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Based on swc which use compat-data from babel, maybe not as same as caniuse, check this issue for more details.


pnpm i esc-rs -D

Detect features with browserlist

import { detect } from 'esc-rs'

const result = detect({
  filename: 'input.js',
  code: 'const a = 1 ?? false',
  browserslist: 'IE 11',

// result
// {
//   features: {
//     nullishCoalescing: true,
//     ...
//   }
// }

Will output <feature>: true if <feature> not support in current browserslist.

If want to report detail line-col info

const result = detect({
  filename: 'input.js',
  code: 'const a = 1 ?? false',
  browserslist: 'IE 11',
for (const detail of result.details) {
  console.log(`Reason: ${detail.feature}`, code.slice(detail.s, detail.e))


Currently unable to check polyfill features, e.g. Async iterators. In swc it will inject core-js polyfills instead of transform