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Deep Dive into Docker

These are course notes I took. I am using Ubuntu 16 Xenial for development in VMWare WorkStation.

Table of Contents

Learning the Basics of Docker

##Introduction to Docker (Back to Top)

  • Images are the templates to build containers on.
    • Or one could base a custom image off a base image.
  • Containers are running instances of images.

##Containers vs VirtualMachines (Back to Top) Skip

##Docker Architecture (Back to Top) Skip

##Docker Installation (Back to Top)

sudo apt-get install -y docker docker-engine

##Creating our First Image (Back to Top)

First to see our images and check our docker version:

docker images
docker version

Let's us know API version and google-go version for Docker Daemon.

docker info
  • Locations
    • Where Container Details are Located
      • var/lib/docker is where all images/containers are stored
      • cd var/lib/docker/containers/<hex>
    • Where Images are Located
      • ls /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/imagedb/content/sha256

Whats Running

docker ps

What has run (With no name passed, it makes up a name)

docker ps -a

We can refer to a Container or Image by IMAGE ID, CONTAINER_ID or either ones NAME

####Pull an image

docker pull ubuntu (would be latest)
docker pull ubuntu:trusty (Or any tag listed in dockerhub)

"Container Layers build the docker image"

####Launch container (i = interactive, -t = attach to terminal) This will launch the container, but not keep it running once we exit

docker run -it ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
docker ps -a

Grab name name of what we ran, eg 'adoring_einstein'

docker restart adoring_einstein
docker ps
docker attach adoring_einstein  (Logs us in)

####Keep the container running in Background (disconnected/daemonized)

docker run -itd ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash

####Run another Instance

docker run -itd ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash

####Info about the Base image

docker inspect ubuntu:xenial
docker ps  (See the different names)

####Info about Container

docker ps -a
docker inspect compassionate_bhaskara
docker inspect compassionate_bhaskara | grep IP

####Going into container

docker attach compassionate_bhaskara

####Stopping Containers

docker stop <name>
docker ps -a

####Searching for containers

docker search ruby
docker search training/sinatra

####Instance Examples

docker pull training/sinatra
docker run -it training/sinatra /bin/bash
gem list --local

####Create a file in this instance

cd /root
echo "Testing" > test.txt

####Notice new instances don't have our old items

docker run -it training/sinatra /bin/bash
ls /root

####We can reboot our old instance

docker ps -a
docker restart sad_bohr
docker attach sad_bohr
ls /root         ;(Our test.txt remains)

##Packaging a custom container (Back to Top)

Instantiate a Container and update some items

docker ps -a
docker run -it ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
cd /root
echo "This is version 1 of our custom image" > image_version.txt
apt-get update
apt-get install telnet openssh-server

adduser test

which sshd
which telnet

cat /etc/group | grep test

docker ps -a

docker restart compassionate_cori
docker attach compassionate_cori

docker commit -m "Already installed SSH and created test user" -a "imboyus" compassionate_cori imboyus/ubuntusshd:v1

docker images

docker run -it imboyus/ubuntusshd:v1 /bin/bash

####Build a Dockerfile from box

vim Dockerfile


# This is a ubuntu image with SSH already installed
FROM ubuntu:xenial
MAINTAINER imboyus <>
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y telnet openssh-server
docker build -t="imboyus/ubuntusshdonly:v2" .
docker images
docker run -t imboyus/ubuntusshdonly:v2 /bin/bash

##Running Container Commands with Docker (Back to Top)

docker images
docker run -it ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
  • Processes (ps) are contained within the docker container,
  • Yet, the perfomance (top) shows the host system performance.

