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  BIP: bip-secure-the-bag
  Author: Jeremy Rubin <>
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  License: BSD-3-Clause

Table of Contents


This BIP proposes a new opcode, OP_SECURETHEBAG, to be activated for Tapscript version 0.

The new opcode has applications for transaction congestion control and payment channel instantiation, among others, which are described in the Motivation section of this BIP.


OP_SECURETHEBAG uses opcode OP_RESERVED1 (0x89) during Tapscript execution.

OP_SECURETHEBAG verifies the following conditions:

  • The following script is a minimal data push of 32 bytes
  • The SHA256 TaggedHash("BagHash") of the serialized version, locktime, outputs hash, sequences hash, number of inputs, and serialized ScriptSig matches the value provided
If the operations following OP_SECURETHEBAG are not a 32-byte data push, it is ignored. Otherwise, if hash is not equal to the hash provided, execution fails.


Covenants -- or restrictions on how a coin may be spent beyond key ownership -- are a highly powerful construct for structuring smart contracts. However, given their complexity and potential for introducing fungibility risks they have not been seriously considered for inclusion in Bitcoin thus far.

This BIP aims to introduce a simple covenant which enables a limited set of highly valuable use cases without significant risk. For example:

Congestion Controlled Transactions

When there is a high demand for blockspace it becomes very expensive to make transactions. By using OP_SECURETHEBAG, a large volume payment processor may aggregate all their payments into a single O(1) transaction for purposes of confirmation. Then, some time later, the payments can be expanded out of that UTXO when the demand for blockspace is decreased.

Without OP_SECURETHEBAG, this is still possible to do with Schnorr signatures (even with ECDSA given multiparty schemes). However, it is not possible to do non-interactively, which fundamentally limits the viability of the approach as interacting to collect signatures from all recipients may be difficult or slow.

The sender of a congestion controlled transaction can choose from many different transaction structures.

The simplest option is a single committed transaction which expands from 1 output to N. Even this simple use case is highly useful because the expansion can wait till cheap block space is available.

As the number of recipients grows, a sender can commit to a tree of outputs using OP_SECURETHEBAG. The tree permits them to confirm as many payments as they like (i.e., even more than can fit into a block). Such a technique starts to make sense when N*size_of(Output) > log(N)*size_of(OP_SECURETHEBAG Txn) + size_of(Output). Assuming straightforward transaction sizes, this is around 10 recipients.

Furthermore, the Taproot can commit to variable size expansions -- say, one node which expands by 2, by 4, by 8, etc. This allows a trade off between transaction overhead and immediately available block space. The Merkle tree lookup in that case is O(log(log(N))) extra overhead, but the tree can be Huffman encoded to make it E[O(1)] depending on block demand.

Each node of the tree can also attempt to 'opt in' to preferring a Taproot signature based spend, but if participants are offline or malicious the expansion can proceed to smaller groups.

The overall overhead of the tree approach (without optimizations) is from the perspective of each user O(log(N)) transactions with an expectation of just 1 additional transaction, and 2N from the perspective of the network. However, given the lack of signatures required for such transactions, the actual overhead is less.

The below chart showcases the structure of these transactions in comparison to normal transactions and batched transactions.

A simulation is shown below of what impact this could have on mempool backlog given 5% network adoption, and 50% network adoption. The code for the simulation is provided in this BIP's subdirectory.

Channel Factories

Using OP_SECURETHEBAG for Channel Factories is similar to the use for Congestion Control, except the leaf nodes should be set up as a channels instead of plain payments. The channel can be between the sender and recipient or a target of recipient's choice. Using an OP_SECURETHEBAG Taproot, the recipient may even give the sender an address which makes a channel unbeknownst to them.

These channels are already time insensitive for setup, as all punishments can be relative timelocked to the actual instantiation.

This permits instant liquidity on the coins sent using this delayed method.

Wallet Vaults

When greater security is required for cold storage solutions, there can be default Tapscript paths that move funds from one target to another target.

