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File metadata and controls

174 lines (134 loc) · 5.25 KB

Toast And Alert


  • Show toast message (success, error, info, warning)
  • Show alert message (with one & two button action)

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding ToastAlert as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

Language: SwiftUI
iOS Version: 14.0 or later
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

Import the framework

First thing is to import the package. See the Installation instructions on how to add the swift package manager to your project.

import ToastAlertSwiftPackage

Write code for Toast Message

Once imported ToastAlertSwiftPackage, now you can write code for toast message

import SwiftUI
import ToastAlertSwiftPackage

//MARK: - ContentView
struct ContentView: View {
    /// `Properties`
    @State private var toast: ToastView? = nil
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            VStack {
                Button("Show Toast") { /// `Toast button`
                    toast = ToastView(type: .success, title: "Success", message: "This is success message", duration: 3.0)
                    //toast = CustomToast(type: .error, title: "Error", message: "This is error message", duration: 5.0)
                    //toast = CustomToast(type: .info, title: "Info", message: "This is info message", duration: 3.0)
                    //toast = CustomToast(type: .warning, title: "Warning", message: "This is warning message")
            }//: end VStack
        .toastView(toast: $toast)

Here you can show toast message 4 way. There are 5 parameter where you can modify each others:

  1. type
  2. title
  3. message
  4. duration
  5. yOffset ///Default set -30

Show Success toast

toast = ToastView(type: .success, title: "Success", message: "This is success message", duration: 3.0)

Show Error toast

toast = ToastView(type: .error, title: "Error", message: "This is error message", duration: 3.0)

Show Info toast

toast = ToastView(type: .info, title: "Info", message: "This is info message", duration: 3.0)

Show Warning toast

toast = ToastView(type: .warning, title: "Warning", message: "This is warning message", duration: 3.0)

Show toast without title and set yOffset

toast = ToastView(type: .success, title: "", message: "This is warning message", duration: 3.0, yOffset: -50)

Write code for Alert Message

Once imported ToastAlertSwiftPackage, now you can write code for alert message

import SwiftUI
import ToastAlertSwiftPackage

//MARK: - ContentView
struct ContentView: View {
    /// `Properties`
    @State private var presentAlert: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            VStack {
                Button("Show Alert") { /// `Alert button`
                    presentAlert = true
            }//: end VStack
            /// `Present Alert`
            if presentAlert{
                //CustomAlert(presentAlert: $presentAlert, alertType: .constant(.oneButton(title: "Do you want to delete?", message: "If you delete this file then you won’t please again check everything"))){ withAnimation{  presentAlert.toggle() }
                //} rightButtonAction: { withAnimation{ presentAlert.toggle() } }
                CustomAlert(presentAlert: $presentAlert, alertType: .constant(.twoButton(title: "Do you want to delete?", message: "If you delete this file then you won’t please again check everything"))){
                } rightButtonAction: {
            }//: End present alert

Here you can show alert message 2 way. There are 2 parameter where you can modify each others:

  1. title
  2. message

Show one button alert

CustomAlert(presentAlert: $presentAlert, alertType: .constant(.oneButton(title: "Do you want to delete?", message: "If you delete this file then you won’t please again check everything"))){
    } rightButtonAction: {

Show two button alert

CustomAlert(presentAlert: $presentAlert, alertType: .constant(.twoButton(title: "Do you want to delete?", message: "If you delete this file then you won’t please again check everything"))){
    } rightButtonAction: {