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Area - Epitech Project - 2020

The goal of this project is to discover Kotlin and Node.JS (REACT) through the creation of a business application. To do this,we have implemented a software suite that functions similar to that of IFTT and/or Zapier. This software suite will be broken into three parts :

  • An application server to implement all the features listed below (see Features)
  • A web client to use the application from your browser by querying the application server
  • A mobile client to use the application from your phone by querying the application server

Thoses parts have to be shelter on docker and more precisely with docker-compose that use containers.

Installation, configuration and how to launch the project


To install our project, you just have too clone our Github repository from here: AREA

$ git clone
$ cd AREA/


Like we said, we actually use docker, it's kind of easy to launch the project. But before, there is things we must talk. Our project use ngrok. Your must launch it before launching our project. How to launch ngrok:

$ cd ./AreaApi/
$ ./ngrok http 8080

This command create a communication tunnel between API's and our application. API's ? Oh yeah, you have also things to do with that before starting the project. You have to modificate Two Files. Two .env file. One is in AreaWeb part, the other one is in the AreaApi part. First we'll edit the AreaApi .env. Never close the terminal which is hosting ngrok !! Open an other one, go inside our project folder. When you edit the .env file, don't edit the line above ServrUrl line. For the SERVER_URL. Edit ID with the link with your ngrok link. You've see that below, you have a lots of items to provide. To have thoses items. Just sign up with thoses links and inquire the information in the .env

$ cd ./AreaApi/
$ nano .env

For Twitter, click here

* Visit [Twitter](
* Sign in with your twitter account
* Click on 'Create an app'
    * Fill your Application details
    * Enable Sign in with Twitter
    * Add Callback URL =
* Click on 'Permissions'
    * Click on 'Edit'
    * Add 'Read, write, and Direct Messages' permissions
* Click on 'Keys and tokens'
    * Click on 'Generate' access token and access secrete token
    * Add your access token, access secret token, API key and API secret key inside the .env file
* Click on 'Dev environments'
    * Click on 'Set up dev environment' for 'Account Activity API' section
    * Select a name for your environment
    * Select your app
    * Add your environment name selected in the .env

For Spotify, click here

- Aller sur la platforme developper :
- Connectez-vous
- Créer une application et remplissez les champs demandés (rien de special)
- Vous êtes apres redirigé sur la page de l'application
- Vous pouvez y voir le client-id et le client-secret mais caché (vous pouvez le montrer qd vs voulez), ce sont les CLES à mettre dans le .env de /AreaApi
- Faites "Edit settings"
- Mettez en url callback l'url en "" de ngrok qu'il a généré

For Github, click here

* Visit [Github] (
* Sign in with your github account
* Create an 'OAuth AP'
    * Fill the required fields (Application name, Homepage URL)
    * Add Callback URL =
* Add your access tokens in your .env file
    * Client ID as GITHUB_KEY
    * Client secret as GITHUB_SECRET

For Discord, click here:

* Sign in with your Discord account
* Click on 'New Application'
* Register your app by giving it a name
* Click on 'Bot' on the left side panel then on 'Add Bot'
* Add your bot token in your .env file as DISCORD_TOKEN /!\ Be careful not to click on 'Reveal Token' or to push it on Github or it will make your bot token deprecated /!\
* Click on 'OAuth2' on the left side panel
    * Check 'bot' on the 'scopes' panel
* Then on 'bot permissions' check the following 
    * View Audit Log
    * View Server Insights
    * Manage Channels
    * View Channels
    * Send Messages
    * Read Message History
* Add the url that appeared on the 'scopes' panel in your .env file as DISCORD_BOT_URL (ex:

For Dropbox, click here

* Visit [Dropbox](
* Click on 'Create apps'
* Sign in with your Dropbox account
* Create a new app
    * Select 'Dropbox API'
    * Select 'Full Dropbox'
    * Select a name for your app
    * Click on 'Create app'
* Set up your app
    * Add Redirect URI's =
    * Generated access token
    * Click on 'Enable additional users'
    * Click on 'Apply for production'
    * Add 'App key' and 'App secret' inside the .env file
    * Add Webhook URI's =
        * the server API and ngrok must be launch for this action (do this action at the end)

For Mail, click here Only outlook live or hotmail can work for the project

* Create your account and after it's done, just simply put your account in the MAIL and MAIL_PASSWORD env variables







Now let's go in our AreaWeb folder.

$ cd ./AreaWeb/
$ nano .env

You hjust have to to two things.

REACT_APP_SERVER_URI=http://your.beautiful.internet.protocol:8080 ( like)
REACT_APP_URI=http://your.beautiful.internet.protocol:8081 ( like)

How to launch the project

Finally ! The configuration. You'll finally launch our project. To launch it, go to the root folder of our project and simply to this command

$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up
$ docker-compose up --build


Like we said previsously, there is three parts in our project. You have to links. To acces to our API, open your browser and put this URL

But you'll see nothing. You just can access to our swagger documentation and test our project with request. To acces to swagger, got to this URL:

If you want to test our project with the web version just put this link in your browser:

You'll have to register. After this manipulation. Don't forget to link your github, Twitter and others services we offer. Go to the home page, and enjoy the creation of yours AREA's ! You want to do it and your smartphone ? Go here and download our free apk. Soon available on the Play Store

Our services with actions and reaction

Services Actions Reactions
Discord Messaged received A user joined A user is banned Send message Create channel
Twitter Tweet Tweet
Github Push Pull request X
Spotify Music added Add music Play Music Pause music
Mail X Send mail
Timer To to interval X
Dropbox File is added File deleted X
Twitch X Stream started

API Routes


GET - /about.json


Get the about.json file with all the informations about the services

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with the API informations as the services availables and the their actions / reactions
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 400 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.


