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Hardening Security: From Zero to Hero
How I went from scoring a D- to an A+ on a site security report in a few hours, some coffee and of course, a little code.
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Desk with smart phone laid upon it showing a screen with a padlock and the word secured below


I think it's important to preface this article with the following disclaimer... I am by no means a security expert! Everything that you read here is just documentation of what I have implemented for my blog at As you will read though, I have not just made this up off the top of my head. I have used the tools that have been written by security experts to evaluate the hardiness of a website.

With this in mind, this post serves to explain how I took my blog (the one you're reading now, unless I have rebuilt it again!) from having a weak D- score over at to a smug A+ in a couple of hours (and cups of coffee ).

But what makes a site 'secure'?

Good question, and one that until I saw my abysmal score I didn't know either! Well, that's not quite true, there are obvious things like not sending passwords in plain text, using TLS/SSL over HTTPS rather than HTTP etc, but this post focuses on the more nuanced ways that a site can be exploited.

All of this stemmed from running a scan on after I saw it linked in a post I was reading. I had already been using Google's Lighthouse to improve the performance of my site, so when I hit run on the Mozilla Observatory, I braced myself to be informed on how brilliant I am (*cough* Eleventy and Cloudflare are). So when the results came in and I had been awarded a D- I could only laugh with shame.

So what was wrong?

Well, Observatory found the following issues with my site (I will be exploring these in more detail in the coming sections, so below are the descriptions paraphrased from MDN):

  • [-25 Points] No Content Security Policy (CSP): An added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft, to site defacement, to malware distribution.
  • [-20 Points] No HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Allows a website to inform the browser that it should never load the site using HTTP and should automatically convert all attempts to access the site using HTTP to HTTPS requests instead. It consists of one HTTP header, Strict-Transport-Security, sent by the server with the resource.
  • [-20 Points] No X-Frame-Options (XFO): Used to indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>. Sites can use this to avoid click-jacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites.
  • [-10 Points] No X-XSS-Protection (XXSS): A feature of Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari that stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. These protections are largely unnecessary in modern browsers when sites implement a strong CSP.

If one thing is clear, it's that my team will not be winning whatever game we're playing with a scorecard like that... There were some positive results in the report too, alas I cannot take credit for those, they were because my host (Cloudflare Pages) had taken care of them for me.

Let's work through that list, adding a CSP seems to be the biggest hitter as it will not only wipe out that top negative report (CSP), but it will also remove the last one (XXSS).

Implementing a Content Security Policy (CSP)

I have an admission to make, although I have heard those three letters banded around both online and in my workplace, I never really understood what a CSP was. It always seemed to be some mythical beast that front-end folks would cheer about once conquered as if they had just slain a dragon. This gave me reason enough to avoid knowing more about it, that is of course until I did not really have a choice!

So, assuming that you have already read the definition above from MDN, and pulled a face at the vagueness of it, I shall attempt to summarise. A CSP is an HTTP header that instructs clients (browsers) where the server expects content to be loaded from, thus preventing assets from loading from an unknown source. It describes where things like images, video, scripts and styles are allowed to originate from and each of these are individually addressable within the header.

A brief note on the <meta> tag

It's possible to emulate HTTP response headers (to varying degrees of success) using the <meta> tag, and setting the http-equiv attribute to the name of the header you're trying to use. If you have never come across this concept before, you can read more about it over on this page by w3, the standards authority for the web.

It is possible to have a CSP implemented using a <meta> tag, but there are some caveats (beyond the fact that using this tag is discouraged), the main one is that CSP reporting (more on this later) is not supported using this approach. Some additional features that are also not supported when using the meta tag approach, you can read more about them over at

As touched on, a CSP header comprises rules targeting the various pieces of dynamic content that a site can load, here are the ones that were important to me, along with where I wanted to allow content from:

  • img-src: Allow images to be loaded from any origin.
  • media-src: Allow audio/video to be loaded from any origin too.
  • style-src: Allow styles to only be loadable from my own origins jamesmcnee[ | .com], along with styles from giscus, which I use for my post comments section.
  • script-src: Allow scripts to be loadable from my own origins and giscus.
  • frame-src: Allow i-frames etc to connect to my own origins and giscus.
  • frame-ancestors: Do not allow my site to be i-framed, anywhere. If I need to do this for my own origin in the future, I'll open it up.
  • object-src: Do not allow <object> and <embed> elements.

