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Django TailwindCSS Redis Heroku


Skaarladder is an open-source ladder creation web app for League of Legends. It allows you to create ladders and compete with your friends to see who can climb higher on SoloQ.

image image

Deploying basics

Modify ALLOWED_HOSTS in to your domain of choice.
Configure the following config vars or put them in a .env file in the project root:

  • API_KEY: Your Riot Games API Key.
  • SECRET_KEY: Your Django secret key.
  • REDIS: Set to any value
    • REDIS_HOST: The IP of your redis DB
    • REDIS_PORT: Port of your redis DB
    • REDIS_DB: Database that will store queue data
    • REDIS_PASSWORD: Your redis password Optionally configure:
  • HEROKU: Set to any value if you are deploying on Heroku
  • SENTRY: Set to any value if you want to use Sentry
    • SENTRY_DSN: Your sentry URL
    • RQ_SENTRY_DSN: Optional unless you want to use a different Sentry endpoint. Used only for RQ jobs. (default: same as SENTRY_DSN)
  • UPDATE_DELAY: The delay between updates, in minutes (default: 10)
  • PLAYER_DATA_UPDATE_DELAY: The delay between checks for player name changes, region changes, etc. (default: 360, meaning 6 hours)
  • RELEASE_CHECK: Set to any value if you want to check for releases. If releases are found, you will be notified through Sentry and the console.
  • RELEASE_CHECK_DELAY = The delay between update checks, in minutes (default: 1440, meaning 1 day)

Deploying through Heroku

After completing the previous step, go into Heroku bash and run:

  • python migrate --run-syncdb
  • python createsuperuser
    Afterwards, just restart the dyno and add a worker if needed to execute the procfile.

Deploying locally

After completing the general setup, do the following:

  • Start your Redis server, which must have been configured through environment variables previously.
  • Go to the project root and activate a venv.
  • Run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set-up your database in
  • Run python migrate --run-syncdb
  • Run python rqworker high default --with-scheduler
    • If you are running on Windows, you have to execute the previous command in WSL.
  • Run the application through your server of choice. Using Gunicorn as an example, run gunicorn SoloQTracker.wsgi:application


You can check out a demo of this running at