####See the logs from a container (Running or not running)

docker ps -a
docker restart cocky_archimedes
docker ps
docker logs cocky_archimedes

####Run commands on a running container Exec only works on running containers nor will it auto-start it.

docker exec cocky_archimedes /bin/cat /etc/profile

How to know for sure:
docker attach cocky_archimedes
vi /etc/profile     (edit something)

docker restart cocky_archimedes
docker exec cocky_archimedes /bin/cat /etc/profile
docker run ubuntu:xenial /bin/echo "Hello from this Container"
ps -a  (Notice this creates an instance, though not running)

; the name, eg: admiring_meitner

docker logs admiring_meitner


docker run -d ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash -c "while true; do echo  HELLO; sleep 1; done"
docker ps
docker logs lonely_bose
docker logs lonely_bose | wc -l
docker stop lonely_bose

##Exposing Container with Port Redirects (Back to Top)

A port must be exposed to the underlying Host.

; We know this uses port 80

docker pull nginx:latest
docker run -d nginx:latest
docker ps
docker inspect zen_goldberg

Look at the IP Address, eg:

Install Text Web browser

apt-get install elinks

See it running

elinks http://localhost (does not find it on underlying host)

Run in Daemon mode redirect my local port order to the remote port

docker ps
docker stop zen_goldberg

eg: docker run -d -p <local>:<container/remote> nginx:latest

docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
docker ps

elinks  (Works)
elinks http://localhost:8080  (Its redirecting traffic from docker daemon)

The Dockerfile, Builds and Network Configuration

##Dockerfile Directives: USER and RUN (Back to Top)

Folder: buids/01_RunAsUser

docker pull centos:latest


FROM must be the first directive

# Dockerfile based on the latest CentOS 7 image - non-privileged user entry
FROM centos:latest

RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash user
USER user

docker build -t centos7/nonroot:v1 . docker run -it centos centos7/nonroot:v1 /bin/bash

note: When rebuilding an image, it only changes additions and keeps the cache from already existing command builds

Since a user can't login, we login as user:

docker ps -a
docker start cocky_boyd
docker exec -u 0 -it cocky_boyd /bin/bash

##Dockerfile Directives: RUN Order of Execution (Back to Top)

Folder: buids/02_CustomMessage

  • Order of Execution

    • FROM
    • RUN
        • If you make a USER AFTER this, everything will run as THAT user
  • Important

    • RUN: execute at build time, becomes part of the base image.
    • CMD: Runs when a container is instantiated, eg: Run an application.
docker build -t centos7/config:v1 .
docker run -it centos7/config:v1 /bin/bash
cat /etc/exports.list

##Dockerfile Directives: ENV (Back to Top)

Folder: buids/03_JavaInstall

When doing updates or installs always do apt-get update -y or yum update -y

Docker build -t centos7/java8:v1 .      (You'll see red, that's ok)

Check the ENV is set for Java, though limited to one user

docker images
docker run -it centos7/java8:v1 /bin/bash

Control System-wide variables

ENV JAVA_BIN /usr/java/jdk1.8.0/jre
docker run -it centos7/java8:v2 /bin/bash
env     (Now we see JAVA_HOME global)

##Dockerfile Directives: CMD vs RUN (Back to Top)

Folder: buids/04_EchoServer

  • Differences
    • RUN: execute at build time, becomes part of the base image.
    • CMD: Runs when a container is instantiated, or container starts. eg: Run an application. not part of the build process
docker build -t centos7/echo:v1 .
docker images
docker run centos7/echo:v1  ; Should see an echo from the CMD

##Dockerfile Directives: ENTRYPOINT (Back to Top)

Folder: buids/05_Entry

Sets default application used everytime a container is created even if you ask it to do something else.

docker build -t centos7/entry:v1 .
docker images

; Test these
docker run centos7/entry:v1
docker run centos7/echo:v1  /bin/bash echo "See me?"      ; Yes (Notice this is /echo)
docker run centos7/entry:v1  /bin/bash echo "See me?"     ; No
docker run centos7/entry:v1                               ; Outputs default CMD
  • Difference between ENTRYPOINT and CMD
    • ENTRYPOINT - Runs no matter what
    • CMD - CAN be overwritten for a command, eg: in an echo example above

##Dockerfile Directives: EXPOSE (Back to Top)

Folder: buids/06_ApacheInstallation

  • Commands
    • -P is to run/remap any ports in the container
docker build -t centos7/apache:v1 .
docker images

; Run container as daemon so it doesn't exit and think it's done

docker run -d --name apacheweb1 centos7/apache:v1
docker ps
docker inspect apacheweb1 | grep IPAdd

Dont worry about the red GPG keys

See it all works

docker exec apacheweb1 /bin/cat /var/www/html/index.html
docker ps    (Container still running)

No Ports Exposed, so:

docker stop apacheweb1

docker run -d --name apacheweb2 -P centos7/apache:v1
docker ps    (no ports exposed still)
docker stop apacheweb2

Manually Remap ports outside of Dockerfile

docker run -d --name apacheweb3 -p 8080:80 centos7/apache:v1
docker ps    (ports are exposed)
elinks http://localhost:8080

In `Dockerfile`, add:

Rebuild and check!
docker build -t centos7/apache:v1 .
docker run -d --name apacheweb4 -P centos7/apache:v1
docker ps

##Container Volume Management
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

`Folder: buids/07_MyHostDir`

- Volumes:
    - Mounts
    - File Systems (`FS`)
    - `-v` Flag
        - 1: Create a mount outside containers `FS`, Exposes whatever we put in there to underlying host,
        - 2: Gives ability to provide direct access from host mount to container (eg vagrant, no NFS needed)

docker run -it --name voltest1 -v /mydata centos:latest /bin/bash
df -h  (See a /mydata folder which is outside the normal container)

echo "this is a test container file" > /mydata/mytext.txt

Where is `/mydata/mytext.txt?
docker inspect voltest1 | grep Source
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/<hash-code-here>/_data
cat mytext.txt

# This will be in the mount on a base image:
echo "this is from me 2" > host.txt

Sync <local-path>:<container-path>
docker run -it --name voltest2 -v ~/docker-course/builds/07_MyHostDir:/mydata centos:latest /bin/bash

You can use the `VOLUMES` directive in `Dockerfile`, but local files may not be available
for containers, so it may not always be the best for mass distribution.

##Docker Network: List and Inspect
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

You can see `docker0` which is a bridge default on `` below, and it will grab an available IP from docker0:

ifconfig    ( look at docker0)

Current networks associated with current host:
; These are always unique identifiers
docker network ls

; If you need to see the full hash
docker network ls --no-trunc

Get Details about a network:

docker network inspect bridge

##Docker Network: Create and Remove
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

man docker-network-create (Use this)

man docker network create (Does not work)

Create a `network` with new subnet to use with a `bridge` for local adapters:

__Most of the time you create subnets for locally routed interal items.__
docker network create --subnet --gateway mybridge01
docker network ls

ifconfig    (br-<hash> matches the docker network ls ID)

Remove a network, be careful to not remove the default 3 networks. You cannot undo it,
and if you do you are better off re-installing docker completely.

docker network rm mybridge01
docker network ls

docker network create --subnet --gateway mybridge01
docker network inspect mybridge01
docker network rm mybridge01

##Docker Network: Assign to Containers
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Control how IP's are assigned to our Containers.

Class B network with subnet having large range of addresses, and tell the host only to assign IP's to containers from a subset range for that network.

(About 190 IP's available)

- `--gateway` is how to route to pass the traffic from the underlying host
- `--driver`
    - `bridge` is for a simple setup
    - `overlay` is for a multi-cluster

ip/24 = 1-254 (Class C address, last octet)

docker network create --subnet --gateway --ip-range= --driver=bridge --label=host4network bridge04

docker network ls
docker network inspect bridge04

Create a Docker Container and use Network
docker run -it --name nettest1 --net bridge04 centos:latest /bin/bash

yum update
yum install -y net-tools
ifconfig   (We have
netstat -rn
cat /etc/resolv.conf


Static IP's only work on user created networks.
docker run -it --name nettest2 --net bridge04 --ip centos:latest /bin/bash
yum update
yum install -y net-tools
ifconfig    (Should show inet
netstat -rn

In a new Terminal with the container running we can do:
docker inspect nettest2 | grep IPAddr

Pre-Register DNS with Static IP's, which helps with provisioning and such by using
a static IP.

