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File metadata and controls

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User's Guide

Starting with the example shown in the introduction, let's dig into configclasses a bit:

from configclasses import configclass

# Wrap your configuration class in the `configclass` decorator
class Configuration:
    HOST: str
    PORT: int

# Fields are populated when you construct a Configuration instance
config = Configuration()

# Access fields by name.
config.HOST == "localhost"

You start by defining your own configuration class with the fields that you will need for your application. This is done exactly in the same way that it is done with dataclasses (PEP-557).


If you're not familiar with dataclasses, they are a way of describing classes in python using type annotations that removes much of the boilerplate. The ideas have existed for some time in alternative forms as attrs, recordType, namedtuple, etc. I would suggest familiarizing yourself with the functionality before continuing to get the most out of this guide.

The key distinction between a dataclass and a configclass is that the fields of a dataclass are not populated from within the code itself. Instead, a configclass knows how to fetch the value for each field from sources of configuration that live outside the code.

When a dataclass is constructed, the __init__ method searches for configuration variables that match the field names, and assigns the values to the matching configclass field. By default, that source of configuration is the application's environment variables.

$ HOST=localhost PORT=8000 python

Configuration has a field named HOST, so it will search the environment for a variable with the same name. The value of the environment variable is assigned to the HOST field.

PORT is also found and assigned to the matching field. Notice that it is defined as an int type. Because of this, it is converted into an integer value before assignment. If the PORT environment variable cannot be converted into an int, an exception is raised.

Field Types

So far, we have discussed string and integer fields. But configclasses supports other types as well. These include bools, floats, json objects, lists, key-value pairs, and custom types. It also includes enums for when you want to limit the valid set of values for a field.

Let's see that in action:

from configclasses import configclass, enums

# Wrap your configuration class in the `configclass` decorator
class Configuration:
    HOST: str
    PORT: int
    LOG_LEVEL: enums.LogLevel

# Fields are populated when you construct a Configuration instance
config = Configuration()

config.LOG_LEVEL.value == logging.DEBUG

You'll notice that the fields are converted from strings in the environment into the correct python types. Bool values should be case insensitive "true"/"false" or 1/0 respectively.


Later we will look at sources that provide python primitive types instead of just string types. Those primitive types can be converted into strings using python's truthy value rules.

LOG_LEVEL uses a convenience enum that the library provides which maps the logging constants in the stdlib's logging module into an enum class.


NotSet = logging.NOTSET = 0

Debug = logging.DEBUG = 10

Info = logging.INFO = 20

Warning = logging.WARNING = 30

Error = logging.ERROR = 40

Critical = logging.CRITICAL = 50

Values are considered valid for enums when they are either the case-insensitive name of an enum variant or the case-insensitive value of an enum variant. There is nothing special about the LogLevel enum defined in the library. You can define use any subclass of enum.Enum from the python stdlib, and the same rules will apply.


Richer data types require the introducion of a couple of new concepts. The field function and its converter argument:

def field(converter=None, default=MISSING, default_factory=MISSING, init=True, repr=True, hash=None, compare=True, metadata=None)

If you are familiar with dataclasses, the function is identical to the same function in that module, with one key difference. That is the converter argument. A converter is any function that takes a single argument and knows how to convert it into the datatype of the configclass field. You are probably familiar with one such function already, json.loads. json.loads takes a string as an argument and produces a python object as long as the string contains valid json.

If we have a json config file such as logging_conf.json:

     "version": 1,
     "formatters": {
         "default": {
             "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s"
     "handlers": {
         "console": {
             "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
     "root": {
         "handlers": ["console"],
         "level": "DEBUG",

We would put it to use like so:

import json
from configclasses import configclass, field

# Wrap your configuration class in the `configclass` decorator
class Configuration:
    LOGGING_CONF: dict = field(converter=json.loads)

# Fields are populated when you construct a Configuration instance
config = Configuration()

type(config.LOGGING_CONF) == dict

configclasses also provides a handful of useful converters. _list takes comma seperated values and splits them into a list. It strips whitespace unless values are quoted. "foo, bar, baz, ' quix'" is transformed into ["foo", "bar", "baz", " quix"]

kv_list takes a comma seperated list of key value pairs. "foo=bar, baz=' quix'" becomes {"foo": "bar", "baz": " quix"}


So far we have glossed over exactly how fields are populated from the environment. Those details are determined by Source classes. The default source is an EnvironmentSource and the constructor looks like this EnvironmentSource(namespace=None). With the namespace argument, we can limit the environment variables that can populate our configclass. Suppose we have the following environment variables:


Let's see it in action:

from configclasses import configclass
from configclasses.sources import EnvironmentSource

Field Types Defaults Sources Singleton instances Errors Enums Converters Reload Advanced patterns: - custom sources - field dependent sources - bootstrapping one configclass with values from another configclass. - Gotcha: Some sources produce python types and some always produce strings. - Make sure that your converter functions can handle that distinction


from configclasses import configclass, LogLevel, Environment

# Wrap your configuration class in the `configclass` decorator
# By default, it looks for matching variables in the environment.
class Configuration:
    ENVIRONMENT: Environment    # Enum 
    LOG_LEVEL: LogLevel         # Enum
    HOST: str
    PORT: int
    DB_HOST: str = "localhost"  # Default when field not found
    DB_PORT: int = 5432         # Default when field not found

# Instantiating a `Configuration` will always return the same object
config = Configuration()

# access fields by name
config.HOST == "localhost"

# `int` typed fields will be ints
config.PORT == 8080

# Fields with `Enum` types will have variants as values
config.ENVIRONMENT == Environment.Development

# Reload config values from sources

# Configuration objects can now have different values
config.ENVIRONMENT == Environment.Production

# Config classes can also be configured with other `sources`
from configclasses.sources import DotEnvSource, EnvironmentSource

@configclass(sources=[DotEnvSource(), EnvironmentSource()])
class Configuration:
    HOST: str
    PORT: int
    DB_ADDRESS: str = "localhost"
    DB_PORT: int = 5432
    ENVIRONMENT: Environment
    LOG_LEVEL: LogLevel

# First, a `.env` file will be searched for values, then
# any values that are not present there will be searched
# for in the program's environment.
config = Configuration()