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File metadata and controls

155 lines (100 loc) · 7.29 KB


.. cpp:namespace-push:: show

.. cpp:class:: request : public std::streambuf

    Represents a single request sent by a client.  Inherits from :cpp:class:`std::streambuf`, so it can be used as-is or with a :cpp:class:`std::istream`.

    .. seealso::

        * :cpp:type:`std::streambuf` on ` <>`_

        * :cpp:type:`std::istream` on ` <>`_

    .. cpp:enum:: content_length_flag

        A utility type for :cpp:func:`unknown_content_length()` with the values:

        | Value     | Evaluates to |
        | ``NO``    | ``false``    |
        | ``YES``   | ``true``     |
        | ``MAYBE`` | ``true``     |

    .. cpp:function:: const std::string& client_address() const

        The IP address of the client that sent the request

    .. cpp:function:: const unsigned int client_port() const

        The port of the client that sent the request

    .. cpp:function:: bool eof() const

        Returns whether or not the request, acting as a :cpp:class:`std::streambuf`, has reached the end of the request contents.  Always returns ``false`` if the content length is unknown.

        .. seealso::

            * :cpp:func:`unknown_content_length`

    .. cpp:function:: request( connection& )

        Constructs a new request on a connection.  Blocks until a connection is sent, the connection timeout is reached, or the client disconnects.  May also throw :cpp:class:`request_parse_error` if the data sent by the client cannot be understood as an HTTP request.

        .. seealso::

            * :cpp:class:`connection_timeout`

            * :cpp:class:`client_disconnected`

    .. cpp:function:: request( request&& )

        Explicit `move constructor`_ as one can't be generated for this class

        .. _move constructor:

    .. cpp:function:: void flush()

        Flushes the request contents from the buffer, putting it in a state where the next request can be extracted.  It is only safe to call this function if :cpp:func:`unknown_content_length()` evaluates to ``false``.

    .. cpp:function:: http_protocol protocol() const

        The HTTP protocol used by the request.  If ``NONE``, it's usually safe to assume HTTP/1.0.  If ``UNKNOWN``, typically either a *400 Bad Request* should be returned, just assume HTTP/1.0 to be permissive, or try to interpret something from :cpp:func:`protocol_string`.

    .. cpp:function:: const std::string& protocol_string() const

        The raw protocol string sent in the request, useful if :cpp:func:`protocol` is ``UNKNOWN``

    .. cpp:function:: const std::string& method() const

        The request method as a capitalized ASCII string.  While the HTTP protocol technically does not restrict the available methods, typically this will be one of the following:

        | ``GET``     | Common methods              |
        +-------------+                             |
        | ``POST``    |                             |
        +-------------+                             |
        | ``PUT``     |                             |
        +-------------+                             |
        | ``DELETE``  |                             |
        | ``OPTIONS`` | Useful for APIs             |
        | ``PATCH``   | Relatively uncommon methods |
        +-------------+                             |
        | ``TRACE``   |                             |
        +-------------+                             |
        | ``HEAD``    |                             |
        +-------------+                             |
        | ``CONNECT`` |                             |

        .. seealso::

            * `List of common HTTP methods on Wikipedia <>`_ for descriptions of the methods

    .. cpp:function:: const std::vector< std::string >& path() const

        The request path separated into its elements, each of which has been URL- or percent-decoded.  For example::



                "hello world",

    .. cpp:function:: const query_args_type& query_args() const

        The request query arguments.  SHOW is very permissive in how it parses query arguments:

        | Query string         | Interpreted as                                     |
        | ``?foo=1&bar=2``     | ``{ { "foo", { "1" } }, { "bar", { "2" } } }``     |
        | ``?foo=bar=baz``     | ``{ { "foo", { "baz" } }, { "bar", { "baz" } } }`` |
        | ``?foo=&bar=baz``    | ``{ { "foo", { "" } }, { "bar", { "baz" } } }``    |
        | ``?foo&bar=1&bar=2`` | ``{ { "foo", { "" } }, { "bar", { "1", "2" } } }`` |

    .. cpp:function:: const headers_type& headers() const

        The request headers

        .. seealso::

            * `List of common HTTP headers on Wikipedia <>`_

    .. cpp:function:: content_length_flag unknown_content_length() const

        Whether the content length of the request could be interpreted

        This member may be a bit confusing because it is "*un*-known" rather than "know".  It's convenient for :cpp:type:`content_length_flag` to evaluate to a boolean value, but there are two possible reasons the content length would be unknown.  Either

        1. the request did not send a *Content-Length* header, or
        2. the value supplied is not an integer or multiple *Content-Length* headers were sent.

        In many languages (including C++), 0 is ``false`` and any other value is ``true``; so the boolean value needs to be ``false`` for a known content length and ``true`` for anything else.

    .. cpp:function:: unsigned long long content_length() const

        The number of bytes in the request content; only holds a meaningful value if :cpp:func:`unknown_content_length` is ``YES``/``true``