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File metadata and controls

100 lines (69 loc) · 2.6 KB


A basic JavaScript Object Notation Parser with a co-occurence algorithm.

Input language

This parser requires that the input be one of the following:


A JSON or a collection of JSONs. These can be flat, like so.

{"key":"value","key2":[1, 2]}

Or, they can be formatted.

		"apples" {

There can also be many JSONs listed in a row.


The program will generate output via command statements in the input, the format of these commands is:

Statement := 
Command := keyName opt([ArraySubscript])
Nested_Command := Command opt(<DotOperator> Command)



For more details on the syntax of JSON, see JSON Language Specification Note that my code does not yet strictly implement this language as I am still building.

Also, a JSON must be listed BEFORE any Statement that references its keys.

If a Key is present in multiple JSONs, all of the values associated with that key will be printed in order of most recently created JSON.

Running the program

Without Token Co-occurrence

All files should be in the same directory. Example name: ~/Desktop/jsOnject/ In the simplest case...

cd ~/Desktop/jsOnject/;
chmod u+x
./ input.txt

Where input.txt contains a series of JSONs and Commands. Given the above examples as input, the output should be:

No Co-Occurrence input
Result: value
Result: 0
Result: 1
With Token Co-occurrence

By providing a second input file via that command line, token co-occurrence will be calculated. For a full description of Token Co-occurrence, see the next Section.

./Main input.txt tokenList.txt

The second input file (tokenList.txt above) must be in the following form.

Token \s Token \n
Token \s Token \n etc...

Standard JSON operators such as a ":", or a ",", can be simply typed as they are, while Strings will be represented as "" (two consecutive quotes). Ints, booleans, nulls should be typed out with arbitrary values. An example of all this would be:

, :
: ""
{ 45
] null
null true

Token Co-occurrence

Token Co-occurrence is the likelihood that a token (A) will appear within K tokens of another token (B) in the inputted JSON. For the immediate future, my program will predetermine K to be 3, although an arbitrary K will be implemented soon. Therefore, an example of the Token co-occurrence would be:
