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@size[40pt](@color[#FF694B](Enterprise role-play)@color[#333F48](: Dress up your Ansible roles with great tests))

@snap[south] @size[18pt](Jake Remitz | Lead Software DevOps Engineer)
@size[14pt](@fa[github] @fa[twitter-square] @jremitz) @snapend


  • Jake Remitz - Lead Software DevOps Engineer
  • Talk about testing you infrastructure as code (Ansible) in an Enterprise environment
    • reusable, scalable code

@fa[question-circle fa-3x]

Who’s testing their infrastructure as code and how?


Ansible Core on Testing...

Ansible Testing Strategies

@size[22pt](Ansible believes you should not need another framework to validate basic things of your infrastructure is true. This is the case because Ansible is an order-based system that will fail immediately on unhandled errors for a host, and prevent further configuration of that host. This forces errors to the top and shows them in a summary at the end of the Ansible run...)


XKCD: Good Code

XKCD:Good Code

@snap[south-west] @size18pt @snapend

@snap[east] @size[12pt](

"You can either hang out in the
Android loop or the HURD loop"
-Randall Munroe

) @snapend


  • Given requirements: right or fast?
  • Right side: fast
  • Left: "Right" - neverending
  • Humor aside - we drive to "good code" with the tools Ansible gives us: modules/features


Ansible-specific Testing

##### Syntax Check
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts --syntax-check

@css[page-note](Not much of a "test" - but it's a good sanity check to start)


  • Good for sanity check before merging.
  • When you have no other options, it's something


Check Play
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts --check

@css[page-note](Good dry run but may fail for some downstream tasks with dependencies - package install, for example
Helpful with --tag and --diff to target and troubleshoot changes)


  • Getting somewhere, running against inventory
  • No validation of quality of install
  • Some tests fail depending on dependencies for changes


Helpful Features
  • wait_for

  - wait_for:
      host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      port: 22
    delegate_to: localhost


Modules (cont'd)
  • uri

  - uri: url= return_content=yes
    register: webpage

  - fail:
      msg: 'service is not happy'
    when: "'AWESOME' not in webpage.content"


Modules (cont'd)
  • stat
  • assert (that)

   - stat:
       path: /path/to/something
     register: p

   - assert:
         - p.stat.exists and p.stat.isdir


code smarter, use the modules


  • Do-Until
- shell: /usr/bin/foo
  register: result
  until: result.stdout.find("all systems go") != -1
  retries: 5
  delay: 10

+++?code=src/ansible/elk.yml&title=Elasticsearch Example Health Check

Testing Tools


Testing Orchestrators

@css[page-note](Pre-built flow of common testing techniques: lint, syntax, create, converge, verify, destroy)


Orchestrate the end-to-end testing of your ansible roles including dependencies, infrastructure provisioning, and playbook execution.

@css[page-note](Supports: Azure, Docker, EC2, GCE, LXC, LXD, Openstack, Vagrant, and others) +++


  • lint
  • syntax
  • dependencies
  • check
  • provision
  • idempotency
  • verify

Molecule Usage




  • molecule help
  • Greenfield: molecule init role -r test-role -d docker --lint-name yamllint --verifier-name testinfra
  • Brownfield: molecule init scenario -r test-role -d docker --lint-name yamllint --verifier-name testinfra

Final Thoughts


  • Writing "good code" will get you most of the way there - use Ansible modules!
  • Too many checks in roles/plays will slow down your runtime and complicate your code, is it worth it?
  • Using a test orchestrator like Molecule can assist in life cycle testing to ensure "good code" for multiple scenarios and enforce standards like linting, idempotency, and cross-platform support
  • Add CI/CD around code changes for quality assurance!