# Docker Commands and Structures

##Inspect Container Processes
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

A one time view of what's in top:
docker top compassionate_cori

Get in the box and rather than `attach` this will not close the system when running
docker exec -it compassionate_cori /bin/bash

With two terminals we can monitor in real-time:
docker stats compassionate_cori

##Previous Container Management
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

See only the ID's of containers
docker ps -a -q

See how many images there are
docker ps -a -q  | wc -l
####Remove a running container
docker run zen_goldberg
docker ps
; See we can interact
docker exec zen_goldberg /bin/cat /etc/profile

docker rm -f zen_goldberg

####Remove all containers that have run
There is no command to remove all docker containers.  Yet, we can do this:
docker rm `sudo docker ps -a -q`

####Stop Docker and Remove Container files
sudo systemctl stop docker
cd /var/lib/docker/containers
rm -rf <hash>
sudo systemctl restart docker

When the hash folder (`config`) is missing for an existing package docker won't run it.

##Controlling Port Exposure on Containers
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Run in disconnected mode
docker run -itd nginx:latest
docker ps  (80 and 443 are exposed, but not forwarded)

; Get the IP
docker inspect trusting_volhard | grep IP

Run with the ports remapped locally
docker run -itd -p 8080 nginx:latest
docker ps  (8080 is mapped)

docker ps
docker stop drunk_carson

Expose ports nicely
docker run -itd -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
elinks http://localhost:8080

Expose unlimited ports with `-p`
docker run -itd -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 nginx:latest

Expose all ports with `-P`
docker run -itd -P nginx:latest  (Exposes all ports)
docker inspect big_leavitt | grep IP
docker ps (See what ports were assigned)

elinks http://localhost:32770

Bind only to local port (The IP from inspect wont work in this case)
docker run -itd -p nginx:latest
docker ps

Bind to UDP only option (TCP Default)
docker run -itd -p nginx:latest

##Naming our Containers
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Rather than let docker daemon make `container names` we can control them nicer.

- Image names are always lowercase
- Container names are generally lowercase
    - No spacing, or special characters, Allowed are dash(`-`) and underscore(`_`)

docker run -itd --name mycontainername ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
docker ps

####Rename a Previously run container
docker ps -a
docker rename trusting_volhard myrenamedcontainer
docker rename <hash-id> newnamehere

You cannot change the `container id`, nor should you want to.

####Rename running containers
docker ps
docker rename lonely_colden superman
docker ps

##Docker Events
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Have three terminals open.
docker run -itd --name c1 ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
docker run -itd --name c2 ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
docker run -itd --name c3 ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash

####See Events and Listen
In another terminal run
docker events --since '1h'

In a third terminal run
docker events

Run this in the first terminal
docker exec -it c1 /bin/bash

This will show the event shutdown
docker attach c1
exit        (See log terminal)


docker events -f   (shorthand)
docker events --filter=(event, container, image, label, type, volume, network, daemon)

docker events --filter event=attach
docker attach c3    (See log terminal)

####Multiple Filters
Note: exiting `-it` mode will cause a die event.
docker events --filter event=attach --filter event=die --filter event=stop

docker stop c3

##Managing and Removing Base Images
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

If you have a container which based upon a base image,
it will have a conflict and you should remove the container first.
docker images
docker run -it ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash

docker rmi ubuntu:xenial

Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to remove repository reference "ubuntu:xenial" (must force) - container 7607e77c270a is using its referenced image bd3d4369aebc

You can force remove a container base image, and restart
the container.
docker rmi -f ubuntu:xenial

If a container has multiple references with the same Repository, you must use `-f`
docker rmi -f centos7/java8

##Saving and Loading Docker Images
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

We can tar a file and save it, and load it later without having to back it up to a repository

docker pull centos:latest
docker run -it centos:latest /bin/bash
docker ps -a           (Find the last run container at top)

####Save an Image to File
docker commit romantic_mestorf centos:mine
docker rm romantic_mestorf
docker images

