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Runtime Error when val #13

Chic-J opened this issue Jul 25, 2021 · 10 comments

Runtime Error when val #13

Chic-J opened this issue Jul 25, 2021 · 10 comments


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Chic-J commented Jul 25, 2021

thanks for your work.
but i found an error when i try to test the code in VOC
`Checkpoint <E:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\pretrained\voc_1over8_datalist0_deeplabv3+_resnet101.pth> (epoch 63) was loaded


0%| | 0/724 [00:17<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
"main", mod_spec)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 85, in run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "c:\Users\Administrator.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2020.7.96456\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy_main
.py", line 45, in
File "c:\Users\Administrator.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2020.7.96456\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy/..\debugpy\server\", line 430, in main
File "c:\Users\Administrator.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2020.7.96456\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy/..\debugpy\server\", line 267, in run_file
runpy.run_path(, run_name=compat.force_str("main"))
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 263, in run_path
pkg_name=pkg_name, script_name=fname)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 96, in _run_module_code
mod_name, mod_spec, pkg_name, script_name)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\", line 128, in
main(config['n_gpu'], config['n_gpu'], config, args.resume, args.test)
File "e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\", line 99, in main
File "e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\base\", line 105, in train
results = self._valid_epoch(0)
File "e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\", line 145, in _valid_epoch
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(tbar):
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\tqdm\", line 1185, in iter
for obj in iterable:
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 435, in next
data = self._next_data()
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 475, in _next_data
data = self._dataset_fetcher.fetch(index) # may raise StopIteration
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 47, in fetch
return self.collate_fn(data)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 83, in default_collate
return [default_collate(samples) for samples in transposed]
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 83, in
return [default_collate(samples) for samples in transposed]
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 55, in default_collate
return torch.stack(batch, 0, out=out)
RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [3, 375, 500] at entry 0 and [3, 396, 500] at entry 1`

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Chic-J commented Jul 25, 2021

I use a single GPU, and the config like:
"name": "CAC",
"experim_name": "voc_cac_deeplabv3+_resnet50_1over8_datalist0",
"dataset": "voc",
"data_dir": "E:\dataset\VOCtrainval_11-May-2012",
"datalist": 0,
"n_gpu": 1,
"n_labeled_examples": 1323,
"diff_lrs": true,
"ramp_up": 0.1,
"unsupervised_w": 30,
"ignore_index": 255,
"lr_scheduler": "Poly",
"weakly_loss_w": 0.4,
"pretrained": true,
"random_seed": 42,

    "supervised": false,
    "semi": true,
    "supervised_w": 1,

    "sup_loss": "CE",

    "layers": 50,
    "downsample": true,
    "proj_final_dim": 128,
    "out_dim": 256,
    "backbone": "deeplab_v3+",
    "pos_thresh_value": 0.75,
    "weight_unsup": 0.1,
    "epoch_start_unsup": 5,
    "selected_num": 6400,
    "temp": 0.1,
    "step_save": 1,
    "stride": 8

"optimizer": {
    "type": "SGD",
        "lr": 0.01,
        "weight_decay": 1e-4,
        "momentum": 0.9

"train_supervised": {
    "batch_size": 8,
    "crop_size": 320,
    "shuffle": true,
    "base_size": 400,
    "scale": true,
    "augment": true,
    "flip": true,
    "rotate": false,
    "blur": false,
    "split": "train_supervised",
    "num_workers": 0

"train_unsupervised": {
    "batch_size": 8,
    "crop_size": 320,
    "shuffle": true,
    "base_size": 400,
    "scale": true,
    "augment": true,
    "flip": true,
    "rotate": false,
    "blur": false,
    "split": "train_unsupervised",
    "num_workers": 0,
    "iou_bound": [0.1, 1.0],
    "stride": 8

"val_loader": {
    "batch_size": 2,
    "val": true,
    "split": "val",
    "shuffle": false,
    "num_workers": 0

"trainer": {
    "epochs": 80,
    "save_dir": "saved/",
    "save_period": 1,

    "monitor": "max Mean_IoU",
    "early_stop": 100,
    "tensorboardX": true,
    "log_dir": "saved/",
    "log_per_iter": 20,

    "val": true,
    "val_per_epochs": 1


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Chic-J commented Jul 25, 2021

i solve with batch_size=1, anyway, is there another way?
more, i test in VOC with pretrained model but only get result likes:
Checkpoint <E:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\pretrained\voc_1over8_datalist0_deeplabv3+_resnet101.pth> (epoch 63) was loaded