For example, a cold wallet can be set up where one customer support desk can, without further authorization, move a portion of the funds (using multiple pre-set amounts) into a lukewarm wallet operated by an isolated support desk. The support desk can then issue some funds to a hot wallet, and send the remainder back to cold storage with a similar withdrawal mechanism in place.

This is all possible without OP_SECURETHEBAG, but OP_SECURETHEBAG eliminates the need for coordination and online signers, as well as reducing the ability for a support desk to improperly move funds.

Furthermore, all such designs can be combined with relative time locks to give time for compliance and risk desks to intervene.


OP_SECURETHEBAG makes it much easier to set up a trustless CoinJoin.

All participants agree on a single UTXO which commits to its output hash, participants then can fund the transaction with whatever inputs they like.

Then, the transaction can be confirmed.

If desired, the Tapscript path can be usurped by a signature based spend to improve fungibility.


The goal of OP_SECURETHEBAG is to be minimal impact on the existing codebase -- in the future, as we become aware of more complex but shown to be safe use cases new covenant types might be enabled.

Critically, because OP_SECURETHEBAG is a Tapscript opcode, it is intended that participants may collaborate to replace the Tapscript path with a signature. This lifts the requirement of the output being spent alone and the exact match of output hashes, if other participant dependencies (like channel state) can be updated.

Below we'll discuss the rules one-by-one:

The following script is a minimal data push of 32 bytes

OP_SECURETHEBAG uses the push after the opcode rather than before the opcode. Were OP_SECURETHEBAG to use the data from the stack it would be possible to construct in script what data is committed to. By using a data lookahead, we ensure that the outputs are known at the time of spending. Minimalism is partially why OP_SECURETHEBAG uses a PushData32 (0x20) rather than a literal/immediate value; it is messy to upgrade the parser to treat old opcodes as multi-byte opcodes. This can be done, depending on community feedback and preference. It is left out of this proposal for now.

The script programmer is still able to conditionalize which hash it is checked on, e.g., OP_IF OP_SECURETHEBAG <outputs 1> OP_ELSE OP_SECURETHEBAG <outputs 2> OP_ENDIF. However, by keeping the outputs literal hashes we limit the possibilities.

In any case, a user is more likely to, given Tapscript's API, compile any code with multiple OP_SECURETHEBAG operations into separate branches.

The SHA256 TaggedHash("BagHash") of the serialized version, locktime, outputs hash, sequences hash, number of inputs, and serialized ScriptSig matches the value provided

The set of data committed to is the set of data which can impact the TXID of the transaction, other than the inputs. This ensures that for a given known input, the TXIDs can also be known ahead of time as long as the inputs are SegWit. Otherwise, OP_SECURETHEBAG would not be usable for Channel Factories as the redemption TXID could be malleated.

It is not a concern that exposing this hash on the stack might allow parsing of the data hashed, because they are already known exactly at the time of script construction.

Committing to the outputs hash

This ensures that spending the UTXO is guaranteed to create the exact outputs requested.

We commit to the hash rather than the values themselves as this is already precomputed for each transaction.

Committing to the Sequences Hash

If we don't commit to the sequences, then the TXID can be malleated. This also allows us to enforce a relative sequence lock without an OP_CSV. It is insufficient to just use OP_CSV because OP_CSV enforces a minimum nSequence value, not a literal value.

We commit to the hash rather than the values themselves as this is already precomputed for each transaction.

Committing to the ScriptSig

The scriptsig in a segwit transaction must be exactly empty, unless it is a P2SH segwit transaction in which case it must be only the exact redeemscript.

To prevent succeptibility to malleability when not using a segwit input, we also commit to the scriptsig. This makes it possible to use a 2 input OP_SECURETHEBAG with a legacy pre-signed spend, as long as the exact scriptsig for the legacy output is committed.

Committing to the version and locktime

Were these values not committed, it would be possible to delay the spending of an output arbitrarily as well as possible to change the TXID.

