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194 lines (154 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (154 loc) · 11.3 KB


Generate lenses and prisms for your data types automatically.

An input file, ./Foo.purs, will generate an output file ./Foo/Lens.purs if Foo.purs contains any type declarations.

This is currently a WIP.


For testing a local version, run spago build and then ./tidy-mklens.js <CLI args>. To build a bundled one, use ./

$ ./tidy-mklens.js --help
    A CLI for generating optics for your data types

    Expected usage:
      tidy-mklens [OPTIONS] PURS_GLOBS...

      tidy-mklens src
      tidy-mklens --global-record-lens-module RecordLens src
      tidy-mklens --label-style-abc src
      tidy-mklens --gen-type-alias-lenses src
      tidy-mklens --output-dir src .spago/*/*/src/**/*.purs:4

    --gen-type-alias-isos,-t                      Generate isos for type aliases
    --global-record-lens-module,-m MODULE_PATH    The full module path to use for the single record label lenses file
                                                  (e.g `Foo.Bar.Lens`). The module will be outtputed to a file based
                                                  on the module path (e.g. `Foo.Bar.Lens` will be saved to
    --help,-h                                     Show this help message.
    --label-prefix,-l PREFIX                      Use `_PREFIXFoo` for the lens for a record '{ foo :: a }'
    --label-prefix-none,-n                        Use '_foo' for the lens for a record '{ foo :: a }'
    --label-style-abc,-b                          Data constructors with 3+ args will use record labels based on the alphabet (e.g. 'a', 'b', ..., 'z', 'aa', 'ab', ...)
    --label-style-arg,-a                          Data constructors with 3+ args will use record labels of 'argN' (e.g. 'arg1', 'arg2', ..., 'argN')
    --output-dir,-o                               The directory into which to write the generated files
                                                  (defaults to `src`).
    --version,-v                                  Shows the current version

    GLOB[:DIR_STRIP_COUNT]                        Globs for PureScript sources (e.g. `src` `test/**/*.purs`)
                                                  and the number of root directories to strip from each file
                                                  path (defaults to 1) that are separated by the OS-specific
                                                  path delimiter (POSIX: ':', Windows: ';')


The table illustrates some of the CLI args above via the current output on the files stored in the snapshots folder. You can verify that these compile via spago -x snapshots.dhall build --purs-args "--output output-snapshots".

Purpose Files
Show the 'arg' label style
Show the 'abc' label style
Show the --gen-type-alias-isos option
Show the --label-prefix-none option
Show the --label-prefix "prop" option (default)
The record label lenses will be duplicated in each module. This is why the --gen-record-lens-* options exist
Demo the --gen-record-lens-* options
Primary example

Files were generated using the below commands, which are stored in

# Note: the `arg` style is the default
./tidy-mklens.js --label-style-arg --output-dir snapshots snapshots/UseArgLabelStyle.purs

./tidy-mklens.js --label-style-abc --output-dir snapshots snapshots/UseAbcLabelStyle.purs

# Can optionally generate lenses for type aliases
# Useful when just getting familiar with a library and type signatures
# and typed holes are all you have
./tidy-mklens.js --gen-type-alias-isos --output-dir snapshots snapshots/UseTypeAliases.purs

# By default, any record labels referenced in your types will
# have their corresponding lense generated using the style
# `_propLabelName`. You can swap out 'prop' for your own
# custom prefix...
./tidy-mklens.js --label-prefix "prop" --output-dir snapshots snapshots/UseLabelPrefix.purs

# ... or none at all (e.g. `_labelName`).
./tidy-mklens.js --label-prefix-none --output-dir snapshots snapshots/UseNoLabelPrefix.purs

# If the same label is used in multiple types,
# a lens for that label will be stored in each file,
# thereby duplicating the lens. This can lead to
# import frency.

