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CurrentModule = RemoteSensingToolbox

Quick Start

RemoteSensingToolbox is a pure Julia package which provides a number of utilities for reading, visualizing, and processing remotely sensed imagery. When working with such data, the user is often faced with the need to adapt their approach according to the type of sensor that produced it. For example, decoding digital numbers into radiance, reflectance, or temperature requires knowledge about the encoding scheme used by the satellite product in question. The address these issues, we provide several AbstractSatellite types, which encode various parameters at the type level.

Typically, the first step in a workflow is to read the desired layers from disk. To do so, we first need to place our product within the appropriate context; in this case Landsat8. With this done, we can load whichever layers we desire by simply requesting them by name. A complete list of all available layers can be acquired by calling layers(Landsat8). We typically use a Raster to load a single layer, while a RasterStack is used to load multiple layers at once. By default, RasterStack will read all of the band layers when none are specified. We can also set lazy=true to avoid reading everything into memory up-front.

using RemoteSensingToolbox, Rasters

# Read Landsat Bands
src = Landsat8("data/LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1")
stack = RasterStack(src, lazy=true)

Now let's visualize our data to see what we're working with. The true_color method uses the red, green, and blue bands to produce an image that is familiar to the human eye. In most other frameworks, we would have to specify each of these bands individually, which in turn requires knowledge about the sensor in question. However, because we have placed our scene within a Landsat8 context, true_color is smart enough to figure this out on its own. As an alternative, we could have also called true_color(Landsat8, stack; upper=0.90), which requires passing in the sensor type as the first agument and a RasterStack containing the required bands as the second. Many other methods in RemoteSensingToolbox follow this same pattern.

true_color(src; upper=0.90)

You may have noticed that we set the keyword upper to 0.90. This parameter defines the upper quantile that is used during histogram adjustment and is set to 0.98 by default. However, the presence of bright clouds requires us to lower it in order to prevent the image from appearing too dark. We can remove these clouds by passing the cloud and cloud shadow masks into the apply_masks method. As with other layers, we can simply request them by name.

# Mask Clouds
cloud_mask = Raster(src, :clouds)
shadow_mask = Raster(src, :cloud_shadow)
masked = apply_masks(stack, cloud_mask, shadow_mask)

# Visualize in True Color
true_color(Landsat8, masked)

Now let's try to visualize some other band combinations. The Agriculture band combination is commonly used to emphasize regions with healthy vegetation, which appear as various shades of green.

agriculture(src; upper=0.90)

We'll finish this example by computing a few different land cover indices. Each index expects two bands as input, such as green and swir (MNDWI), red and nir (NDVI), or nir and swir (NDMI). As with visualization, we do not need to specify these bands manually so long as the sensor type is known. In general, each index has three forms: one that requires only a single AbstractSatellite instance, a second that expects both the type of satellite and a RasterStack, and a third which expects a Raster for each band.

# Extract Region of Interest
roi = @view masked[X(5800:6800), Y(2200:3200)]

# Calculate Indices
indices = map(visualize, [mndwi(Landsat8, roi), ndvi(Landsat8, roi), ndmi(Landsat8, roi)])

# Visualize
tc = true_color(Landsat8, roi; upper=0.998)
mosaic = mosaicview([tc, indices...]; npad=10, fillvalue=0.0, ncol=2, rowmajor=true)