Most of these rules seem simple enough, the tricky part comes from inline-scripts and inline-styles i.e. the <script> and <style> tags, and also directives like onclick="doSomething()" and style="color: blue;".

Why would inline scripts and styles be a problem?

I am going to focus on the first of these two because the exploit is easier to demonstrate, but you can read more about how styles can be exploited in this insightful and detailed Stack Overflow answer.

Imagine the following script that displays what the user searched for:

<script type="text/javascript">
    const searchTerm = getQueryParam("term");

This looks harmless enough, but what about if I set my url to<script>alert("EVIL")</script>? All of a sudden I have injected code into the webpage (alert is used as a display that arbitrary code can be executed), this could be exploited to make the browser do anything!

Obviously, if a bad actor wants to do this to their own browser, then all the power to them, the issue comes when this URL is hidden inside a link somewhere else and an unsuspecting party clicks it.

Okay, I am convinced, inline scripts are bad... But they are so convenient... I had a few small inline scripts on various pages throughout my blog that made sense to live there. This brings me to the workaround/solution for the inline script problem...

You can do one of four things, listed in order of general preference sentiment:

  1. Move any inline scripts into separate script files and load them into your site as you would for external dependencies.
  2. Use a nonce (number once) to bind the HTTP response from the server and the scripts returned in the body. As demonstrated here.
  3. Take a hash of the script's content and add this to the CSP to mark the script as safe/allowed.
  4. Last resort, you can allow inline-scripts in your CSP, but this greatly weakens the protections a CSP provides. Think carefully before doing this.

In my case, I used a combination of 1 (shifting scripts to separate files) and 3 (Using a hash of inline scripts/styles), I also removed any random style attributes that I had placed on elements with tailwind classes. I will not detail how to generate the hash, because it's explained well on the website, as are most CSP concepts, so it's worth a browse.

I actually believe that using the nonce technique is a good option, and if it was easily doable for my setup, I may have chosen to do this rather than move scripts out into their own files. Alas, because I have a static site, hosted by Cloudflare Pages, I cannot easily inject a nonce value onto each script tag per request without using something like CF workers. I'd rather avoid the additional complexity and potential cost (you get so much for free), and just use the other two mechanisms.

A brief note on CSP reporting

CSP's provide the ability to report violations to a given endpoint. I did not end up actually using this feature, but it can be a good way to implement a CSP in a limited fashion, by enabling report only mode, to make sure that nothing is missed.

You can read more about this feature, including how to utilise it, over on MDN here.

Building the CSP

Right, let's actually build the CSP header.

A CSP header looks like the following:

  Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' domain.tld *.domain.tld; img-src *; ...

Each directive (e.g. default-src, image-src, etc) is separated by a semi-colon (;) and each source (e.g. domain.tld) by a space.

My host (Cloudflare Pages) supports the somewhat well-known pattern of accepting a _headers file that defines additional response headers to serve on content, many static site hosts such as Netlify and GitHub pages also subscribe to this. This file takes the form of a path match pattern and then key-value based headers. e.g.


In the above example, any request to a path that starts with /blog e.g. /blog/my-page would have the X-MY-CUSTOM-HEADER response header attached.

Initially, I began to implement the CSP header manually by adding to my _headers file a Content-Security-Policy header on the /* root. But this quickly became unwieldy to work with as I ended up needing to duplicate strings (like my domain for example). As I am using Eleventy (which I briefly wrote about my switch to in this previous post) I decided that the _headers could just be a templated file and I could then use Javascript to add a shortcode to build my CSP.

So now I had shifted the big unwieldy string from a text file into Javascript, which whilst better, was still pretty grim having to do lots of string interpolation. Before I went off and built a little function to generate the CSP, I googled and found that someone already had created a content-security-policy-builder library! Horray! This library allows you to pass in a structured object representing the CSP and it will do the string templating for you.

In the end, this is what I ended up with

eleventyConfig.addShortcode('csp', () => {
    const cspBuilder = require("content-security-policy-builder")

    const myDomains = ['', '']

    const defaultSrc = `'self' ${myDomains.join(' ')} ${ => '*.' + d).join(' ')}`

    const allowedInlineScriptHashes = [
        'sha256-smKXypSFxzKD9ffC0rSshp292sAzf/X7cquCvQEA8XA=' // The post search script on index

    return cspBuilder({
        directives: {
            'default-src': defaultSrc,
            'img-src': '*',
            'media-src': '*',
            'style-src': `${defaultSrc}`,
            'script-src': `${defaultSrc} ${allowedInlineScriptHashes.length > 0 ? `'unsafe-inline'` : ''} ${ => `'${hash}'`).join(' ')}`,
            'script-src-attr': `'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-1jAmyYXcRq6zFldLe/GCgIDJBiOONdXjTLgEFMDnDSM='`, // This is to allow the preloading of stylesheets
            'frame-src': `${defaultSrc}`,
            'frame-ancestors': `'none'`,
            'object-src': `'none'`
Now, let me first address `unsafe-inline` here, before I get comments (I wish) telling me that I said it was bad and then went and used it! Well it's actually considered best practice to add `unsafe-inline` as a fallback for older browsers that don't support the hashing of scripts, if the browser does, it will be discounted. Therefore, I conditionally add it based on if I have a script hash or not!

I can then use this shortcode in my _headers template file which now looks like

{% raw %}

permalink: _headers
  Content-Security-Policy: {% csp %}

The {% csp %} here will be expanded during the eleventy build to the actual full CSP. In-case you're curious, this is what the templated file looks like using the above settings in the builder {% endraw %}

  Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' * *; img-src *; media-src *; style-src 'self' * *; script-src 'self' * * 'unsafe-inline' 'sha256-smKXypSFxzKD9ffC0rSshp292sAzf/X7cquCvQEA8XA='; script-src-attr 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-1jAmyYXcRq6zFldLe/GCgIDJBiOONdXjTLgEFMDnDSM='; frame-src 'self' * *; frame-ancestors 'none'; object-src 'none'

Right-o CSP done, +25 points, +10 points for handing XSS protection (implicit in the CSP) and +5 points for having a strong CSP! Next...

Implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

Next on the agenda was to tackle HSTS, which if you remember is essentially not allowing HTTP traffic and enforcing that it be upgraded to HTTPS.

This one is much simpler than the last (you will be glad to hear), it is essentially just setting a response header, as I described at the end of the previous section, I can do this on my host using a _headers file. The header consists of three elements:

  • Max Age (*required): The time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that a site is only to be accessed using HTTPS. Recommended to be set as 2 years.
  • Include Sub Domains: If specified the rule will be applied to all subdomains as well as the current domain.
  • Preload: An optional parameter than when specified (must also have a max age of > 1 year, and include subdomains set to true) will include your domain in a list that browsers use to determine if your domain should only use HTTPS, without even making a request.

For this one, I just applied all of the settings, I set my max age as 2 years, included sub-domains and opted into the preload register. My _headers file now looks like:

{% raw %}

permalink: _headers
    Content-Security-Policy: {% csp %}
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload

{% endraw %}

Another one done, +20 points for gryffindor me! Next!

Implementing X-Frame-Options (XFO)

The final one on the list was to tackle XFO, you will remember that this is essentially setting whether your site should be allowed to be rendered inside an i-frame etc. Allowing your site to be embedded can be used to facilitate a click-jacking attack, whereby buttons on your site, could be hidden behind elements so that the user doesn't know that they are clicking them.

This header X-Frame-Options can be set to either DENY or SAMEORIGIN, the former blocks being embedded altogether, while the latter allows for you to i-frame your own site.

As I do not have a good reason to allow this, even on my own origin, I opted to set this to deny. My final _headers file looks like this

{% raw %}

permalink: _headers
    Content-Security-Policy: {% csp %}
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
    X-Frame-Options: DENY

{% endraw %}

Boom, that's a wrap, final one done, +20 points and an additional +5 points too apparently!


If you made it this far, thanks, I hope it was useful! In this post, I covered how I took my static Eleventy site from having a security rating of D- score over at to A+ in a few hours, and now, hopefully, you can do the same!

The main things that needed doing on my site, and that I covered were:

  • Implementing a strong CSP to ensure that content is only being loaded from origins I expect
  • Adding an HSTS header to ensure that HTTPS is always used when accessing my site...
  • Adding an XFO header to ensure that my site is not i-framed anywhere, helping to reduce click-jacking