./tidy-mklens.js --output-dir snapshots snapshots/UseLocalProps/

# One way around this is to generate a single file
# that stores all lenses for the deduplicated labels,
# ensuring that label lenses are only imported from
# one place.
./tidy-mklens.js \
  --output-dir snapshots \
  --global-record-lens-module UseGlobalPropFile.GlobalRecordLens \

# Here's the primary example, showing the full power of the code
./tidy-mklens.js --gen-type-alias-isos  --output-dir snapshots snapshots/PrimaryExample.purs

# Open imports aren't always handled correctly. See these snapshots
./tidy-mklens.js --output-dir snapshots snapshots/CheckOpenImports

Explaining the GLOB[:DIR_STRIP_COUNT] arg

The generated file's file path is based on the input file's file path. Most of the time, one will use this program to generate optics for the src directory. However, in monorepos, there may be multiple directories that contains PureScript source code. This feature exists to account for those use cases.

The glob:<int> indicates how many parent directories, starting from the file's relative path's root, to strip from the outputted file's file path. When not specified, the DIR_STIP_COUNT defaults to 1.

For example, let's say the src directory has the following structure:


Running ./tidy-mklens.js --output-dir lenses src:X where X is one of the integers listed in the below table will produce the corresponding output:

X Output file Explanation
lenses/Foo/Bar/Lens.purs the src segment was removed
2 lenses/Bar/Lens.purs the src and Foo segments were removed
3 lenses/Lens.purs the src, Foo, and Bar segments were removed
4 lenses/Lens.purs Since there are only 3 segments available, this is no different than when X is 3

This feature enables one to run this program against all of a projects dependencies (as stored in the .spago folder) and output the results into a new folder. This can be accomplished via the glob .spago/*/*/src/**/*.purs:4, which says, "If you come across a file .spago/packageName/version/src/Foo/Bar.purs, strip the first four root directories (e.g. .spago/packageName/version/src), and append the result (e.g. Foo/Bar.purs) to the output directory (e.g. <outputDir>/Foo/Bar.purs).

For example, the lenses folder contains the output of running this command, which is stored in

./tidy-mklens.js \
  --output-dir lenses \
  --gen-type-alias-isos \
  --label-prefix-none \
  --global-record-lens-module Dependencies.RecordLens \


In general, the generated Lens.purs file(s) will compile so long as the source file compiles and does not contain any warnings regarding your imports. However, the generated file may produce compiler warnings.

tidy-mklens uses limited information to generate a Lens.purs file. There are some ambiguous situations it cannot handle without more information (e.g. type checking).

More specifically, the generated Lens.purs file will compile if the following is true about your source file:

module ModuleName where

-- Assumption #1:
-- To ensure types referenced in the source file's types are imported
-- in the generated file, always re-import all open imports.
-- If the types referenced in the source file's types are from imports,
-- the generated file will not compile unless they are imported
-- in the generated file, too.
-- However, this will produce compiler warnings in the generated file
-- if the open imports' members aren't used.
-- `tidy-mklens` can't know what these modules import
-- and thus whether they would be used in the generated file.
-- Note: the compiler warns if 2+ open imports are used.
import Prelude
import SomethingElse
import MyModule hiding (someMember)

-- Assumption #2:
-- Each module alias to an open import refers to at most one module.
-- Without this constraint, `tidy-mklens` cannot know which module
-- (e.g. `Module1` or `Module2`) to import in the generated file.
-- Note: the compiler warns if an alias refers to 2+ open imports.
import ImportWithModuleAlias as ThisIsOk
import SomeModule hiding (someMember) as ThisIsAlsoOk
import Module1 as ThisIsBadBecauseItRefersToMultipleModules
import Module2 as ThisIsBadBecauseItRefersToMultipleModules

-- That being said, module aliases to closed imports are ok,
-- even if one alias refers to the multipe modules.
-- All usages of such members will use the qualified notation
-- for them (e.g. `Mod.Type1`), so `tidy-mklens` can determine
-- which module to import to ensure that type is included
-- in the generated `Lens.purs` file.
import ModuleA (Type1, Type2) as Mod
import ModuleB (Type3, Type4) as Mod

-- Explicit imports work fine without issues
import ModuleWithExplicitExports (Foo, bar, baz)