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63 lines (50 loc) · 2.23 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (50 loc) · 2.23 KB


sc2lover is a simple discussion board / forum web application.


  • REST API backend written in Go
  • Vue.js-based frontend
  • Two databases are supported:
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
  • Three file-storage backends are supported to store user-uploaded files (e.g. avatars):
    • Local filesystem
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Amazon S3
  • Social login (OAuth 2.0) via three providers:
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Github
    • BattleNet (CN)
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used for user authentication in the API
  • Single binary deploy. All the static assets (frontend JavaScript & CSS files) are embedded into the binary
  • Markdown comments
  • Avatar upload, including animated GIFs. Auto-generated letter-avatars on user creation

Getting Started

  • Create a new empty database (MySQL оr PostgreSQL) that will be used as a data store and a database user with all privileges granted on this database.

  • Obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials (client_id and secret) from at least one of the providers (Google, Facebook, Github) so users can log into the web application. The OAuth callback url will be <base_url>/oauth/end/<provider>. The <base_url> is where the sc2lover web app will be mounted on your site and the <provider> is the lowercase provider name. For example, if base_url is, then the oauth callback url for google will be

  • Download and compile the sc2lover binary:

    $ go get -u
  • Inside an empty directory run:

    $ sc2lover init

    This will generate an initial configuration file "sc2lover.conf" inside the current dir. Edit the configuration file to set the server listen address, the base url, the database and file storage parameters, OAuth credentials, etc.

  • Run the following command to start the sc2lover web server.

    $ sc2lover start
  • Sign in into your web application using one of the social login providers. Then run the following command to grant admin privileges to your user.

    $ sc2lover add-admin <your-username>


front-end develop

do not forgot

go generate ./static