These will all do the same thing:
docker save centos:latest > centos.latest.tar
docker save -o centos.latest.tar centos:latest
docker save --output centos.latest.tar centos:latest

####More Compression
tar tvf centos.latest.tar

; To save disk space:
gzip centos.latest.tar  (200mb to 70mb)

####Load the Saved File
Restore the image
docker load --input centos.latest.tar.gz
docker images

##Image History
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Let's us see the details of the build, only available on images and not containers.
docker history centos:mine
docker history --no-trunc centos:mine
docker history --quiet nginx
docker history --quiet --no-trunc nginx

##Taking Control of Our Tags
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Tagging an Image will share the same Image ID.
docker tag 4efb2fcdb1ab mine/centos:v1.0
docker tag mine/centos:v1.0 imboyus.server/centos:v1.0.1b

##Pushing to DockerHub
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

- Head over to [DockerHub](
- Has same naming conventions as Git, eg (jream/name)
- Create a Repository, make it Private
    - Public repositories don't require a login
- Everything will be empty

To get into DockerHub from terminal
docker login
docker logout

Create an image and push it
docker tag ubuntu:xenial jream/myubuntu
docker login
docker push jream/myubuntu

docker rmi jream/myubuntu
docker pull jream/myubuntu

####Shorthand Login
docker login -u="user" -p="12345"
docker login --user="user" --password="12345"

; Optional Server besides DockerHub
docker login --user="user" --password="12345" http://optional.server

# Integration and use Cases

##Building a Web Farm for Development and Testing - Prerequisites
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

- Working Locally
- Git
- Modem/Network Routing
- `ifconfig` - get the Ethernet or WAN inet addr
- Nginx Proxy Load Balancer on Multiple Nodes
- Host Multiple Domains over Multiple Ports

##Building a Web Farm for Development and Testing - Part 1
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

docker pull centos:centos6
docker run -it centos:centos6 /bin/bash

yum install wget
rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum update

yum install which sudo httpd php openssh-server
which service   ; /sbin/service

Autostart applications (This is kinda odd)
vi ~/.bashrc

# Add services we want to start (This is wrong)
/sbin/services httpd start
/sbin/services openssh-server start

Copy the container ID from `root@4f832af4d240`, or whatever it is.

docker commit 4f832af4d240 centos6:baseweb
docker images

docker run -it centos6:baseweb /bin/bash

There is an error, so we are going to remove the box and rather than start from scratch use the same instance we ran, in this case `4f832af4d240`.

docker start 4f832af4d240
docker attach 4f832af4d240
vim ~/.bashrc

; Change to:
service httpd start
service shhd start


Resave the image
docker commit 4f832af4d240 centos6:baseweb
docker run -it centos6:baseweb /bin/bash

##Building a Web Farm for Development and Testing - Part 2
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

- Made a `docker` folder
    - made a `dockerwww` folder
    - Copied a silly `` template

docker run --name=webtest -it centos6:baseweb /bin/bash
docker rm webtest

Try mounting
docker run --name=webtest -v ~/docker-course/docker/dockerwww:/var/www/html -it centos6:baseweb /bin/bash

We could use `dockerwww` as a git repository.

docker start webtest
docker attach webtest
ps aux | grep httpd  ; make sure apache running
ifconfig  ; see the ip
df -h  ; see /var/www/html is there

##Building a Web Farm for Development and Testing - Part 3
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Commit to create a new image to base off.
docker ps -a
docker commit webtest centos6:serverv1

Files don't mount obviously since we ran it from a command line and inherit the configuration, nor have we run from a Dockerfile.
docker run -it centos6:serverv1 /bin/bash
ps aux | grep httpd
df -h ;

Port it up
docker run --name=externalweb -p 8081:80  -it -v ~/docker-course/docker/dockerwww:/var/www/html centos6:serverv1 /bin/bash