Committing these values, rather than restricting them to specific values, is more flexible as it permits users of OP_SECURETHEBAG the set the version and locktime as they please.

Committing to the number of inputs

If we allow more than one input to be spent in the transaction then it would be possible for two outputs to request payment to the same set of outputs, resulting in half the intended payments being discarded

Furthermore, the restriction on which inputs can be co-spent is critical for payments-channel constructs where a stable TXID is a requirement (updates would need to be signed on all combinations of inputs).

However, there are legitimate use cases for allowing multiple inputs. For example:

Tapscript paths:

    Path A: <+24 hours> OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY OP_SECURETHEBAG <Pay Alice 1 Bitcoin (1 input) nLockTime for +24 hours>
    Path B: OP_SECURETHEBAG <Pay Bob 2 Bitcoin (2 inputs)>

In this case, there are 24 hours for the output to, with the addition of a second output, pay Bob 2 BTC. If 24 hours lapses, then Alice may redeem her 1 BTC from the contract. Both UTXOs may have the exact same Path B, or only one.

The issue with these constructs is that there are N! orders that the inputs can be ordered in and it's not generally possible to restrict the ordering.

OP_SECURETHEBAG allows for users to guarantee the exact number of inputs being spent. In general, using OP_SECURETHEBAG with more than one input is difficult and exposes subtle issues, so multiple inputs should not be used except in specific applications.

Design Tradeoffs and Risks

Covenants have historically been controversial given their potential for fungibility risks -- coins could be minted which have a permanent restriction on how they may or may not be spent.

In the approach presented here, the covenants are severely restricted as follows. All covenants are wrapped with a multisig based key which can preempt the covenant's requirements. Furthermore, the structure of OP_SECURETHEBAG covenants is such that the outputs must be known exactly at the time of construction. Therefore it is only possible to create covenants which expand in a finite number of steps and is equivalent to, in a safety sense, to the set of transactions which create all the inputs at reachable end states. Furthermore, covenants are restricted to be spendable as a known number of inputs only, preventing the 'half spend' problem.

These covenants, as restricted as they are, bear some risks.

The preimage paired with OP_SECURETHEBAG may be unknown or the Taproot may be constructed with a public key with an unknown private key. Knowing that an address is spendable from is incompatible with sender's ability to spend to any address (especially, OP_RETURN). If a sender needs to know the recipient could remove the covenant before spending, they may request a signature of an challenge string from the recipients.

Key-reuse with OP_SECURETHEBAG may be abused as a form of "forwarding address contracts". A forwarding address is a script which can automatically execute in a predefined way. For example, a hot wallet might have coins which can automatically be moved to a cold storage address after a relative timeout. The issue is that reusing such keys can be very unsafe. For example, suppose one creates an address which forwards 1 BTC to cold storage. Creating an output to this address with less than 1 BTC will be frozen until the Taproot signature path is used. If more than 1 BTC is paid to the address, and the redeemscript is known publicly, then anyone can cause the funds in excess of 1BTC to be paid as a large miner fee. OP_SECURETHEBAG could commit to the exact amount of bitcoin provided by the inputs/amount of fee paid, but as this is a user error and not a malleability issue this is not done. Further, it's possible to later introduce opcodes which commit to how much fee should be spent at max or other restrictions that would make reusable keys safer to use.

For now, it is best to not reuse a Taproot key unless you are certain all the branches are compatible with your desired payment. This limitation and risk is not unique to OP_SECURETHEBAG, Taproot scripts may contain many logical branches that would be unsafe for being spent to multiple times (e.g., a Hash Time Lock branch should be instantiated with unique hashes each time it is used).

OP_SECURETHEBAG is substantially less risky than other covenant systems. If ever implemented, other covenant systems could make the OP_SECURETHEBAG's functionality redundant. However, given OP_SECURETHEBAG's simple semantics and low on chain cost it's likely that it would continue to be used.

