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Using JoSon Library


This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the JoSon library to handle JSON data effectively. JoSon offers intuitive interfaces for creating, manipulating, and visualizing structured data in JSON format.

Example Code

The following example demonstrates various functionalities of the JoSon library:

#include "Joson.h"
#include <iostream>

using JoSon::Doc, JoSon::DocTuple, JoSon::DocArr, JoSon::DictObj, JoSon::Type;

int main() {

    // Create a DictObj to hold the entire JSON structure
    Doc joson_doc(Type::Dict);

    // Configure visualization settings
    JoSon::Viso::colorful = true;
    JoSon::Viso::progress_step = 10;
    JoSon::Viso::str_color = "\033[1;33m";

    // Define the JSON string for the introduction section
    std::string introduction_str = R"({
        "Welcome": "Welcome to the JoSon Library!",
        "Author": "Created by JeongHan-Bae",
        "Version": "1.0",
        "Features": {
            "Data Types": ["Array", "Tuple", "Map", "Primitive Types"],
            "Supported Read-in Data Types": ["Array", "Boolean", "Double", "Integer", "Map", "Null", "String"]

    // Convert the JSON string to a Doc object without progress bar by default
    Doc introduction = JoSon::Utils::string_to_doc(introduction_str);

    // Insert the introduction section into the main document
    joson_doc.upsert("JoSon Library", introduction);

    // Populate the "Examples" section of the document
    joson_doc.upsert("Examples", Type::Dict);
    joson_doc["Examples"].upsert("Primitive Types", Type::Dict);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Primitive Types"].upsert("Integer", 3000);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Primitive Types"].upsert("Double", 3.1416);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Primitive Types"].upsert("Character (J)", 'J');
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Primitive Types"].upsert("Boolean", true);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Primitive Types"].upsert("Null", Type::Nullptr);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Primitive Types"].upsert("String","Hello JoSon!");

    // Populate the "Container Types" section of the document
    joson_doc["Examples"].upsert("Container Types", Type::Dict);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Container Types"].upsert("Tuple", Type::Tuple);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Container Types"]["Tuple"].get_tuple().set_values(
            {Doc("Welcome"), Doc("to"), Doc("JoSon")});
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Container Types"].upsert("ArrayList",Type::Array);
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Container Types"]["ArrayList"].emplace_back("Let's");
    joson_doc["Examples"]["Container Types"]["ArrayList"].emplace_back("GO!");

    // Print the JoSon document with visualization
    std::cout << "\nJoSon with visualization:\n";

    // Print the JoSon document without visualization
    std::cout << "\nJoSon without visualization:\n";

    // Store the JoSon document to a JSON file
    std::cout << "\nStore to file...\n";
    JoSon::Utils::store_doc_to_json("HelloJoSon.json", joson_doc);

    // Read the JoSon document from the JSON file with a progress bar
    Doc rd = JoSon::Utils::read_json_file("HelloJoSon.json", true);

    // Print the JoSon document read from the file with colors
    std::cout << "\nJoSon from file:\n";
    // Print the JoSon document read from the file with default output
    std::cout << '\n' << rd;

    return 0;

Example Output

The example code generates the following JSON output:

  "JoSon Library": {
    "Welcome": "Welcome to the JoSon Library!",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Author": "Created by JeongHan-Bae",
    "Features": {
      "Data Types": ["Array", "Tuple", "Map", "Primitive Types"],
      "Supported Read-in Data Types": ["Array", "Boolean", "Double", "Integer", "Map", "Null", "String"]
  "Examples": {
    "Primitive Types": {
      "Integer": 3000,
      "Double": 3.1416,
      "Character (J)": 74,
      "Boolean": true,
      "String": "Hello JoSon!",
      "Null": null
    "Container Types": {
      "Tuple": ["Welcome", "to", "JoSon"],
      "ArrayList": ["Let's", "GO!"]

Example CMakeLists

Here's a sample CMakeLists.txt file to integrate the JoSon library into your project:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24)


add_executable(YourProject main.cpp

# Set the path to the JoSon library
set(JOSON_DIR "Path/to/JoSonLib/include/JoSon")
set(JOSON_LIB_DIR "${JOSON_DIR}/../../lib")

# Include the directory containing JoSon.h
target_include_directories(YourProject PRIVATE "${JOSON_DIR}")

# Link against the JoSon library
target_link_libraries(YourProject PRIVATE "${JOSON_LIB_DIR}/libJoSon.dll")

# Set the working directory for the Test executable
set_target_properties(YourProject PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/YourProject")

# Copy the DLL file from JoSon to YourProject during build
add_custom_command(TARGET YourProject POST_BUILD
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
        COMMENT "Copying libJoSon.dll to YourProject output directory"

Make sure to replace "Path/to/JoSonLib" with the actual path to the JoSon library directory in your system.

For detailed API reference, see JoSon API Reference Documentation.