New terminal, then web browser
ifconfig   ; ens33

##Building a Web Farm for Development and Testing - Part 4
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

docker ps -a
docker commit externalweb centos6:finalwebv1
docker images

Not sure the point of this
cp -R dockerwww dockergit

Run in disconnected mode
; if needed:
docker rm devweb1

docker run -d -it --name=devweb1 -p 8081:80 -v ~/docker-course/docker/dockerwww:/var/www/html centos6:finalwebv1 /bin/bash

docker run -d -it --name=devweb2 -p 8082:80 -v ~/docker-course/docker/dockerwww:/var/www/html centos6:finalwebv1 /bin/bash

docker inspect devweb1 | grep IPAdd  ;
docker inspect devweb2 | grep IPAdd  ;

#### Use Nginx to Proxy and Load Balance
apt-get install nginx
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Im installing locally, not a server, so Ill use 8888
upstream containerapp {

server {
    listen *:8888;

    index index.html index.htm index.php;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/localweb.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/localerr.log;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://containerapp;

Restart nginx
sudo service nginx restart

In Browser


##Integrating Custom Network in Your Docker Containers
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

**This is not good to do on a VM, Bridging problems, I would skip this**

It's import to **stop** docker daemon
sudo service docker stop

Modifying our Internal Network ( Entry Point).
Below does not add it permanently, nor does it seem to work on Xenial even with sudo.
ip link add br10 type bridge
ip addr add dev br10
ip link set br10 up

Rather, you can add this to `sudo vim /etc/network/interface`:
auto br10
iface br10 inet static
    bridge_ports dummy0
    bridge_stp off
    bridge_fd 0

sudo service networking restart
; We'll probably have an error but it will be up

Attach to interface bridge
sudo service docker start -d -b br10 &

**** is called this because it int

In new terminal
docker run -it centos:centos6 /bin/bash
ifconfig  ; ~ IP Range
ping  ~ See we can access the underlying network

Misc Options
# Disable
ip link set br10 down

# Remove
ip addr del dev br10

# Check Route
ip route show

 apt-get install bridge-utils

##Testing Version Compatibility - Using Tomcat and Java - Prerequisites
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

- Testing software against different versions.
    - These are in a shell script in `downloads/`
    - Java7
        - `wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "" -O jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz`
    - Java8
        - `wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "" -O jdk-8-linux-x64.tar.gz`
    - Apache Tomcat 7
        - Download: `wget`
    - Apache Tomcat 8
        - Download: `wget`
    - Make sure our application is compatible.
        - Using a WAR file: `wget`

##Testing Version Compatibility - Using Tomcat and Java - Part 1
[(Back to Top)](#table-of-contents)

Get the Files for testing
cd docker/downloads

#### Setup Java7 Image
Attach a Volume and Update Base Image
docker run -it --name=jdk7 -v ~/docker-course/downloads:/root/Downloads centos:centos6 /bin/bash

df -h
cd /root/Downloads

yum update
yum install -y git wget sudo which

#### Setup Java7
mkdir tmp && cd tmp
tar zxvf ../jdk-7*
mv jdk1.7* /opt/java
cd /opt/java
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2
alternatives --config java
java version

alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/java/bin/jar 2
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java javac /opt/java/bin/javac 2
alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar
alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac

; javac isn't working for me, weird.


Commit our base container
docker commit jdk7 centos6:java7

#### Setup Java8 Image
Attach a Volume and Update Base Image
docker run -it --name=jdk8 -v ~/docker-course/downloads:/root/Downloads centos:centos6 /bin/bash

df -h
cd /root/Downloads

yum update
yum install -y git wget sudo which

#### Setup Java8
tar zxvf ../jdk-8*
mv jdk1.8* /opt/java
cd /opt/java
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/bin/java 2
alternatives --config java
java -version

alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/java/bin/jar 2
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java javac /opt/java/bin/javac 2
alternatives --set jar /opt/java/bin/jar
alternatives --set javac /opt/java/bin/javac

; javac isn't working for me, weird.


Commit our base container
docker commit jdk8 centos6:java8

##Testing Version Compatibility - Using Tomcat and Java - Part 2
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##Testing Version Compatibility - Using Tomcat and Java - Part 3
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