EVAL (0) | Loss: 2.823, PixelAcc: 0.13, Mean IoU: 0.01 |: 100%|███████████████████████████████| 1449/1449 [03:20<00:00, 7.23it/s]

     val_loss       : 2.82271
     Pixel_Accuracy : 0.129
     Mean_IoU       : 0.014000000432133675
     Class_IoU      : {0: 0.126, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.002, 4: 0.0, 5: 0.003, 6: 0.005, 7: 0.016, 8: 0.026, 9: 0.009, 10: 0.004, 11: 0.009, 12: 0.0, 13: 0.005, 14: 0.0, 15: 0.059, 16: 0.0, 17: 0.0, 18: 0.0, 19: 0.026, 20: 0.0}

i annotated the some code deal with distribute training, do they affect the result?the annotated codes are:
# if distributed:
# dist.all_reduce(pixel_labeled), dist.all_reduce(pixel_correct)
# dist.all_reduce(pixel_labeled), dist.all_reduce(pixel_correct)

# if distributed:
#     dist.all_reduce(area_inter), dist.all_reduce(area_union)

# dist.all_reduce(area_inter), dist.all_reduce(area_union)

they are all in

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Chic-J commented Jul 26, 2021

Another question.
the RAM is oom when i train...
is there memory leak? or why the RAM is getting higher?

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X-Lai commented Jul 28, 2021

Thanks for your interest in our work.

I think there may be something wrong on your side. It works well on my side. I just tested the model you mentioned. The log is shown as follows.

2021-07-28 03:39:28,212 - Trainer - INFO - config: {'name': 'CAC', 'experim_name': 'voc_cac_deeplabv3+_resnet101_1over8_datalist0', 'dataset': 'voc', 'data_dir': '/home/xinlai/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012', 'datalist': 0, 'n_gpu': 2, 'n_labeled_examples': 1323, 'diff_lrs': True, 'ramp_up': 0.1, 'unsupervised_w': 30, 'ignore_index': 255, 'lr_scheduler': 'Poly', 'use_weak_lables': False, 'weakly_loss_w': 0.4, 'pretrained': True, 'random_seed': 42, 'model': {'supervised': False, 'semi': True, 'supervised_w': 1, 'sup_loss': 'CE', 'layers': 101, 'downsample': True, 'proj_final_dim': 128, 'out_dim': 256, 'backbone': 'deeplab_v3+', 'pos_thresh_value': 0.75, 'weight_unsup': 0.1, 'epoch_start_unsup': 5, 'selected_num': 6400, 'temp': 0.1, 'step_save': 2, 'stride': 8}, 'optimizer': {'type': 'SGD', 'args': {'lr': 0.01, 'weight_decay': 0.0001, 'momentum': 0.9}}, 'train_supervised': {'crop_size': 320, 'base_size': 400, 'scale': True, 'augment': True, 'flip': True, 'rotate': False, 'blur': False, 'split': 'train_supervised', 'n_labeled_examples': 1323, 'data_dir': '/home/xinlai/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012', 'datalist': 0, 'mean': [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], 'std': [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], 'ignore_index': 255}, 'train_unsupervised': {'crop_size': 320, 'base_size': 400, 'scale': True, 'augment': True, 'flip': True, 'rotate': False, 'blur': False, 'split': 'train_unsupervised', 'iou_bound': [0.1, 1.0], 'stride': 8, 'n_labeled_examples': 1323, 'use_weak_lables': False, 'data_dir': '/home/xinlai/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012', 'datalist': 0, 'mean': [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], 'std': [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], 'ignore_index': 255}, 'val_loader': {'val': True, 'split': 'val', 'data_dir': '/home/xinlai/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012', 'datalist': 0, 'mean': [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], 'std': [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], 'ignore_index': 255}, 'trainer': {'epochs': 80, 'save_dir': 'saved/', 'save_period': 1, 'monitor': 'max Mean_IoU', 'early_stop': 100, 'tensorboardX': True, 'log_dir': 'saved/', 'log_per_iter': 20, 'val': True, 'val_per_epochs': 1}, 'dist_url': 'tcp://', 'n_node': 0, 'world_size': 2, 'rank': 0}
2021-07-28 03:39:33,007 - Trainer - INFO - Loading checkpoint : voc_1over8_datalist0_deeplabv3+_resnet101.pth
2021-07-28 03:39:33,570 - Trainer - INFO - Checkpoint <voc_1over8_datalist0_deeplabv3+_resnet101.pth> (epoch 63) was loaded
2021-07-28 03:39:33,571 - Trainer - INFO - 
###### EVALUATION ######
2021-07-28 03:40:01,988 - Trainer - INFO - 

2021-07-28 03:40:02,004 - Trainer - INFO -          val_loss       : 0.31989
2021-07-28 03:40:02,009 - Trainer - INFO -          Pixel_Accuracy : 0.939
2021-07-28 03:40:02,015 - Trainer - INFO -          Mean_IoU       : 0.7429999709129333
2021-07-28 03:40:02,025 - Trainer - INFO -          Class_IoU      : {0: 0.932, 1: 0.873, 2: 0.387, 3: 0.852, 4: 0.659, 5: 0.768, 6: 0.926, 7: 0.852, 8: 0.888, 9: 0.326, 10: 0.805, 11: 0.625, 12: 0.842, 13: 0.861, 14: 0.806, 15: 0.839, 16: 0.546, 17: 0.815, 18: 0.49, 19: 0.816, 20: 0.701}

I just download the model from the link we provide at Here. And use the config at Here. You may try again.

As for the RAM, I suggest you to use larger RAM.

@X-Lai X-Lai closed this as completed Jul 28, 2021
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Chic-J commented Jul 29, 2021

I use memory profiler to watch the code, and i found
is it not memory leak?

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X-Lai commented Jul 29, 2021

Sorry, I may not get your point. I think Python has its own GC mechanism, so it's hard to have memory leak error. Can you explain more on your demonstration and why the 'memory leak' happens?

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Chic-J commented Jul 29, 2021

as you can see, when the model is training, the RAM becomes like:
the RAM is bigger than bigger. I think when trainning, the RAM needed should maintain a steady size

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gpgzy commented Aug 17, 2021

I use a single GPU, and found this problem too.

I use a single GPU, and the config like:
"name": "CAC",
"experim_name": "voc_cac_deeplabv3+_resnet50_1over8_datalist0",
"dataset": "voc",
"data_dir": "E:\dataset\VOCtrainval_11-May-2012",
"datalist": 0,
"n_gpu": 1,
"n_labeled_examples": 1323,
"diff_lrs": true,
"ramp_up": 0.1,
"unsupervised_w": 30,
"ignore_index": 255,
"lr_scheduler": "Poly",
"weakly_loss_w": 0.4,
"pretrained": true,
"random_seed": 42,

    "supervised": false,
    "semi": true,
    "supervised_w": 1,

    "sup_loss": "CE",

    "layers": 50,
    "downsample": true,
    "proj_final_dim": 128,
    "out_dim": 256,
    "backbone": "deeplab_v3+",
    "pos_thresh_value": 0.75,
    "weight_unsup": 0.1,
    "epoch_start_unsup": 5,
    "selected_num": 6400,
    "temp": 0.1,
    "step_save": 1,
    "stride": 8

"optimizer": {
    "type": "SGD",
        "lr": 0.01,
        "weight_decay": 1e-4,
        "momentum": 0.9

"train_supervised": {
    "batch_size": 8,
    "crop_size": 320,
    "shuffle": true,
    "base_size": 400,
    "scale": true,
    "augment": true,
    "flip": true,
    "rotate": false,
    "blur": false,
    "split": "train_supervised",
    "num_workers": 0

"train_unsupervised": {
    "batch_size": 8,
    "crop_size": 320,
    "shuffle": true,
    "base_size": 400,
    "scale": true,
    "augment": true,
    "flip": true,
    "rotate": false,
    "blur": false,
    "split": "train_unsupervised",
    "num_workers": 0,
    "iou_bound": [0.1, 1.0],
    "stride": 8

"val_loader": {
    "batch_size": 2,
    "val": true,
    "split": "val",
    "shuffle": false,
    "num_workers": 0

"trainer": {
    "epochs": 80,
    "save_dir": "saved/",
    "save_period": 1,

    "monitor": "max Mean_IoU",
    "early_stop": 100,
    "tensorboardX": true,
    "log_dir": "saved/",
    "log_per_iter": 20,

    "val": true,
    "val_per_epochs": 1



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Chic-J commented Aug 17, 2021

I use a single GPU, and found this problem too.

