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State Machine Design

Please note that some parts of this design document is simplified for easier understanding.

Normal Game Flow (Linear Game Flow)

The GameState class is definitely the essence of this project, which contains all information about any moment of a particular game.

With the information that is contained solely in a GameState instance, the game can run itself.

Below shows how running a normal gameplay is like with a GameState instance.

flowchart TD
    init[init a GameState object]
    end_check{game has ended?}
    wait_check{game needs player input?}
    p_action[/get player action/]
    step[make state transition]

    start      --> init
    init       --> end_check
    end_check  -->|yes| endtxt
    end_check  -->|no| wait_check
    wait_check -->|yes| p_action
    wait_check -->|no| step
    p_action   --> step
    step       --> end_check

What a GameState Contains

Let me show you what a GameState instance contains in pseudocode.

class GameState:
    mode: Mode
    phase: Phase
    round: int
    active_player_id: Pid
    player1: PlayerState
    player2: PlayerState
    effect_stack: EffectStack

Let me go over each of its fields.

  • mode: contains information about the game mode of the entire game
  • phase: contains all the logics for handling how the game state make the next transition. e.g. executing an existing effect, asking for player action, transit to next phase based on the mode
  • round: an int representing which round the current game is in
  • active_player_id: tells which player is the active player in this game state
  • player1: contains all information about the player, including characters, summons, and so on
  • player2: the other player which is the opponent of player1
  • effect_stack: contains the effects waiting to be executed. Each effect can transit the game state to the next as programmed. e.g. a damage effect deals damage to opponent, a swap character effect changes the active character of a player...

How GameState Makes a Transition

Transition Without Player Action

GameState passes itself to phase it contains, and let phase make the transition.

phase first checks if the transition request is valid. (Checks if player action is required or the game has ended) If the transition request is valid, then a new GameState instance is returned based on the one passed in above.

phase may make changes like, removing and executing an effect, changing player state, move on to the next phase based on mode by assigning the new game state with a new Phase.

Transition With Player Action

GameState passes itself and the player action got to phase it contains, and let phase make the transition.

phase first checks if the player action is expected at the current state, also checks if the action self is valid. (Is the card played is in hand? Is the player allowed to take an action? Has enough dice be paid for the action...)

Then phase make changes like, pushing new effects to the effect_stack...

Phase Transitions of Default Game Mode

    cards   : Card Select Phase
    shand   : Starting Hand Select Phase
    roll    : Roll Phase
    action  : Action Phase
    end     : End Phase
    gameEnd : Game End Phase

    [*]     --> cards
    cards   --> shand
    shand   --> roll
    roll    --> action
    action  --> end
    action  --> gameEnd : if a player is defeated
    end     --> gameEnd : if a player is defeated or round limit is reached
    end     --> roll
    gameEnd --> [*]

Action Phase Player Action Handling

The other phases are relatively simple, so let's discuss the action phase more.

Example: Play the Card "Mondstadt Hash Brown"

Let's start with a simple example when the card "Mondstadt Hash Brown" is played.

As described above, GameState passes itself and the player's card action to phase which must be Action Phase in this case.

From the player action, phase can know:

  • Which card the player wants to play
  • Which target the card is used on
  • Which dice the player wants to use to pay for the action

phase then go over each piece of information to check if the action is valid.

  • Does the player has "Mondstadt Hash Brown" in hand?
  • Is the target an alive character of this player that is not satiated?
  • Can the dice pay for the card and does the player have the dice they stated?

If everything goes fine, then a number of things happen.

  • Dice paid are removed
  • Effects of the card is pushed to the effect_stack

Note that all changes above is done to a copy of the current game state, and the modified copy is then returned as the next state.

The effects added for this "Mondstadt Hash Brown" looks like this. (in execution ordered)

1. PublicRemoveCardEffect
   - pid: P2
   - card: MondstadtHashBrown
2. RecoverHPEffect
   - target: {pid: P2, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - recovery: 2
3. AddCharacterStatusEffect
   - target: {pid: P2, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - status: SatiatedStatus

I believe the effects are quite self-explanatory, except the part in {...}. That is just the internal way to specify a particular target in the game, which is a character with id 1 of player2 in this case.