GET - /area


Send a list of the user's Areas

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with an array of all the area created by the user
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

POST- /area


Create an area between an action and a reaction

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Body fields

action_id Required The id of the action to trigger
reaction_id Required The id of the reaction to perform
action_parameters Required The json with the action's parameters
reaction_parameters Required The json with the reaction's parameters

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET - /area/{id}


Get informations for a specific area

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Path fields

id Required id of the area

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a json containingthe area created by the user
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 or 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

DELETE - /area/{id}


Delete a specific area

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Path fields

id Required id of the area

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a json with a message field
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 or 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.


POST- /auth/register


Register the user inside our service

Body fields

name Required The name of the user
email Required The email of the email
password Required The password of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a token field and the token to use
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

POST- /auth/login


Login the user inside our service

Body fields

email Required The email of the email
password Required The password of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a token field and the token to use
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /auth/github


Login the user with github or associate his account with github (If no token given, create or log the user)

Query fields

cb Required The callback to redirect the user after loging
token Optional The token of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will redirect the user, and after completing connection, he will be redirect to the url given in cb with in query the status that can be OK || KO and if he is connecting, a token field with our api token
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /auth/dropbox


Associate account with dropbox

Query fields

cb Required The callback to redirect the user after loging
token Required The token of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will redirect the user, and after completing connection, he will be redirect to the url given in cb with in query the status that can be OK || KO and a token field with our api token
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /auth/spotify


Associate account with spotify

Query fields

cb Required The callback to redirect the user after loging
token Required The token of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will redirect the user, and after completing connection, he will be redirect to the url given in cb with in query the status that can be OK || KO and a token field with our api token
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- (NGROK url base)/auth/twitter


Associate account with twitter, needs to use the ngrok base url in https

Query fields

cb Required The callback to redirect the user after loging
token Required The token of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will redirect the user, and after completing connection, he will be redirect to the url given in cb with in query the status that can be OK || KO and a token field with our api token
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /auth/discord


Associate account with discord

Query fields

token Required The token of the user

Response format

  • A completed request will redirect the user to the discord auth
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

POST- /auth/logout


Log out the user out of our service api

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message field
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

POST- /auth/logoutAll


Log out the user out of our service api from all his device

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message field
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 404 or 401 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /me


Get the auth user informations

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

PATCH- /me/password


Update password

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Body fields

password Required The password to be changed by the user

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

PATCH- /me/username


Update username

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Body fields

username Required The username to be changed by the user

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /me/username


Get name

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json with a message
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /me/auth


Get all the services auth and their status

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with a name and boolean to know if the user is connected
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /me/auth/{nameService}


Get all the services auth and their status

Header fields

Authorization Required A valid access token from the Area Auth service

Body fields

nameService Required The nameService use to get all the services auth

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with a name and boolean to know if the user is connected
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 403 will be returned together with a json containing a message field.

GET- /services


Send a list of available services

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with a list of all available services
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/{nameService}


Send info about a service

Body fields

nameService Required The nameService use to get all the services auth

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with a the service's informations.
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/{nameService}/actions


Get actions from a specified service

Body fields

nameService Required The nameService use to get all the services auth

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with the actions of the specified service
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/{nameService}/actions/{nameActions}

Get an action from a specified service

Body fields

nameService Required The nameService use to get all the services auth
nameAction Required The nameAction use to get the information of it

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with specified action of the specified service
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/{nameService}/reactions

Get reactions from a specified service

Body fields

nameService Required The nameService use to get all the services auth

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with the reactions of the specified service
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/{nameService}/reactions/{nameReaction}

Get reactions from a specified service

Body fields

nameService Required The nameService use to get all the services auth
nameReaction Required The nameReaction use to get the information of it

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with specific reaction of the specified service
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/reactions/{idReaction}

Get a reaction from a specified service

Body fields

idReaction Required The idReaction use it's own information

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with specific reaction of the specified service
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.

GET- /services/actions/{idAction}

Get a action from a specified service

Body fields

idAction Required The idAction use it's own information

Response format

  • A completed request will return a 200 response code, and inside the body a Json Array with specific action of the specified service
  • When performing an action that is restricted, 401 to 404 will be returned together with a json containing a message error field.


You can acces to different documentation. First one is the Swagger documentation on this URL:

In our repository, there is a pdf which explain each part of our project (Documentation.pdf)

You can also generate documentation from code. You just have to do this (Requirements -> yarn) :

$ cd ./AreaWeb/
$ yarn docs:build
$ firefox docs/index.html
$ cd ./AreaApi/
$ yarn docs:build
$ firefox docs/index.html


Hugo Berthome, Romane Bézier, Esther Bailloux, Clément Dumaine, Fabien Brosset and Gabin Warnier-de-Wailly