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This is a reimplementation of the EDAC algorithm in PyTorch. It was created as part of an University project and used for a blog post:

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Ensemble Diversified Actor Critic (EDAC)

This is an implementation of the EDAC algorithm in PyTorch. The original paper is Uncertainty-Based-Offline-RL-with-Diversified-Q-Ensemble, and the official implementation can be found here.

This implementation is heavily inspired by the EDAC implementation of CORL.

Getting started

This assumes you are running Ubuntu. First install mujoco-py, i.e. download the Mujoco binaries and extract them to ~/.mujoco/mujoco210. Then:

sudo apt install libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3  # requirements for mujoco
sudo apt install build-essential  # for gcc for pybullet
# TODO: clone this repo and cd into it
conda create -n edac_r python=3.10  # if you want to use a conda env
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run using python. Add --help to show the available options.

conda activate edac_r
python --project=MyWandbEdacProject --epochs=42

By default, the results are synced to Weights & Biases. This can be disabled with wandb offline and enabled again with wandb online.


You can see all options by running python --help.

--epochs int          number of total updates (default: 200)
--updates_per_epoch int
                      number of updates per epoch (default: 500)
--eval_episodes int   number of episodes for evaluation (default: 5)
--batch_size int      batch size (per update) (default: 2048)
--lr_actor float      learning rate for actor (default: 0.0003)
--lr_critic float     learning rate for critic (default: 0.0003)
--lr_beta float       learning rate for beta (default: 0.0003)
--env str             environment name (default: halfcheetah-medium-v2)
--num_critics int     number of critics (default: 5)
--critic_reduction str
                      reduction method for critics (min, mean, mean-[float], median, exponential-[float]) (default: min)
--beta float          factor for action log probability for the actor loss (default: 0.1)
--eta float           diversity loss factor (default: 1.0)
--gamma float         discount factor (default: 0.99)
--tau float           target network update factor (default: 0.005)
--name str            wandb name of the experiment (default: edac)
--group str           wandb group name (default: edac)
--project str         wandb project name (default: edac_reimplementation)
--seed int            seed (0 for random seed) (default: 0)
--device str          device to use (auto, cuda or cpu) (default: auto)
--save_path str       where to save the model weights and config, None for no saving (default: ckp)
--save_every int      save the model every x epochs (default: 10)
--continue_from str   continue training from a checkpoint file (config has to be loaded separately) (default: )

By default, the model is periodically saved to ckp. You can load a model by specifying --load_path=ckp/DIR_NAME/ Note, that the config is saved separetely and can be loaded, if needed, by specifying --config_path=ckp/DIR_NAME/config.yaml. Remember to increase --epochs, if you want to continue a finished training run.


This is a reimplementation of the EDAC algorithm in PyTorch. It was created as part of an University project and used for a blog post:



