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rdbartlett edited this page Jul 12, 2012 · 10 revisions

Loomio is currently in closed alpha, and has been developed entirely on volunteer time. We’re already getting a lot of interest and we need as much development time as we can get.

Our development processes: Loomio is being developed in Ruby on Rails. We are passionate about agile methodology and we favour rapid iteration and continual improvement over trying to do everything perfectly the first time. We have a strong focus on user-centered design. We operate with a “flat” structure, meaning at the end of the day there’s no single person calling the shots. We all work together and decide collectively what the best decisions are. And we make these decisions using Loomio itself.

What we’re looking for: There aren’t any strict pre-requisites. If you already know Ruby on Rails, that’s a plus, but as long as you’re willing to do some self-directed learning, we’d love to have you on board! If you’d like to know more, get in touch.


If you'd like to contribute to the project, check out Contributing to Loomio.

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