Example: Play the Card "Cold-Blooded Strike"

The action is handled quite similar to how "Mondstadt Hash Brown" is handled above.

The effects are:

1. PublicRemoveCardEffect
   - pid: P1
   - card: ColdBloodedStrike
2. AddCharacterStatusEffect
   - target: {pid: P1, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - status: ColdBloodedStrikeStatus
3. CastSkillEffect
   - target: {pid: P1, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - skill: ElementalSkill1
4. AllStatusTriggererEffect
   - pid: P1
   - signal: CombatAction
5. TurnEndEffect

PublicRemoveCardEffect is executed first to remove the card.

Then AddCharacterStatusEffect adds the ColdBloodedStrikeStatus to this character.

After that, CastSkillEffect is executed to generate the effects for the skill. If the target character cannot cast the skill when the effect is executed, then no effects are generated.

So after CastSkillEffect is executed, the effect_stack looks like this:

1. ReferredDamageEffect
   - source: {pid: P1, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - target: OppoActive
   - element: Cryo
   - damage: 3
   - damage_type: ElementalSkill
2. EnergyRechargeEffect
   - target: {pid: P1, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - recharge: 1
3. BroadCastSkillInfoEffect
   - source: {pid: P1, zone: Characters, character_id: 1}
   - skill: ElementalSkill1
4. DeathCheckCheckerEffect
5. AllStatusTriggererEffect
   - pid: P1
   - signal: CombatAction
6. TurnEndEffect

The first two effects should be somewhat obvious.

BroadCastSkillInfoEffect notifies all statuses that some event has happened, some statuses may save the notification inside themselves for later use.

DeathCheckCheckerEffect checks if the active character of any player is dead. If so, some effects are added to handle the 'inserted' death swap.

AllStatusTriggererEffect generates triggering effects for each status in current game state in order according to the game's rule. Each status may respond to the triggering effect by adding more effects to the stack. Whether respond or not depends on the implementation of each status. In this case, ColdBloodedStrikeStatus has been broadcasted about the cast of the skill from its equipper before, so it emits some effects to heal the equipper as well as updating itself as used in this round.

TurnEndEffect switches the player in action. That is make player2 the active player in this case.

Player Phase

Player phase determines the phase each player is in.

The two examples above should give you an impression how powerful the effect handling system can be. But not all logics of the game are handled by effects.

Aside from the Game phase (Roll phase, Action phase...) that determines the state of the game, each player has their own state, mainly used to mark the phase of them inside the game phase.

  • ACTION_PHASE: the player is in action
  • PASSIVE_WAIT_PHASE: the player is waiting to be in ACTION_PHASE
  • ACTIVE_WAIT_PHASE: the player is waiting but more active than PASSIVE_WAIT_PHASE
  • END_PHASE: the player is all done for this game phase

Typically, when a game phase is about to transit to the next phase, both phases of the players are END_PHASE. And when the game state just transits to a new phase, both phases of the players are PASSIVE_WAIT_PHASE waiting to be assigned some new phase by the game phase instance.

Below shows how phases controls the flow inside action phase of the game.

(1AP;2PWP means player1 is in ACTION_PHASE, and player2 is in PASSIVE_WAIT_PHASE)

    state startup <<choice>>
    PreviousGamePhase --> 1PWP,2PWP
    state ActionPhase {
        1PWP,2PWP --> startup
        startup   --> 1AP,2PWP : if player1 should go first
        startup   --> 1PWP,2AP : if player2 should go first
        1AP,2PWP  --> 1AP,2PWP : fast-action
        1PWP,2AP  --> 1PWP,2AP : fast-action
        1AP,2PWP  --> 1PWP,2AP : combat-action
        1PWP,2AP  --> 1AP,2PWP : combat-action
        1AP,2PWP  --> 1EP,2AP  : end-round
        1PWP,2AP  --> 1AP,2EP  : end-round
        1AP,2EP   --> 1AP,2EP  : fast/combat-action
        1EP,2AP   --> 1EP,2AP  : fast/combat-action
        1AP,2EP   --> 1EP,2EP  : end-round
        1EP,2AP   --> 1EP,2EP  : end-round
    1EP,2EP   --> NextGamePhase

Note that the diagram doesn't include the handling of death-swaps for simplicity. (the insertion of request for player action because their active character is defeated)

Whenever the effect which checks for the death of the active character of any player detects a death. Two effects are pushed to the effect_stack - DeathSwapPhaseStartEffect and DeathSwapPhaseEndEffect. The former one is caught by game's action phase, indicating the corresponding player action is required to proceed. The latter one saves the phases of each player at the time when DeathSwap happens, restoring the original phases when it is executed.

