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File metadata and controls

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Our backend database uses MySQL which is the most popular and stable database management system at this moment.

In order to fetch and modify data in the database, we use the query builder - Knex. Using a query builder helps us escape and sanitize data before putting data into database.

Create a database

First of all, we need to create a database for our project. You can open the terminal, login into database, and run the following commands:

mysql -uadmin -p
create database saasgear

Database config

Our config for database is stored in ./api/.env. You need to replace the value below with your database config.


Seed data and migration

In order to create database structure you need to run this command

npm run db:migrate

Create a query

We use Knex to create query. Queries are stored in api/respository folder. Here is an example Knex command to create query to get user data.

function getUser(id, type) {
  const users = Object.values(usersColumns);
  const userToken = Object.values(userTokenColumns);
  return database(TABLE)
    .join(TABLES.userToken,, userTokenColumns.userId)
    .select(union(users, userToken))
    .where({ []: id, [userTokenColumns.type]: type })

Create a new migration

Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to modify and share the application's database schema.

In order to create a migration file, you can run this command:

npm run db:create [migration-name]

The command above will create a migration file in ./api/migrations folder. Since this is an empty migration file, you need to fill it with both up and down methods.

Up methods is used to modify database, create table, add or remove a column. The down method reverts the changes made by up method.

export function up(knex) {
  return knex.schema.table('users', (table) => {
    table.string('provider_id', 30);

export function down(knex) {
  return knex.schema.table('users', (table) => {