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🍞 E-Toast Design System

Starting using e-toast is straight forward. We provide resources such as best practices, component documentation, Sketch and Figma files, and more.

🚦 Requisites



this project is built using node v12.17.0 and npm v7.5.2. To manage node version nvm is suggested

📁 Folder Structure

This repository use lerna a tool for manage JavaScript projects with multiple packages. In that case the recommendation is follow the resources in the /packages folder that have the next contents:

  • /css: project with the core css layer of e-toast
  • /css-doc-page: project to document the contents of the css layer of e-toast
  • /sandbox: project to visualize the use of the css layer with React
  • /toast-icons: project with the e-toast icons (candidate to move for his own repo)
  • /toasty: project for apply automation toast for e-toast

For more information, please read the respective files for each project.

🗂️️ External projects

🏗️ Set Up by Project (Recommended)

  1. Go to the package path (e.g) /e-toast-ds/packages/css
cd e-toast-des/packages/css
  1. Install dependencies for the css project
npm install
  1. According the project this step will change, for the example case we just can build the css package:
npm run build

Again, the recommendation is check the file for each project, there you will find the specific steps to start each package.

🏗️ Global Set Up (Unstable)

  1. Install dependencies from /e-toast-ds
npm install


yarn install
  1. Install all dependencies on the packages and symlink packages
npm run bootstrap


yarn bootstrap
  1. Run all packages in dev mode
npm run start


yarn start
  1. Also, you have scripts for running individual packages
// npm start:<package_name>
npm run start:css


yarn start:sandbox-css

✨ Using E-Toast

If you want to work using e-toast as your design system, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Get a copy of e-toast on a subfolder of your application. You can get it by doing one of the following:
    1. Download a release from github releases page
    2. Download it from the npm package. Install it and move it from the node_modules folder
  2. Install e-toast dependencies running npm install inside the subfolder.
  3. Compile the CSS running npm run build (or npm run watch for a watch mode)
  4. If you are using e-toast in a npm project, add Toast to the dependencies with npm install /path/to/toast/folder.
  5. Import the compiled CSS on your application:
  import "@e-toast/css";
  import "@e-toast/css/behaviors.js";

  // or in vanilla projects

  <link href="/toast-path/e-toast.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <script src="/toast-path/behaviors.js"></script>
  1. You're ready to go!

👨‍⚕️ On Boarding

TODO: Add on boarding steps

  • Local symlink is suggested for development

🧰 Tech Stack

  • Lerna for managing React and CSS code bases

📦 Package Manager

mac: if you do not have homebrew, it is advised to install it since it makes the installation process a lot easier

win: if you do not have chocolatey, it is advised to install it since it makes the installation process a lot easier

🤔 Dev Troubleshooting

  • If npm run bootstrap fails when attempting to install @e-toast/css or changes in packages/css are not reflected on react sandbox:

    1. go to each folder in the packages folder and run npm install
    2. go to packages/css and run npm install && npm run build && npm link
    3. go to all other packages that have @e-toast/css as dependency and run npm link @e-toast/css.
    4. skip npm run bootstrap and run npm run start
  • If you get an error regarding node-gyp: make sure you have Python v2.7 as python2 available on your console. If not, install it and add it to your path. If it persists, try updating node and npm versions (you can do so running npm i -g node && npm i -g npm). Older versions of node-gyp use Python v2.7 but the versions used inside of the package should be newer and not require it.

🌐 Browser coverage

  • Chrome