:

set splitright

Don’t jump to the start of a line when changing buffers or issuing linewise edits:

set nostartofline

Adjust completion to make .lua lower priority so that :repo:`moonscript <leafo/moonscript>` files are preferred:

set suffixes+=.lua

When switching buffers for quickfix jump to an existing window where possible:

set switchbuf=useopen

Limit line length to 80 characters, but be aware that some filetypes will override this to match community standards:

set textwidth=80

Make ~ available as an operator:

set tildeop

Only timeout on keycodes:

set notimeout
set ttimeout

Set title in terminals:

set title

Use smoother redraws:

set ttyfast


This is enabled by |vim| for most terminal types that would support it, but the list |vim| uses is static and new terminals I’m testing can’t be added to it.

Enable undo files that cross sessions, and store those files in |XDG basedir| compliant location:

if has('persistent_undo')
    set undofile
    let &undodir = printf('%s/undo//,%s', g:vim_data_dir, &undodir)
    if !isdirectory(g:vim_data_dir .. '/undo')
        call mkdir(g:vim_data_dir .. '/undo', 'p', 0700)


You should give serious consideration to persistent undo before enabling it, as it quite clearly can lead to making all manner of previously ephemeral personal data persistent. And, don’t forget that you can still :ref:`disable it locally <disable-undo-file>` if the need arises.

Double |vim|’s default swap file write time interval:

set updatetime=8000

Store session files in |XDG basedir| compliant location:

if has('mksession')
    let &viewdir = g:vim_cache_dir .. '/view'
    if !isdirectory(&viewdir)
        call mkdir(&viewdir, 'p', 0700)

Configure 'viminfo' and store :file:`viminfo` files in |XDG basedir| compliant location:

Option Use
'5000 Store marks for 5000 files
<1000 Save up to 1000 lines for registers
% Store buffer list, which is nice for cycling sessions
r/media Ignore :file:`/media`
r/tmp Ignore :file:`/tmp`
if has('viminfo')
    set viminfo='5000,<1000,%,r/media,r/tmp
    let &viminfofile = g:vim_cache_dir .. '/viminfo'


The mark and register count are high enough that we are unlikely to lose history, but also capped so that they can’t act as local :abbr:`DoS (Denial of Service)`.

Allow moving to “empty” blocks in visual block mode:

if has('virtualedit')
    set virtualedit=block

Allow moving over lines with and in normal, visual, insert and replace modes:

set whichwrap+=<,>,[,]

Ignore files which we are unlikely to want to edit; PDF, |vim|’s swap files, object and static library files, editor backups and sqlite databases.

if has('wildignore')
    set wildignore+=*.pdf,*.swp,*.[ao],*~,*.db

Ignore case when completing files:

set wildignorecase


It is a real shame this doesn’t honour the 'smartcase' configuration and style. The behaviour of this option is closer to the less useful — in my eyes — 'ignorecase'.

Insert longest common match when completing:

set wildmode^=longest:full

Set string to show wrapped lines:

if has('linebreak')
    let &showbreak='» '

Use buffer and command name in window title:

if has('title')
    set titlestring=
    set titlestring+=%{display#readable_path(expand('%'))}
    set titlestring+=\ -\ %{v:progname} " Program name

The default minimum window height of one line is not useful enough to be worthwhile, so allow window borders to touch:

set winminheight=0
.. spelling::