Player Actions

A PlayerAction is what that can be processed by the GameState as an input from the player.

Each phase has a method called action_generator().

def action_generator(self, game_state: GameState, pid: Pid) -> None | ActionGenerator:

Given a game state and the pid of the player who wants to make an action, it returns an instance of ActionGenerator, which is a class used to help generate 'correct' player actions. (note that this is another immutable class)

The ActionGenerator has a few methods listed below.

class ActionGenerator:
   # note that the fields below are only readable (immutable)
   game_state: GameState  # the game state that action generator used to refer to
   pid: Pid               # the pid of the player who makes the action

   def filled(self) -> bool:
      """ Returns True if a PlayerAction is ready to be generated """

   def generate_action(self) -> PlayerAction:
      Returns the generated PlayerAction

      This method asserts self.filled() is True

   def choices(self) -> GivenChoiceType:
      Returns the choices that the user can make from

      GivenChoiceType is a type alias for a whole loads of types, you can find its
      definition below.

   def choose(self, choice: DecidedChoiceType) -> ActionGenerator:
      Returns the action generator that have the new choice provided recorded

      An exception is raised if the choice is invalid

      DecidedChoiceType is another type alias defined below

#### type aliases ####
_SingleChoiceType = (
    StaticTarget      # a reference of a target in the game
    | int
    | ActualDice
    | CharacterSkill  # enum of skill types
    | type[Card]
    | Element
    | ActionType      # the type of a player action

GivenChoiceType = tuple[_SingleChoiceType, ...] | ActualDice | AbstractDice | Cards

DecidedChoiceType = _SingleChoiceType | ActualDice | Cards

Based on the comments you should be able to tell what each method is for, but the type aliases by the end may seem like a mass. Don't worry, it's quite simple.

  • If GivenChoiceType returns a tuple, then you are expected to choose one item from the tuple as the chosen choice.

  • If GivenChoiceType returns ActualDice, then you are expected to choose some of the dice from the returned one. (As to how many and which dice to choose is based on the context that needs to be judged by the user)

  • If GivenChoiceType returns AbstractDice, then you are expected to provide some ActualDice that can satisfy the AbstractDice. (the concept of AbstractDice and ActualDice will be discussed later)

  • If GivenChoiceType returns Cards, then you are expected to choose some Cards from the returned one.

So the workflow to use an ActionGenerator is like this:

game_state: GameState = ...  # you should have the game state to generate action from
# suppose you are making a choice for player 1
action_generator = game_state.action_generator(Pid.P1)  # this is an 'alias' of
                                                        # game_state.phase
                                                        # .action_generator(game_state)
while not action_generator.filled():
   choices = action_generator.choices()
   choice = ...  # write some code to make a wise choice
   action_generator = action_generator.choose(choice)

player_action = action_generator.generate_action()
# then you can use it to make a transition
# e.g. new_game_state = game_state.action_step(Pid.P1, player_action)

The example above is a linear choice maker, that is it only generates one player_action by the end.

To implement an algorithm to generate all possible player actions (or at least explore a few branches). You should save the old action_generators by recursion or whatever to memorize the history as a tree.

That concludes the section of ActionGenerator, it is but a helper to generate correct PlayerActions, you may write your own algorithm to directly generate a correct one without ActionGenerator and pass it to the game state any time.


I hope the content above explains the basics of the design to you. If you still find it confusing please don't hesitate to join the discord server and contact me. I cannot spare too much time on these documentations unless I know someone needs to read it.

You may find the link of the discord server in the project's README.