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127 lines (113 loc) · 7.28 KB


v2.4.1 (no contracts deployed; all code pushed 2020-12-07)

  • Updated mStable swap tests to skip removed bAssets (i.e., DAI).

v2.4.0 (contracts deployed 2020-11-25; all code pushed 2020-11-29)

  • Fixed bug in validation of mUSD redemption in RariFundController.withdrawAndExchange.

v2.3.0 (contracts deployed 2020-10-29; all code pushed 2020-11-13)

  • Added RariFundPriceConsumer.allCurrenciesPeggedTo1Usd variable.

v2.2.0 (contracts deployed 2020-10-27; all code pushed 2020-10-29)

  • Added 0.5% withdrawal fee.
    • Removed RariFundManager.withdrawFees to save gas on deployment.

v2.1.0 (contracts deployed 2020-10-20; all code pushed 2020-10-28)

  • Implemented liquidity mining of RGT (Rari Governance Token) distributions.
  • Removed account balance limit functions.
  • Moved dApp to rari-dapp-legacy.
  • Gave RariFundManager permission to burn RSPT on withdrawals without the need for approval transactions.
  • Various minor improvements to RariFundManager (e.g., replaced disableFund and enableFund with setFundDisabled).
  • Fixed LIVE_UPGRADE_FUND_OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY in truffle-config.js.
  • Changed performance/interest fee rate to 9.5%.

v2.0.0 (contracts deployed 2020-09-21; all code pushed 2020-10-05)

  • Rebranded to Rari Stable Pool and Rari Stable Pool Token (RSPT).
  • Implemented lending via Aave.
  • Implemented lending and exchanges via mStable.
  • Removed account balance limit.
  • Implemented daily limit on proportion of funds lost due to exchange.
  • Added currency and pool allocation pie chart to web client.
  • Fixed slippage calculation logic in web client.
  • Fixed Quantstamp audit findings:
    • Implement stablecoin pricing via Chainlink (QSP-1).
    • Replaced calls to transfer() with call.value() (QSP-3).
    • Implemented proxy storage for RariFundManager, RariFundToken, and RariFundPriceConsumer (QSP-3).
    • Upgrade RFT, removing interestAccruedBy to save gas and remove initNetDeposits (QSP-3).
    • Replace imitation of balanceOfUnderlying with actual call to balanceOfUnderlying in CompoundPoolController (QSP-4).
    • Make sure new contract address is a RariFundController in upgradeFundController (QSP-5).
    • Updated docs (QSP-7, QSP-10).
    • Make sure sender is the 0x Exchange v3 contract in fallback functions of RariFundController and RariFundProxy (QSP-8).
    • Check for overflow before conversion from uint256 to int256 (QSP-9).
    • Locked all Solidity version pragmas to 0.5.17 (QSP-11, QSP-12).
    • Improved code comments (QSP-10, QSP-14).
  • Fixed bug in which RariFundManager._withdrawFrom could have overestimated the amount of RFT burned (see commit 9059e8c).
    • It seems that this bug did not cause any issues before it was fixed: it was discovered during development and was never reported by any users.
  • Other changes to contracts:
    • Externalized pool and exchange libraries.
    • Added events for pool allocations.
    • Optimized RariFundController.
    • Add RariFundManager.getAcceptedCurrencies and replace RariFundController.getPoolBalances with RariFundProxy.getRawFundBalancesAndPrices to speed up web client.
    • Replaced setAcceptedCurrency with setAcceptedCurrencies to minimize rebalancer gas usage.
    • Added getAccountBalanceLimit function to RariFundManager.
    • Moved token forwarding logic from RariFundManager.setFundController to RariFundController.upgradeFundController.
    • Store decimal precision of tokens in contracts instead of querying the token contracts (to save gas).
    • Added forwardLostFunds function to RariFundManager and RariFundProxy to forward lost tokens accidentally transferred directly to these contracts.
    • Made Rari contract variables public in contracts.
    • Removed unnecessary boolean return values.
    • Removed version constants from all contracts.
    • Add fund owner as minter of RSPT in case of emergency.
    • Other small improvements, bug fixes, comments, documentation, etc.
  • Other changes to testing:
    • Added Travis CI.
      • Run Ganache beforehand in test script so Travis CI works.
    • Unlock development accounts in Ganache so we don't need private keys for testing.
    • Reordered tests so 0x exchanges come first so orders from 0x API are fresh.
    • Assert with margin of error in test/3_fund_owner.js.
    • Fixed accepted margin of error in test/5_fund_user.js.
    • Added test to check gas used by RariFundController.upgradeFundController.
    • Added test to check gas used by RariFundProxy.withdrawAndExchange.
    • Moved scripts to scripts folder and set as executable.
    • Increased block gas limit to 12.5 million in scripts/ganache.js.
    • Minor improvements to test dummy contracts.
    • Other improvements to test scripts.
    • Added copyright notices to tests.
  • Other changes to web client:
    • Updated web3.js and providers used by web client.
    • Other minor web client improvements and bug fixes.
  • Other changes to documentation:
    • Added
    • Improved,, and
    • Renamed to and improved content.
    • Added UML class diagrams for contracts.
    • Added Solidity metrics report.
  • Other changes to package:
    • Replaced patched fork of ganche-core with genuine beta update.
    • Upgrade Truffle to v5.1.45.
    • Added build folder to .gitignore.
    • Added GitHub repo and links to package.json.

v1.2.0 (contracts deployed 2020-07-20; all code pushed 2020-08-03)

  • Implemented GSN support for DAI deposits via RariFundProxy.deposit.
  • Resdesigned and improved web client.
    • Modal popups for slippage and exchange fee confirmation.
    • Replaced today's APY with current APY.
    • Fixed Fortmatic support.
    • Cache 0x prices for 60 seconds so slippage doesn't change so quickly.
    • Implemented account balance limit checking for deposits.
    • Support for transferring RFT in USD quantities.
    • Improved input handling for deposits, withdrawals and transfers.
    • Better number formatting.
    • Analytics support with Mixpanel.
    • Show USD equivalents of ETH exchange fees.
    • Various bug fixes.
    • Updated WalletConnect and Web3Modal.
  • Simplified .gitignore.
  • Updated and, added license, and improved source code comments.

v1.1.0 (contracts deployed 2020-07-14; all code pushed 2020-07-17)

  • Contracts were restructured to make RariFundManager smaller so we can add more code to it (like gas optimizations).
  • Various bugs have also been fixed (e.g., USDT approval error in RariFundProxy.exchangeAndDeposit).
  • Also added migrations code for upgrading from v1.0.0.
  • Added COMP to current APY, APY today, and charts in web client.
  • Fixed Fortmatic and Portis API keys in web client.
  • Use stablecoin prices for slippage indicators in web client.
  • Fixed minor bug in taker fee processing in 0x exchange code in web client and smart contract tests.
  • Withdraw tokens from Rari before each test in test/account-balance-limit.js.
  • Fix bug in assertion in test/fund-fees.js.
  • Widened APY today display on web client.
  • Minor fixes to app.js related to error handling.
  • Reworded package description, docs, and web client content, error messages, and code comments.