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John Kimani edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the karakana_server_microservice wiki!

Table of contents

  1. Author
  2. About Project
  3. Features


This is a fullstack capstone project developed by Kimani John
Back-end: Django, SQL databases, Swagger and DRF || Front-end: Vite and React with Redux

About Project

The base URL variable is set depending on environment primarily revolving between production, testing or development.



Notice: All users in the application belong to the custom User model with custom user creation and super admin creation functions.

User data/attributes

  1. Email
    • All user accounts require valid email upon creation verification and activation.
    • Each user account is a specific email address one email address can only belong to one account.
  2. Username
    • This field is a unique system identifier therefore each user should have a unique username.
  3. is_verified
    • This field is solely for maintenance. Upon creation each user account email address should be verified.
    • Unverified accounts are accessed periodically and subjected to termination.
  4. is_active
    • New accounts are marked to be active.
    • In active accounts are flagged periodically and could subjected to termination.
  5. is_staff
    • Default user accounts have no staff permissions to directly interact with models.
  6. created_at
    • This field provided information about when the user registered and successfully joined this platform.
  7. updated_at
    • This field provided data on when a user instance was changed or updated for maintenance purposes.


Endpoint: {{BASE_URL}}/api/v1/auth/register/

    "email": "",
    "username": "tasteBolder",
    "password": "youCanNeverGuess"


    "email": "",
    "username": "tasteBolder"

Postman Snippet:


Endpoint: {{BASE_URL}}/api/v1/auth/login/

    "email": "",
    "username": "tasteBolder",
    "password": "youCanNeverGuess"


    "email": "",
    "username": "tasteBolder",
    "tokens": "{'refresh-token' : 'xxx-yyy-zzz'},{'access-token':'xxx-yyy-zzz'}"

Postman snippet of a verified user account.

Email verification