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File metadata and controls

98 lines (77 loc) · 4.27 KB

Welcome to Cobralib documentation!

The cobralib package contains classes and functions that simplify the process of reading ASCII formatted text files in standardized ways. In addition, this library contains classes that provide a standardized interface to MySQL, PostGreSQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL-Server relational databases. In some cases, the software in this package is merely a wrapper around existing libraries that changes the interface or extends the current capability of the package.

NOTE: This version of the cobralib package is focused on software to support the process of reading in data, and in some cases writing data to a log file. However, future versions may include data structures that are not provided with the standard Python library or the Numpy library.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:

   io <io>
   db <db>

Indices and tables


This package is loaded on the PyPi repository and can be installed via the following method

  1. Create a python virtual environment python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
  2. Activate the virtual environment with the following command;
Activation Commands for Virtual Environments
Platform Shell Command to activate virtual environment
POSIX bash/zsh $ source <venv>/bin/activate
fish $ source <venv>/bin/
csh/tcsh $ source <venv>/bin/activate.csh
Powershell $ <venv>/bin/Activate.ps1
Windows cmd.exe C:\> <venv>\\Scripts\\activate.bat
PowerShell PS C:\\> <venv>\\Scripts\\Activate.ps1
  1. If you are using a Python instance installed via a package manager such as brew, yum, pacman, or directly installed from the wheel, install with the command pip install cobralib
  2. If you wish to use extra dependencies for SQL-Server or MySQL databases insall with one of the following commands.
    • pip install 'cobralib[mysql]'
    • pip install 'cobralib[postgresql]'
    • pip install 'cobralib[mysql, postresql]'

To install todo_six application as a developer, follow these steps.

.. rst-class:: numbered-list

  1. Install poetry globally on your computer. Follow the instructions from the Poetry web site
  2. Set the poetry virtual environment with the following command poetry config true
  3. Ensure you have .git installed on your computer.
  4. At your desired location create a directory titled cobralib
  5. Open a terminal (Bash, zsh or DOS) and cd to the cobralib directory
  6. Type git clone
  7. Install packages with poetry install


The user instructions for this application is shown in :doc:`io` and :doc:`db`.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to include and update tests as well as relevant cod-strings and sphinx updates.


This project uses a basic MIT license