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Reference files for HiCorr

Download reference files

Run the commands below, you will directory "ref/".

wget # download reference files
tar -xvf HiCorr.tar.gz 
ls ref/

There are 4 subdirectories under "ref/": "DPNII" "eHiC" "eHiC-QC" "HindIII"
The files in "eHiC" and "eHiC-QC" are for eHiC data generated in PMID: 32592681.
The files in "HindIII" and "DPNII" are for conventional Hi-C and in-situ HiC data.

Description for reference files

Each directory mainly includes the follwing files, for example, in "DPNII"

ls ref/DPNII/

hg19.DPNII.frag.bed: fragment bed file for DpNII enzyme cutting site.

chrbeg end fragment id fragment size

sample heatmaps

hg19.DPNII.blacklist includes the fragment overlapping the blacklist regions.

To run HiCorr with 5kb resolution, we need combine the neighbor fragments to achieve 5kb anchor size by using the hg19_DPNII_frag_2_anchor files


After converting fragment to 5kb anchor, you will get anchor based files:

chrbeg end anchor id anchor sizeaveraged fragment size

hg19_5kb_anchors_blacklist: contains the 400 distance groups for 0-2Mb

dist group idgroup_startgroup_end

hg19_anchor_length.groups contains anchor length group

length group idgroup_startgroup_end

hg19.full.matrix contains all possible anchor pairs within 2Mb.

anchor id 1anchor id 2zeroanchor loop size


anchor1 length group idanchor2 length group iddist group idnumber of anchor pairs within 2Mb

hg19.trans.possible.pairs contains number possible pairs counts from trans-interactions

anchor1 length group idanchor2 length group idnumber of anchor pairs within 2Mb