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161 lines (101 loc) · 3.54 KB


File metadata and controls

161 lines (101 loc) · 3.54 KB


Load a colour scheme, but only on first source:

if !exists('g:colors_name')
    colorscheme molokai

Only enable Lua//Ruby embedded syntax regardless of built-in support:

const g:vimsyn_embed = 'lPr'


While system awk is never gawk for me, every time I write an awk script I’m targeting gawk.

let g:awk_is_gawk = v:true


Highlight invalid entries:

let g:desktop_enable_nonstd = v:true

Manual pages

Support folding:

const g:ft_man_folding_enable = v:true

Prefer vertical splits:

const g:ft_man_open_mode = 'vert'


Highlight everything possible for :

const g:python_highlight_all = v:true


Don’t set the status line as vim-airline <vim-airline/vim-airline> takes care of this already:

let g:qf_disable_statusline = v:true


Disable ’s default indentation rules:

const g:rst_style = v:false


The indentation rules mostly work, but occasionally don’t seem to do the right thing… and that is far more annoying than always being wrong.

The folding configuration for files is quite poor, and the custom 'foldtext' makes using folds close to useless:

const g:rst_fold_enabled = v:false


This isn’t enabled upstream, but has been toggled on in a few site files for reasons which are far beyond me.

Enable common — to me — highlighting support:

let g:rst_syntax_code_list = #{
\   c: ['c', ],
\   cpp: ['cpp', 'c++'],
\   lisp: ['emacs', 'lisp'],
\   python: ['python', ],
\   sh: ['sh', 'zsh'],
\   vim: ['vim', ],
\ }

Example of code block highlighting

This should probably be configured more locally as it includes the full syntax definitions for each language, and it considerably increase syntax parsing speed. The actual impact needs measuring properly first!


Use fancy conceal support for rust:

const g:rust_conceal = v:true
const g:rust_conceal_mod_path = v:true
const g:rust_conceal_pub = v:true

Add screenshot.

Enable folding support, but default to the global 'foldlevel':

const g:rust_fold = 1

Shell scripts

Default to bash for sh syntax, and POSIX is a more realistic default for me if g:is_bash is toggled:

const g:is_bash = v:true
const g:is_posix = v:true

Fold shell scripts as much as possible:

const g:sh_fold_enabled = 7

… and search a long way to keep syntax highlighting correct:

const g:sh_minlines = 400

… and disable highlighting errors that will be caught by linter <ale-plugin>:

const g:sh_no_error = v:true


Support folding in XML (eXtensible Markup Language):

const g:xml_syntax_folding = v:true


Support folding for too, including the excellent alternative syntax:

const g:zsh_fold_enable = v:true