More powerful covenants like those proposed by MES16, would also bring some benefits in terms of improving the ability to adjust for things like fees rather than relying on child-pays-for-parent or other mechanisms. However, these features come at substantially increased complexity and room for unintended behavior.

Alternatively, CHECKSIGFROMSTACK or SIGHASH_NOINPUT based covenant designs might be able to implement covenants as well. SIGHASH_NOINPUT bears additional risks that preclude its viability for inclusion in Bitcoin. CHECKSIGFROMSTACK is more complicated to use than OP_SECURETHEBAG, and encumbers additional verification overhead absent from OP_SECURETHEBAG. Its potential recursion issues also make it more difficult to advocate for inclusion in Bitcoin.

Given the simplicity of this approach to implement and analyze, and the benefits realizable by user applications, the OP_SECURETHEBAG approach is proposed in lieu of more complete covenants.

Note on Similar Alternatives

An earlier version of OP_SECURETHEBAG, OP_CHECKOUTPUTSHASHVERIFY, is withdrawn in favor of OP_SECURETHEBAG. OP_CHECKOUTPUTSHASHVERIFY did not commit to the version or lock time and was thus insecure.

It would also be possible to implement OP_SECURETHEBAG as a template tapscript program. This would roughly entail to transforming the script OP_SECURETHEBAG into OP_SECURETHEBAG <hash of version, locktime, number of inputs, outputs> before looking it up in the Taproot Merkle Tree. This approach could save 34 bytes per transaction compared to using OP_SECURETHEBAG (which may be a whole tree of transactions). However, such a template approach requires changes to Taproot, so can be considered as a possibility, but is not proposed concretely here so as not to slow down Taproot deployment with bikeshedding the templating system. An example implementation of this approach is provided here nonetheless. Such an efficient templating technique can be deployed in a future SegWit Taproot version.


The below code is the main logic for verifying OP_SECURETHEBAG.

        // Don't verify before enabled...
        if (flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_BAG_SECURED) {
            CScript::const_iterator lookahead = pc;
            opcodetype argument;
            // Read ahead one opcode as a lookahead argument
            if (!script.GetOp(lookahead, argument, vchPushValue))
                return set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_BAD_OPCODE);
            // If lookahead argument was exactly 32 bytes, check OutputHash
            // This is so that we can later add different semantics for this opcode
            if (vchPushValue.size() == 32) {
                // Argument should be == 0x20 -- will fail later anyways
                if (!CheckMinimalPush(vchPushValue, argument)) {
                    return set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_MINIMALDATA);
                // Lastly, check that the outputs hash matches the passed value
                if (!checker.CheckBagSecured(vchPushValue)) {
                    return set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_BAG_NOT_SECURED);

The hash is computed as follows:

    static const CHashWriter BagHash = TaggedHash("BagHash");
    template<typename TxType>
    uint256 GetSecuredBagHash(const TxType& tx) {

        CHashWriter hash_outputs(SER_GETHASH, 0);
        CHashWriter hash_sequences(SER_GETHASH, 0);
        for (const auto& txout : tx.vout) {
            hash_outputs << txout;
        for (const auto& txin : {
            hash_sequences << txin.nSequence;
        uint256 outputs_hash = hash_outputs.GetSHA256();
        uint256 sequences_hash = hash_sequences.GetSHA256();
        return GetSecuredBagHash(tx, outputs_hash, sequences_hash);

    template<typename TxType>
    uint256 GetSecuredBagHash(const TxType& tx, uint256& outputs_hash, uint256& sequences_hash) {
        auto h =  CHashWriter(BagHash)
            << tx.nVersion << tx.nLockTime
            << outputs_hash << sequences_hash
            << uint64_t(;
        for (const auto& in : {
            h << in.scriptSig;
        return h.GetSHA256();


The deployment is intended to be done with Tapscript

The deployment schedule can either be at the same time as Tapscript, or some time later.


An implementation and tests are available here:



This document is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.