I use a single GPU, and the config like:
"name": "CAC",
"experim_name": "voc_cac_deeplabv3+_resnet50_1over8_datalist0",
"dataset": "voc",
"data_dir": "E:\dataset\VOCtrainval_11-May-2012",
"datalist": 0,
"n_gpu": 1,
"n_labeled_examples": 1323,
"diff_lrs": true,
"ramp_up": 0.1,
"unsupervised_w": 30,
"ignore_index": 255,
"lr_scheduler": "Poly",
"weakly_loss_w": 0.4,
"pretrained": true,
"random_seed": 42,

    "supervised": false,
    "semi": true,
    "supervised_w": 1,

    "sup_loss": "CE",

    "layers": 50,
    "downsample": true,
    "proj_final_dim": 128,
    "out_dim": 256,
    "backbone": "deeplab_v3+",
    "pos_thresh_value": 0.75,
    "weight_unsup": 0.1,
    "epoch_start_unsup": 5,
    "selected_num": 6400,
    "temp": 0.1,
    "step_save": 1,
    "stride": 8

"optimizer": {
    "type": "SGD",
        "lr": 0.01,
        "weight_decay": 1e-4,
        "momentum": 0.9

"train_supervised": {
    "batch_size": 8,
    "crop_size": 320,
    "shuffle": true,
    "base_size": 400,
    "scale": true,
    "augment": true,
    "flip": true,
    "rotate": false,
    "blur": false,
    "split": "train_supervised",
    "num_workers": 0

"train_unsupervised": {
    "batch_size": 8,
    "crop_size": 320,
    "shuffle": true,
    "base_size": 400,
    "scale": true,
    "augment": true,
    "flip": true,
    "rotate": false,
    "blur": false,
    "split": "train_unsupervised",
    "num_workers": 0,
    "iou_bound": [0.1, 1.0],
    "stride": 8

"val_loader": {
    "batch_size": 2,
    "val": true,
    "split": "val",
    "shuffle": false,
    "num_workers": 0

"trainer": {
    "epochs": 80,
    "save_dir": "saved/",
    "save_period": 1,

    "monitor": "max Mean_IoU",
    "early_stop": 100,
    "tensorboardX": true,
    "log_dir": "saved/",
    "log_per_iter": 20,

    "val": true,
    "val_per_epochs": 1



yes, try this:

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但是当我尝试在 VOC
`Checkpoint <E:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\pretrained\voc_1over8_datalist0_deeplabv3+_resnet101.pth> (epoch 63) 中测试代码时发现错误被加载


0%| | 0/724 [00:17<?, ?it/s]
文件“D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\”,第 193 行,在 _run_module_as_main
main ", mod_spec)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "c:\Users\Administrator.vscode\extensions\ms- python.python-2020.7.96456 \ pythonFiles \ lib中\蟒\ debugpy__主__py “为45行,在
文件” C:\ Users \用户Administrator.vscode \扩展\ MS-python.python-2020.7。 96456\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy/..\debugpy\server\",
文件“c:\Users\Administrator.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2020.7.96456\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy/..\debugpy\server\”,第 267 行,在run_file
runpy.run_path(, run_name=compat.force_str(" main "))
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\", line 263, in run_path
pkg_name=pkg_name, script_name =fname)
文件“D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\”,第 96 行,在 _run_module_code
mod_name, mod_spec, pkg_name, script_name)
文件“D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib \”,第 85 行,在 _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
文件“e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\”,第 128 行,在
main(config['n_gpu'], config['n_gpu'], config, args.resume, args.test)
File "e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\", line 99, in main
trainer .train()
文件“e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\base\”,第 105 行,训练
结果 = self._valid_epoch(0)
文件“e:\Context-Aware-Consistency-master\", line 145, in _valid_epoch
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(tbar):
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\tqdm\",第 1185 行,在iter
for obj in iterable:
文件“D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\”,第 435 行,在下一个
数据 = self._next_data ()
data = self._dataset_fetcher.fetch(index) # 可能会引发StopIteration
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\​​", line 47, in fetch
return self.collat​​e_fn(data)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\ envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\collat​​”,第 83 行,在 default_collat​​e 中
返回 [default_collat​​e(samples) for samples in transposed]
文件“D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\ lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\collat​​",第 83 行,作为
回报 [default_collat​​e(samples) for samples in transposed]
文件“D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\collat​​”,第 55 行,在 default_collat​​e 中
return torch.stack(batch, 0, out=out)
RuntimeError: stack 期望每个张量的大小相等,但在条目 0 处得到 [3, 375, 500],在条目 1 处得到 [3, 396, 500]`

I use a single GPU, and found this problem too.

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