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Front-end application that connects to rubiko-desk to provide a UI for agents to provide support.

Development Tooling

The development tooling is:

The application is developed with the Javascript framework VueJs. This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs.

See script setup docs for further details.


The .gitlab-ci.yml configures the GitLab CI/CD automated pipeline to deliver the web application as a docker image and to deploy in AWS.

To run locally with docker

docker run -p 3000:80

To optionally override some of the .env settings, pass them as environment variables

docker run -p 3000:80 \
	-e RUBIKO_WEBSOCKET=ws://localhost:8000/ws \
	-e RUBIKO_DESK_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8000/rubiko.desk \
	-e RUBIKO_AUTH_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8000/rubiko.auth \

and the web application will be available on http://localhost:3000


This application is developed with a build once, deploy anywhere approach in mind, which requires to have some configuration values, such as URLs, parameterized, so that they can easily be modified for development to point to whichever environment, and, once the app is delivered as a docker image, these values could easily be overriden by environment variables.

To use settings, add values to .env prefixed by RUBIKO. See an example below:

In .env add as many settings as necessary.

RUBIKO_BAR=my multiline value

To access these values in the code, the SettingsService.js service is provided. It can be imported and used anywhere.

import settings from '@/services/SettingsService'

console.log(settings.RUBIKO_FOO); // prints myValue
console.log(settings.RUBIKO_BAR); // prints my multiline value

How it works

The whole process is automated when using npm, and the only requirement for the development machine is to use Linux or to have Git for Windows installed at C:\Program Files\Git when using Windows, because a shell (i.e: sh.exe) is required.

The file .env is the source of truth for settings, but it can be overriden with environment variables.

Internally, at launch time (i.e: when running npm run dev or when launching a docker container out of the image, as described on the Dockerfile) a script is executed directly (in Linux) or indirectly through a env.bat that uses a shell (in Windows). This script automatically creates a file env-config.js with the values from .env, and copies it to public folder, making the settings available to be read at runtime by the app.

By having variables read at runtime, this approaches ensures the variables can be overriden by environment variables.

Override settings for development

When developing the app, the settings can be used by directly by modifying the .env file and launching npm run dev, or by injecting environment variables at launch time which will override the .env settings.

For exmaple:

RUBIKO_FOO=myStrongerValue npm run dev


The versioning strategy follows a semver approach (i.e: X.Y.X where X represents the major version, Y represents the minor version and Z represents the patch version). The developer should decide when a major or minor version has increased because of major or minor changes respectively, and tag the repository with the new semver. For example:

git tag -a 0.2.0 -m 'version 0.2.0'

Every time a CI/CD pipeline is executed, a new version will be generated and used to tag the docker image that will be produced, and to override a configuration setting with key RUBIKO_APP_VERSION. See .gitlab-ci.yml for more details.

This new version automatically generated will respect the major version and minor version found in at the git repository tag, and will infer the patch version out of the amount of commits since the last minor version.


The UI can run in any port. At the moment CORS is allowed in the back-end for requests originating on http://localhost:3000 and "".

If there is a need to run the UI from different origin, make the required changes at back-end to allow the new origins.